View Full Version : Bad week getting worse...

03-22-2002, 07:53 AM
Okay so too sum it all up so far this week has absolutely bitten the big one. The way it's going I think I may just call in to work today and tomorrow and just hide under my bed until it's over....
Monday: Got to work, got a crappy assignment, with marriage mail to every house on my 5 hour route (about 750 houses). (I'm a mailman and my route changes daily since I'm not a regular, so my boss just feeds me the crap routes when someone is off)
Tuesday: Boss calls and wakes me up (7:00 in the morning, I get up at 7:15, but that's besides the point) to inform me that I am going to a different city because they're short staffed there and need help. (I rotate between cities as needed since I'm not a regular)
Wednesday: Garbage man knocks on my door. Guess what this idiot did, he hit my PARKED car with his truck doing about $4800 in damage (3800 in body work the other 1000 is just to make it road safe so I can drive it to work and back). I call my insurance and they tell me that I'm not covered for repairs since I only have no fault, and I have to pay for all the reapirs myself. Per my insurance, my coverage dosen't have collision even if someone hit me.
Thursday: I have the day off from work to get together with a friend of mine in town from Boston, and she calls to inform me that she can't come over (we made plans to meet for lunch and catch up since I haven't seen her in over 3 months)because she got arrested for driving on a suspended license (don't ask about that that's a whole different story), and has to go to court at 1:00. So, I call my boss and asked her about my start time for friday she tells me what it is, and since my plans are shot come in for "a few hours" if I want. Me being the guy that I am, figure what the heck, why not I can use the hours now that my car needs to be repaird, get in and the few hours (normally 2 or 3 hours of carrying)is actually 4 1/2 (the entire route except for 1/2 of a block)
As you all can tell, my week has been comletely shot to (insert your own profanity here) and I'm without a vehicle until I can come up with the money to pay for the towing and storage charges, and then I still have to come up with all the money to get the thing repaired. So if anyone out there is in SE Michigan (southern Wayne or northern Monore county would even be better) and wants to help a fellow paintballer out with getting my car repaired I'd apreciate it, or if you are rich and want to loan some cash so I can get the work done I'd be eternally grateful. Also if anyone has ever had a week worse than this, I'd like to see if you can top this one. Just remember my week isn't over yet, and something could still happen to me today.

03-22-2002, 08:15 AM
The garbage truck driver's insurance should pay for the repairs. He's was at fault. If he tries to tell you he is not responsible for the damages he is a dirty rotten liar. You should not, and will not pay for the repairs. I cannot stress that enough! I should hope you recorded his license and truck #. If you didn't, call your town/city hall and inform them of what happened. They should be able to help you, and at the very least, give you the driver's information.

03-22-2002, 08:44 AM
the city should pay to fix your car. seeing as how you where not driving (cause that would be a different story under MI no fault), it would be the same as if the garbage man ran into your house. This is what is part of PL/PD (personal liability and property damage), since the driver damaged personal property, his insurance company is responsible for fixing your car.

PS go to futureball on april 20th. we're trying to get a big AO meet together.
PPS who's your insurance company? I've got a buddy who's an agent that I could call and ask him about this.

03-22-2002, 09:00 AM
I am afraid I can only give you these few words of comfort:
"When it rains, it pours" and "Stuff happens"

In the ancient and time honored, American tradition, you should offically, literally, and metaphorically give this week the finger.

And (you though I was done, didn't you:D ) I would just like to thank you for working a crummy job just so we can get our mail. Thank you.

P.S. would it be possible to slip the Victoria's Secret catologe into my mail box;)

03-22-2002, 01:28 PM
ya, i'm sure lots of people had weeks worse then that...any loss of a loved one would be 100x worse..

03-22-2002, 01:29 PM
ya, i'm sure lots of people had weeks worse then that...any loss of a loved one would be 100x worse..but your a post office guy and they have high suicide rates so...NAW MAN! IT'LL ALL BE BETTER NEXT WEEK. (JK ;) )

03-22-2002, 07:43 PM
Slateman: The Victoria's secret catalog is may be doable, at least you're not like eveyone else and asking me not to deliver any bills, and just checks.

Wyn: I've talked to my insurace in detail about this and all I'm entitled too according to them is $400 from the company for the plpd. So unless your buddy is an insurace god or genius, I'm gonna be having to take this one in the rear. As for the AO meeting at Futureball on the 4/20, where is it, and I'll try to make it (assuming I have a vehicle to drive by then)PM me or reach me on AIM at the same screen name with some details.

As for the garbage truck company: it's an outside contractor for the city, and they're being a bunch of jerks, and I'm in the midst of playing phone tag with their lawyers, today alone there have been about 6 messages left between the 2 of us. I think they may want to make a settlement out of this. (Who knows, maybe I'll get a new car compliments of the garbage company).

And as a side note I want to appologize to Thlibo, for having to back out of buying his 114/45 tank from him because of what happened, he was really understanding about this and isn't holding it against me.

03-23-2002, 08:12 AM
I'll give him a call on monday and see what he can tell me. As far as futureball on the 20th, just show up and look for a group of guys carrying mags, at least 1 intimidator, and a phantom.

03-23-2002, 01:57 PM

dude just sue the garbage man for ur car

as for the rest of the bad things that have happened, just think it can only get better