View Full Version : i have been jipped

03-24-2002, 11:40 AM
ok, as i said i was going to mikes to play today. all is going well, then i get to the field, no one is their, im wondering why. so i go to his store to ask about the field, the guy in their said sorry its closed today, im like ok, leave. I come home and i looked on their site, find out that it said it was open, so i call the field and they pick up and i ask are you guys open today? They say "yes we shure are, we are inflating the airball field now" SO I dont get to play today because of some IDIOT in the store. :mad:

03-24-2002, 11:47 AM
y dont you just drive back to the field or tell the guy at the store that he sucks

03-24-2002, 11:50 AM
Although I understand your wanting to share this information, might I suggest that contacting the actual Owners might do more good? I am sure they would like to know what happened. And if you DO contact them, make sure to be polite… otherwise they will not listen or even care that you did not get to play.

And since you did tell us, please give us an update…. ;)

Lone Gunman
03-24-2002, 11:51 AM
Sounds like a winner of an idea to me. LOL