View Full Version : is a minimag (upgraded) a tourney-level gun?

03-20-2002, 05:41 PM
I just wanted to know what you guys think on this. I was talking to a leader of a team that I was thinking about joining (until i found they are too far away) and he said that a minimag would not be good enough for tournaments. So i was wondering what you all thought, whether an upgraded minimag would be a good tourney gun or not.

This is assuming that the minimag has a lapco ss 12in, intelliframe, ricochet, and a nitro tank running (disregarding size here because air can be filled after every game anyway). Im also planning on a ReTro Valve sometime too.

Dont vote unless you have played on a team in tourneys, or still play on a team.

03-20-2002, 06:06 PM
Minimags are quite capable of holding their own against the cockers and electros commonly found in tourneys. They are even more effective once you start putting upgrades on them. I would suggest a warp, intelliframe, retro, and N2. After that, it will be right up there with the high-end guns.

03-20-2002, 06:20 PM
Ya thats what i thought, more votes plz.......

03-20-2002, 06:37 PM
As long as you have a ReTro (and N2) you should be fine.

03-20-2002, 07:24 PM
I'd say it more less depends on your position. If you a back player, I wouldn't use a mag. Even an RT isn't all that suitable for a back player. They should bee shooting angels, E-mags, bushies and the like. Guns that can fire 9-10 bps without much effort. For a front palyer a mini mag with N2, and a freak (or other system) would be a good gun. Mabey not the best gun, but a good novie touneyment level gun.

03-20-2002, 07:29 PM
Startup team... I'm playing with spyders, piranhas, and tippmans right now... I'm only using my pg1 pro right now but I am sure that it is tourney capable...

03-20-2002, 07:31 PM
I head up a team and a have a retro micromag but i also have a STO and a freeflow cocker. We have two teammates that only use mags one has a retro minimag the other has a minimag with few upgrades. the rest consist of three angels, five cockers, and one timmy, but believe me the mags have no problem competing they make good tournament guns.

03-20-2002, 08:55 PM
I second mink. With a retro and HPA you shouldn't have any problem.

03-20-2002, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Poseidon
I'd say it more less depends on your position. If you a back player, I wouldn't use a mag. Even an RT isn't all that suitable for a back player. They should bee shooting angels, E-mags, bushies and the like. Guns that can fire 9-10 bps without much effort. For a front palyer a mini mag with N2, and a freak (or other system) would be a good gun. Mabey not the best gun, but a good novie touneyment level gun.

what are you talking about? a rt or retro can fire as fast as a electro if you use the trigger to its fullist. it can definatly fire 9-10 bps. you just have to lern to play with it.

To ansur your question, a minimag can be a great turny gun. i would say nitro and the retro valve are needed. with the retro you can hold your own prety easy. i use an rt and it can definatly keep up with electros.

And again, Poseidon, what are you talking about?

03-20-2002, 11:15 PM
I don't think this has been said but I think that any marker is a tournament capable marker. I think the real question is that of whether the player is tourney capable??? :) this is derived by the 95%player 5% marker or whatever ...

03-21-2002, 09:07 AM
I was always under the impression that it's the player and not the gun. :D

03-21-2002, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Predater

what are you talking about? a rt or retro can fire as fast as a electro if you use the trigger to its fullist. it can definatly fire 9-10 bps. you just have to lern to play with it.

There is no doubt that they can handle shooting that fast, but I where a back player, I wouldn't be shooting an RT. It wouldn't be a bad gun, but there are other guns out there (such as emags, angels, bushies, shockers) that would better suit a back player IMO. They are easier to shoot faster. For a front player or a insert type player a RT would work great. Im a bit biased though because im not a fan of the RT trigger. I just feals weird to me. For a front player a gun like a shocker, or martix wouldn't be a good choice (to big and heavy, not to mention the big nitro tank you'll need). These are just my opinions so don't flame me for it.

03-21-2002, 11:51 AM
All you really need to be competitive in a tourney with a minimag is N2 and a fast trigger finger. I was a back player with an STO cocker and a Timmy. I now play up front more and I still shoot my timmy, but I also shoot my minimag with retro valve(kinda don't like it as much my minimag valve that I sold -stupid me.)...it's all about the skills not what marker you run with. I've seen a guy play with a PT Extreme as his frontline marker. He did ok with it as well...

