View Full Version : Gas Eating Monster!!!!!

03-24-2002, 10:29 AM
i bought a used field mag that had the govoner instaled so that it wouldn't shoot over 280. The problem is that it still eats up gas. i have a 14" jj ceramic and a Lapco bigshot, both are gas efficiant barrels. My friend and i did a little test to see if it was just me but sure enough, he was getting ten times more shots. we both have crossfire 88\3000 tanks but he has a stock cocker. we held them next to eachother when they had full tanks; then we simutaniously started firing. mine went down a notch after around 20 shots while his barely even moved.

ANY SUGESTIONS WOULD BE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-24-2002, 08:27 PM
There is no "governer" limiting it to 280.
If you have everything set up correctly you should be able to shoot atleast 320 before it starts to leak. Unless you have a lousy paint-barrel match.
"After around 20 shots"
Thats redicuous. The only real way you could measure then, and this still isn't even close to accuracte would be to get the exact same barrels. Then both use the same paint, and sit there with dial calipers to make sure you get the same sized balls. Then chrono in, at 300 or so, with your velocities identical. Then fire about 500 shots. Now look at your gauge. This is about as accurate as you are going to get without buying special equipment. Also, gauges arn't 100% accrate, they can deviate some.

03-25-2002, 10:24 AM
My E-mag gets about 900-1k shots out of a 68ci/3k tank with the longnose bolt, and about 1200 with the superbolt...you must have some severe blowback, that's the only way I can think that extra air is escaping. Perhaps a good cleaning and a proper power tube spacer could fix your problem. from your "test" you can't really be sure that your gun is that inefficient...especially if it was just after a fill. the cooling of the tank alone takes about 500psi out of a 68ci/3k.

I believe what he meant to say was that his field owner had "WDP gov'nairs" (stock angel regs) on the mags; secondary regulators that were set low enough that they "starved" the AIR and didn't allow it enough pressure into mag for it get higher than 280FPS.

03-25-2002, 10:37 AM
I know everybody has a difference of opinion on this matter, but for me I have never owned a gas effient Mag! I have owned 15-16 Mag's and they were all the same "GAS HOGS"
The most I have ever gotten out of 68/3000 tank was about 800 shots! I even tried an 88/4500 tank. Outside of being big and heavy the effiency was poor, about 1100 shots! You can all say what you like, but this is my experiance. I have tried stock valves, ANS regs, reactor valves, ReTro valves, RT Pro's etc. They were all chrono'd at 280 + or -, and they all got poor gas effiency! And yes I have always used quality barrels too! The Spyder's and Tippmann's I have owned would get over 1200 shots from the same 68/3000 tank! I STILL LOVE MAG'S!!!

03-25-2002, 06:23 PM
Autotrigger, if you do the math what you are saying makes no sence.
If you get 800 shots from a 68/3000 tank then a 68/4500 psi tank, which holes 50% more pressure will get you 1200 shots if you do the math. Now, if you add in the increased tank size, which we will call 33% (not an exact number, too lazy to do math).
Now if you get 800 from a 68/3000, math says you will get 1200+ from a 4500.

03-25-2002, 06:30 PM
100 shots one way or the other, it's still bad gas efficency! Even 1200 shots from an 88/4500 is low!

03-25-2002, 07:20 PM
Thats 100 shots no counting the 33$ tank size increase. With that its about 1400, which is not bad. A mag will use about as much air as a cocker or an angel. Somehow they got a gas whore rep, and people just think that they are, and when people think something is true, they see it happening weather it actually is or not.
It could have to do with your paint-barrel match. A bad match will waste alot of air. Also a barrel longer then 12in, or a barrel with alot of porting will waste alot of air.

03-25-2002, 07:53 PM
ok, ive used mags for 6 years. my old clasic mag got about 1000 shots or so with a 20 oz co2 tank and my brotherinlaw got about 1500-2000 out of a cocker with the same tank. we both had 12in dye ss barrels and the same paint. now i use a 68ci 3k tank. i get 700-800 shots with this. and all the other guns at the field get 1000-1200 shots with a 68ci 3k tank.

i love my mags and rts but they are not gas eficiant guns.

03-25-2002, 08:49 PM
Another thing to note. Fill up a 4500 psi tank to 4500 psi, then let it sit for 20 minutes. Wow, it's down to 4200 psi. It must have a leak!

Nope the air cools off, therefore lowering the psi. Same goes for 3000 psi tanks, but it's not so dramatic.
Another thing is all gauges for paintball use are to small to read accuratly.

Just some food for thought.

03-25-2002, 09:03 PM
Poseidon, im not trying to flame you , i promis.

depending on the tank you wont have shoot down with tank pressure falling. im using a Nitroduck megareg. when filld my output is at 900. as long as the tank presure is above 900 the output will stay at 900. nitroduck sez its cuz of dual reging there tanks. i really dont now about that but the tanks will stay consistant.

as for the heat and presure lowering after a fill, you are right on the money.

03-25-2002, 10:37 PM
Guys I have covered this several times.

Ok The Rental mags have a restriction placed in them so they wont shoot hot. Flat out if it was MADE as a rental gun there will be an internal differnce that will restrict the fps.


Depending on that barrel I get 600-1000 shot on a 68 3k tank. On a 68 4500 I get 900-1500. Thats not bad by any strech.

You use 2 peice barrel with loads of porting you are going to get crappy shot counts.

As to the problem your having, back out your velocity adjuster until teh gun wont shoot, slowly bring it back up ( while shooting ) until its actually chronoing ok, then keep adjusting it up until it wont go any higher. That as fast as your going to get it it with thar barrel. Now back it back off until you see the velocity drop just a tad and leave it there.

Youmight be wasting air having the adjust up too high and the built in restrictor choaking the gun down.


03-26-2002, 09:02 AM
thanks rob, thats the only good response that i got out of this hole thing. i talked to the field owner that sold it to me and said that if i was carefull, i would be able to drill out the restrictor. I beleave its between the power tube and the on\off valve if not, i could use some advice.

03-26-2002, 10:31 PM
ok i`d like to see this one answered.......cmon A.O.

03-27-2002, 01:36 AM
up:D :D :D :D