View Full Version : Time To Upgrade

03-24-2002, 01:30 PM
I just got a 68 classic and i want to upgrade.
What are the most important upgrades and what to they do.
I'm looking for experianced automag owner's advice and would really appreciate some good answers.

03-24-2002, 03:15 PM
do a search.

03-24-2002, 03:46 PM
Nitro if you don't have it :D

03-24-2002, 04:16 PM
If you don't yet have a good barrel, get one! There are many to choose from and any one would be better then a stock barrel! Mag's like compressed air better then CO2, so a HPA tank is an excellant choice! This will take care of liquid CO2 getting imto your valve! A Retro valve is also a great choice, though expensive! ($269.00 -$300.00) This upgrade will require that you use nitro, as the ReTro will not work with CO2! Good luck!

03-24-2002, 05:03 PM
god damn it!
i cant get HPA or Nitro around here.
i should take a scuba-diving class so that i can get my own fill station.
what upgrade should i get asuming i'm not going to get HPA any time soon.

03-24-2002, 06:53 PM
Well if you have to use CO2 get a good expansion chamber and run a remote! Then get a good barrel!

03-24-2002, 07:11 PM
you don't need a scuba liscense to own or operate scuba tanks just to use them underwater is when yuo need a liscence. my local field owner hates the water but loves nitrogen

03-26-2002, 05:31 PM
In many places you can't fill a scuba tank without a diving liscense.

An anti-siphon tank and a 6-stage expansion chamber worked reasonably well for me until air arrived.

03-26-2002, 05:37 PM
is it true that you have to have HPA or Nirto to use a retro valve? also, what a 18v hopper?

03-26-2002, 06:57 PM
Yes, you do need HPA to use a retro, it will not run at all on CO2.
As for scuba tanks, many shops require you to show a license before they will fill it for you. They do this so that they cannot be held responsible if you try to dive without a license and get hurt. Some will fill it for you if you explain to them that it is for paintball, others will make you sign something saying you won't dive with it, and some make you put a sticker on it that says for paintball use only. Talk to some local dive shops about getting it filled first before buying it though.

03-26-2002, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by speedballbanks
my local field owner hates the water but loves nitrogen

What does he do that makes him LOVE nitrogen so much:D?

04-09-2002, 10:42 PM
hey man.... some people just LOVE nitro... dont ask me why :cool: If you not gunna be able to get nitro, maybe an intelliframe or a zgrip... i've heard lotsa good stuff about both, and im hoppin to get the intelliframe soon!

04-11-2002, 07:40 AM
some of the guys already covered this:

(assuming you cant get nitro)

1. barrel - totally necessary...maybe a J&J ceramic (reasonably priced, easy to shoot through breaks, accurate)
2. 12v revvy - think about a wicked air sportz turbo rev board, if you are outshooting the revvy...this probably wont happen for a while, till you learn the trigger
3. intelli frame or zgrip...try em both out, see which you like better
4. not much of anything else...save you money, and buy more paint


04-11-2002, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by FordPrefect

What does he do that makes him LOVE nitrogen so much:D?

i think your assuming nitrogen narcosis? lol that has happened to me before man it is awesome you feel so drunk oh man no he hates water because when he was like in his 20's got bit by a shark. shark didn't do much but hey it is a shark :(

04-11-2002, 03:45 PM
i think your assuming nitrogen narcosis? lol that has happened to me before man it is awesome you feel so drunk oh man no he hates water because when he was like in his 20's got bit by a shark. shark didn't do much but hey it is a shark :( [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah, sharks suck

04-11-2002, 04:13 PM
you forgot to start the quote and start the bold. lol yeah sharks suck.