03-21-2002, 12:32 PM
Just tell them 'Then Why did Manny from Aftershock shoot a Retromag until he got his SFL?'

soilent green
03-21-2002, 12:43 PM
look at my mag in my sig I play back and I use this and rip on the trigger I shoot faster than my team mate that has a shocker but thats just my awsome trig finger I shoot 7-9bps easy

03-21-2002, 06:12 PM
I think I shoot like 7 balls a second and at a max level of 8 a second (for a short period of time, usually when a ball breaks), stock. I play with kids that shoot tippmanns and spyders mostly (when i dont go to a field) and almost every time we come out of the woods from the speedball course me and this other kid made, they are just amazed at how fast I am shooting. Sometimes when i do go to a field, people even with high-end guns notice that I am shooting pretty damn fast. All i can say is that the mag is one fAsT shooting gun. I just cant wait until I get the intelliframe...

03-21-2002, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Poseidon

These are just my opinions so don't flame me for it.

sorry man. i wasnt trying to flame you. i cant shoot a electro fast. the rt trigger has spoiled me.:) i cant shoot my old mag cuz i short stroke to much now. but if you now the rt trigger it can shoot really fast. you do have to now how to use the trigger thow.

03-22-2002, 09:52 AM
I short stoke y mag a bit more than I'd like too. Elcd frame will help that though. I got it for free :) hehhehe

03-22-2002, 02:53 PM
I play rec ball often against tournament teams and fear no marker anyone owns. I have a setup precisely as you speak of. I know my marker can give any marker on the market a run for it's money, and I've proven it to myself, which is what really counts.

03-22-2002, 11:49 PM
Yeah mags are sweet, I agree, but here's how much it costs for that crap:
350 for gun
70 for barrel
115 for chrome intelli
200 for retro, trade in
total=$735, thats a lot guys, try comparing those $700 electros. im not sure if i would like the electros though, because there is a lot in a Mag that I like. Plus, god damn if I had the intelliframe and retro (not to mention i still need a ricochet lol) I would never trade my gun.

03-23-2002, 10:03 AM
Minimags are for the front players who need small profiles.
With a drop forward and nito its a tournament level gun.

03-23-2002, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by drx975
Yeah mags are sweet, I agree, but here's how much it costs for that crap:
350 for gun
70 for barrel
115 for chrome intelli
200 for retro, trade in

buy an new rt pro. less than 600 for gun that comes with intellifeed and retro. then buy barrel.

or find a used one. thatl still be cheaper.

03-24-2002, 01:16 AM
Just install a ReTro Valve, Super Bolt, and Intelliframe. Maybe even a Warp Feed. The Gun will kick major @$$. I have a Minimag and I just installed a Intelliframe and wired it, I waiting for my Retro Valve to show up from AGD.

03-24-2002, 05:44 PM
Jewie, how does that intelliframe work out? How much faster/smoother is it? I am getting one anyway, but its always good to know people's opinions...

03-25-2002, 08:29 PM
im not Jeuie;) . but i can ansure the intelliframe question. the intellifeed works great. a halo would be beter or even warpfeed. but the intellifeed does help to not outshoot the hopper. i still outshoot the hoper but it does help.

03-25-2002, 08:58 PM
I already know that and I dont think I will intellifeed my hopper (ricochet2k when I decide to buy one) because it doesn't need it. What I want is a smooth, faster frame, that looks nice (and it does :)). Basically I want to increase my ROF. My question is: will it do that? And if so, by how much? Also, is the pull any shorter than stock?

03-25-2002, 09:14 PM

your hopper does what the intelifeed maks a revy do, and without wires and mods. no fare. I had to modify my revy to do that.

the pull is about the same as a stock trigger frame in lingth. there is almost no wabble from side to side. and it looks great. i have a crome one on my rt pro with the grove trigger. and i have a gloss black one on my automagrt with blade trigger. i like the blade way more and plan to buy a blade trigger for the crome frame. o ya, you could put a trigger stop in to shortin the pull. just make it adjustible so you can make it stop the trigger after it shoots so it wont cause problems. this would void all warenties from agd on the frame thow.

does this ansure the question?

