View Full Version : is it really that bad?

03-21-2002, 11:05 PM
I've heard a lot of bad things about the major touny scene (cheating, unprofessionalism, biased refs, etc.). I was just wondering if it was really as bad as it sounds, or do only the bad stories make it to people who arent involved with it?

03-22-2002, 12:07 AM
It is impossible to watch all the games at a tourney, too many running at the same time. But when a person witnesses some poor behavior during one or two games, the whole tourney becomes painted with the broad brush of opinion.

Granted, there are boorish players in any sport (John Rocker, Mike Tyson etc..), and paintball is made up of "extreme" types of people. So, just like rude snowboarders, skateboarders, skaters, surfers, BMXers, moto-crossers, the sport gets a bad rep of being full of cheaters and acts of unprofessionalism.

The only way it will clean up, is for YOU to monitor your own behavior, and point out to others when their rudeness is not acceptable. I never hesitate to reprimand someone for being a fool, usually I get cussed at for doing so until I bring up my "mean 'ol drill sergeant" voice!

I ask nicely ONCE, then I give them a taste of what others hear from them, and it ain't pretty! I have noooo problem getting loud in public!

I have had people come back and apologise for being jerks, which means they knew they were wrong.

03-22-2002, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Army
The only way it will clean up, is for YOU to monitor your own behavior, and point out to others when their rudeness is not acceptable. I never hesitate to reprimand someone for being a fool, usually I get cussed at for doing so until I bring up my "mean 'ol drill sergeant" voice!

I ask nicely ONCE, then I give them a taste of what others hear from them, and it ain't pretty!

I must say I like that attitude . ( not a joke) I think we would get along good!
