View Full Version : thoughts about the low pressure fad

soilent green
03-23-2002, 08:38 PM
You know thier are so many people bragging about thier low pressure guns like shockers and so many people say how air effficient LPs are but think about all these shockers and other lp guns that have 2 piece barrels with 4-6 inch affective barrel lengths. Now if you have a lower pressure burst of air say 200psi well its going to take the ball longer to acceleratethe ball to 280fps so this 2 piece barrel fad is working against this LP fad. how can this be "air efficiency at its finest. I think this explains why so many shocker owners say what gas hogs thier guns are. I thought this was interesting and its been on my mind for a while. What do you think.

03-23-2002, 08:56 PM
Shockers are only gas-hogs on nitro, c02 is fine. Imps eat nitro too.

03-23-2002, 08:58 PM
it doesnt matter how LP my gun is, im still going to be shooting it at you

at least that really how i take it all, "oh no your shocker runs a 38psi" who cares?

i just dont really buy into it, and i did own a shocker, it was my first electro