[edit] i forgot, the frame is faster than a single finger trigger cuz it has a softer pull. but longer pull. but if you use a 2x trigger it probably wont be any faster. if its more comfortable to you it will help thow. i like 45s beter than the stock frames.[edit]

03-26-2002, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Poseidon

There is no doubt that they can handle shooting that fast, but I where a back player, I wouldn't be shooting an RT. It wouldn't be a bad gun, but there are other guns out there (such as emags, angels, bushies, shockers) that would better suit a back player IMO. They are easier to shoot faster.

Not to flame...but this makes no sense, I have had my share of mags, just got rid of my RT Pro for an Emag, Why cant u shoot an RT Pro in back, yet an emag, which is the same gun, just solenoid assisted, is ok? As well as the fact that my RT Pro hit a sweetspot so well I had to put a warp on it to keep paint in it.

oh well...to each his own

and as for the mini, it is fine. I have seen many mags and RT's in upper level events such as GPL and NPPL. Use whatever you are comfortable with, if you like your mini and can shoot it well, then it is a tourney level marker.
over half of my team uses various mags, and hopefully I can convert the rest over, since many other high end markers go down way too often.

03-26-2002, 07:22 PM
I used to use a mini decked out with all ANS parts and reactor valve, I had a SS Lapco 12" bigshot on it. I played a few tourneys with it and had no problem what so ever. I never had a need for a retro valve because I usually try to aim before I shoot. My ROF was high enough, and I could usually shoot out one of the other team off the bat with it. The mag has plenty of range and power to it. Its the player not the gun. Have fun.

03-26-2002, 07:27 PM
Well we won our local tourney, and I had my Minimag, not even with an Intelliframe on it. Just the Mini, 12v Revy, and a 47/3000 Nitro. Works perfect, and it's small and tight for me as a front player.q

03-26-2002, 07:45 PM
Minimags are fine for a tourney gun, and ig you're a front player who plays the snake or other lie down bunkers (like me) they are the best, my mini mag is only 1'3" long and 1'2" tall, i dont want some gigantic, shoebox of a gun ...ahem shocker... or else ill get gun hits again and again, and with my input pressure above 800 PSI, i get insane trigger bounce and my gun is basically full auto. all 'mags are great tourney guns, just look at my signature and see for yerself(try not to drool)

03-26-2002, 08:34 PM
Nice....yeah I have no trouble eliminating people with guns that cost 600 700 or 800, I took out someone with a black magic, and someone with a shocker no problem. I also have a 47ci..heh kinda small but it should work. 95% player 5% gun. IMO its really like 80% player 20% gun.

03-27-2002, 12:04 PM
mimimag is a great gun and i've done great in tourneys with mine even without an intelliframe. They are definatly better then autocockers and compete well with anything you'l go up against. With a RT valve upgrade you will be in the top end of guns. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that automags are past thier prime and incapable of competition, they are still up there and i would never give mine up. :)

03-27-2002, 10:11 PM
The Intelliframe is awesome. Dye Sticky Grips and a Blade Trigger. It feels great. The best part is the Intellifeed link that I installed using AGD's list of Radio Shack parts. It took about an hour to install the wires and switch. It involves stripping wires, connecting wires, soldering and taping. It works perfectly, allowing the trigger to activate the paddles in the VL Revolution in addition to the sensor in the neck of the loader.

I highly recommend this product to any Mag owner. Got mine from www.dropzonepaintball.com

My ReTro Valve will be arriving tomorrow, can't wait.

03-29-2002, 08:59 PM
I have a Minimag, Hyperframe, 14" Freak, Superbolt, 68ci Flatline tank, and a 12v x board,kapp extendor, and I love it. I shoot as fast as angels and is more accurate, doesnt break paint either, and yet very reliable. Yes minimags are tourny level guns even stock(my opinion), but with a few upgrades it makes it lots better.

03-30-2002, 11:36 AM
Thnx every1 i didnt expect such a massive amount of replies, but all helped, and now I know that I'm not the only one that thinks that you dont have to shoot an angel to play tourneys...

