View Full Version : Are Warps good to go out of box?

The Mag Man
03-21-2002, 06:03 PM

I won't have to mess with any settings or anything when I first get this will I? It SHOULD be ready to go as soon as I open it. Or will I have to oil up the wheels or anything like that?

03-21-2002, 06:11 PM
I didn't change any settings (dwell, sensitivity, ect) and w/ a 9V battery and intellifeed to EMAG, it turns the recommended 1/4 turn per shot.

No problems with PMI Premium (Advantage Shell) but I've only fired a few hundred rounds through it.

03-21-2002, 06:18 PM
Kayle at AGD said it's best to put a battery in it, turn it on, and run it until the battery is completely drained. Everything should then be nicely broken in and it'll be more consistant than if you start putting paint through it immediately.

03-21-2002, 06:58 PM
i got a warp feeder
first day i ran it till the batteries died
then i put it on my RT
then just dialed it it
total labor involved like 2 hours

works like a champ just make sure if youi get one you replace the drive belt every now and then so it doesnt slip

they are totally cool though
revy or halo on top just feels weird after using a warpfeed for a while

shooting over bunkers is fun again and shooting upside down also very cool when clearing tunnels at renegade fields

The Mag Man
03-21-2002, 08:24 PM
What do you mean stay away from the 9 volt?
And what do you mean "just dialed it in"
And what did you do that took two hours on it?

03-22-2002, 12:14 AM
what is the recommended usaged before "replace the drive belt every now and then so it doesnt slip"???

03-22-2002, 01:05 AM
A few things:

You want to take a cheap 9V you have laying around and put it in the Warp, turn up the sensitivity all the way and let it run until the battery drains. This breaks in the carbon brushes in the motor so they don't spark and create electrical noise that can interfere with the vibration sensor.

Once you've got it broke in, mount it on your gun, position it with the Revy where you like it and then tighten down all the mounting screws. Now gas it up and fire it a few times. Adjust the blue dial down until it stops spinning when you shoot it and then turn it up a bit past that and it should be fine. Just make for certain that it's spinning on every trigger pull.

Set your jumpers so you have two vertical in the block of four on the left side of the Warp board.

Make sure there's no casting flash in the ends of the hose and that your adapters are on all the way so you don't have a gap inbetween the hose and the adapter. Also, make sure you press in the adapter all the way that goes in the Warp to connect the hose.

Also, what I do is disconnect the Warp drive belt after each day of play so that it's not constantly being stretched when it doesn't need to be. This allows them to last longer and maintains plenty tension on the pulleys.

Kaiser Bob
03-22-2002, 01:51 AM
Hey black, I was wondering, can you get a brushless motor the size that would work in a warp? I know they are much more expensive but dont they operate more efficently and easier to make them run faster?

03-22-2002, 03:40 AM
i use the cartidge because its more consistant and it last longer+i have rechargable AA's that i use which = less $

i lost the instructions right off the bat so it took longer to figure out

i replaced my belt after 6 months cause it started slipping

i left mine on the pulley = dumb idea

i love it though so compact it should be illegal

03-22-2002, 11:26 AM
The warp comes with a AA cartridge, mine did'nt come with one.

03-22-2002, 12:57 PM
Mine either. Maybe it's just the ProTeam warps?

Later ~

03-22-2002, 12:59 PM
PLEASE take the time to read your Warps instructions and set it up properly. Black pretty much outlined what you need to do.

I would venture to say that 90% of the people out there complaining about warp feeds are people who took it out of the box and slapped it on thier gun. That is NOT the way to do it. Read the instructions, and set it up the right way. A teammate of mine was too lazy to do so, and he missed a good hour of playtime setting it up at the field because of problems.

03-22-2002, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by dogEmedic
The warp comes with a AA cartridge, mine did'nt come with one.

My didn't either. I just use a 9 volt. I even saw Tom put a 9 volt in his warp. They can't be all that bad! ;)

03-22-2002, 01:28 PM
i do not have a proteam Warp...

you guys didnt get the AA cartridge??


03-22-2002, 04:19 PM
I just got my AGD warp the other day, no AA cartridge :rolleyes:

Kaiser Bob
03-22-2002, 06:16 PM
Anybody know enough about brushless motors to answer my question?

03-22-2002, 10:10 PM
what are you gonna use it for?
i put mine right below my hopper...
that way no one sees it

03-23-2002, 02:08 AM
The old Warps came with a 6V adapter that held 4 AA's. The deal is, nobody really used them because they wanted the faster spin from using 9V's, so AGD stopped including them with the Warp. You can go to Radio Shack and find the EXACT same adapter for a couple bucks.

RT 01037
03-23-2002, 10:18 AM
can i see another two pics of your gun maybe one from the side and one from behind?

03-23-2002, 01:51 PM
worked great right out of the box. love it. had to tap new holes on the warp bracket to suit my needs. also did the two 9v mod to mine, very easy, very cheap. and you can turn if off. can also run on one 9v if need be.

scroll down to
"This is what you need to install two 9V batteries for longer run time"


The Mag Man
03-23-2002, 02:23 PM
I tried to do this and the hose wouldnt fit in, AND NEITHER WOULD MY REVOLUTION! Do I have to use some muscle to get the hose in or what? And why does the Warp not come with an extra adapter for Revs? They are the most popular loader!

03-23-2002, 02:28 PM
whoa. there is a hose adapter that goes into the warp first. your revo does fit.
if you look at your warp with the screwedin plate on the right...

your hose to gun goes up front and your revy goes in back. i had to sand the warp adapter a little to fit.

The Mag Man
03-23-2002, 07:20 PM
My Rev does not fit! And if you had to sand the adapter to fit into the Warp then thats a load of horse crap. AGD should have made the thing to fit the product they made it for.

03-23-2002, 09:22 PM
Maybe he got a bad apple. Mine fit together with no problems at all.

The Mag Man
03-23-2002, 09:57 PM
I'm not saying mine doesnt fit together, just that my Revlution doesnt fit into the Warp. It looks like I will have to take so electrical tape around the Rev's neck to make it a tight fit. Thats retarded! It should fit in there, and if they didn't make it Rev size, then they need to have an adapter that comes with the darn thing for the Rev!

03-24-2002, 02:03 AM
If they're not fitting because it's too tight, then you need to loosen the Warp housing screws and then retighten then once you get everything positioned.

The Revy being too loose is the way it is because BE screwed up the Revy. They made the neck smaller to fit their cheap elbows they include with their guns so now there's no standard on neck size. AGD kept the 1" neck size hole for old Revys and if BE every gets it together again to make it the way it use to be. It's better to have a larger hole for the Revy than too small of one. On the smaller neck Revys you can get a hopper neck spreader or just use electrical tape.

The Mag Man
03-24-2002, 01:24 PM
Wow BE really sucks. Thanks for the info Black.

The Mag Man
03-27-2002, 01:22 PM
How would I go about oiling up the wheels?

03-27-2002, 10:57 PM
stupid BE, why do they have to be so rich as to buy JT and viewloader? and why did those selfish businessmen taket the offer from BE? The only product of brass eagle that is their O-rings, and even they fail sometimes!!! by the way, how fast will a wapr feed consistently as in there would never be any gap in the paintballs if you free-fed them? and is it true that if you buy more hose for the warp that your batteries are gonna run out faster because the wheels have more weight to push?

03-27-2002, 11:00 PM
sorry, 4got to add this for "mag-man"

if your revvy is too loose, then what you do, is get an O-ring (preferably BE) and cut it in half, then stick it in between the crack where the to half-shells come together at the neck. hope it helps