03-30-2002, 07:55 PM
drx975, awesome point on the cost. Here's how my cost breaks down:
Smart Parts Impulse - $400
HALO - $100(Guy who sold it to me was a FOOL!HAHAHAHA)
ACI Bulldog 45/3000 - $98
Freak - $120
Trigger upgrade - $25
Total - $743
For this money and the knowledge of how to use it, angels, emags, cockers, whatever, they get out the kneepads and chapstick when I roll up...

04-01-2002, 12:01 PM
If you put a Retro Valve on it, your mini will be able to keep up. Add a Warp and you've got a very competitive marker.

04-03-2002, 07:27 PM
if your are reliing on your gun more than your skill (and i dont mean trigger skill) your not going to last very long, join a stock legue and develop your playing skills then you can play at any level with any gun!

04-04-2002, 09:20 AM
It is all skill though. If you can't keep your cool on the field and are just skitzing out shooting all over the place your not going to win. If your team communicates well and keeps cool, plays strategic, you have a much better chance.

04-05-2002, 05:19 AM
you might want to get a hyperframe

then i would be as good as an emag

04-05-2002, 08:15 PM
For everyone who just said skill is important, along with teamwork, yes I am very well aware of that. I played with my friends today for 5 hours straight :D and I played like poop sometimes becuase in the end I really didnt do anything. I forgot my whole skill relies on being a front player, becuase I cant snapshoot fast while aiming. I dont know how to be a back player, I just hate shooting massive amounts of paint at nothing, which is what I was doing. Eventually I realized my problem and got up front in the beginning of the game. And as a front player, I waited for the moment (one was 10ft in front of me) and started eliminating the other team. So yes i know skill plays a part im just saying, you know, that the gun helps.

Creative Mayhem
04-16-2002, 05:23 PM
Hey man I own both an Angel LCD and a tricked mini. I find that the angel throws alot of paint but I can throw almost as much with my mini. I am for the record a back player, and I don't have a problem keeping head down for my front men to move up. My mag is more reliable and easier to repair than the angel. If at an outdoor tourney the mag will still function in the rain, where as the angel will not. I do agree, that it is more the palyer than the marker, but the marker can make the man in some cases. Minimags are excellent tourney markers, they will always work, no matter what! Gas and go, it's just that simple!

Creative Mayhem

06-23-2002, 07:52 PM
yea..i think any gun is tourney ready if you do good with it

06-27-2002, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Predater

what are you talking about? a rt or retro can fire as fast as a electro if you use the trigger to its fullist. it can definatly fire 9-10 bps. you just have to lern to play with it.

To ansur your question, a minimag can be a great turny gun. i would say nitro and the retro valve are needed. with the retro you can hold your own prety easy. i use an rt and it can definatly keep up with electros.

And again, Poseidon, what are you talking about?

06-28-2002, 08:55 AM
"No" what dude? What are you talking about?

07-22-2002, 10:04 PM
thats rite mike, no need for intelli, my dealers benchmark shot 16 a sec

07-28-2002, 11:00 PM
Certainly i have a warp mag with a soon to come hyperframe and i know it can keep up with any electro well seeing that mine is going to be half electro now. I did have intelliframe and it could keep up fine i just traded it for a warp though.

sanku X
07-29-2002, 10:16 PM
A few people said what I was wanting to say, so I hope the kid who asked this question has his answer.

The players who give you a hard time because of your gun have not really figured out how this game is played, so don't listen to them.

That is like asking a man in a wheel chair how to dance...

This post won't be as long as some of my others...so let's just say, that if you need a certain gun to be able to play...

You are not ready to play...

07-30-2002, 01:19 PM
I played in a lot of tourneys with my stock mini and didn't have a problem till I got to amateur ball and the rate of fire to do things need to go up. so I bought a impulse w/vision to get the rate of fire up. then Mr. tom just had to come out with the lvl 10 and i just had to buy it to try it out and it dumped with the stock valve makes me want to go back and go retro and really compare. I'm looking for a cheap retro and if it was good enough i would dump the impy in a sec because i love AGD's service. the mini is just so compact and maneuverable i love it