View Full Version : .,. 2 questions.... plz answer

03-24-2002, 04:28 PM
ok im gonna try to make this quick should i sell m mag witch i have been having a bit trouble with or should i fix it up, if i sell it i would get an electro cocker ,impulse , shocker.

also i wanted to see who plays in south florida.. in Strike force

;) :p :o :confused: :rolleyes: :cool: :eek:

03-24-2002, 04:55 PM
im not in florida, but what is wrong with your mag? i would keep it.

03-24-2002, 05:35 PM
hey, I play at strikeforce... (I was the guy with the pweter SFL.) I personally would get a cocker. I'm probably gonna trade my SFL into splat for a Evolution cocker, or have them build me a custom LP KAPP...

03-24-2002, 06:09 PM
yeah, i think thats what i am going to do. im going to sell my tippmann and my mag and get a new cocker im not sure witch one though... if i dont get the cocker ill get an impulse. i love the way my brothers works...

03-24-2002, 06:52 PM
How much $ are you looking to spend?

03-24-2002, 10:32 PM
Man, if you want to trade a sfl for a kapp cocker then by all means im your guy. I have a custom kapp cocker with blue marble anno and matching boomer, with a wgp black magic reg. I had it custom fitted wit every single optoion that comes on the flame cocker incorporated into my regular kapp cocker. why? cuz its cheeper than the flmae body. The gun shoots incredibly and i have not chopped yet. If you are interested im willing to throw some extra $$$ into the mix. No matter what give me a line at [email protected] or pm me

03-25-2002, 06:39 AM
thank you for the deal i know kapp cockers and i love the way they shoot... but i dont have that much money when i sell my mag im gonna fix it prob witch is only a 5 dollor problem how much do u think i should selll that for it has a boomstick and flame dropfoward revvy 9 volt hopper and shoots mint the only reason i am selling it is cuz my friend has a cocker and i love the way it looks and feels on me and my brother has an impulse witch is great on me.... but i think im going to sell the mag fro 400 and i have 200 now and my dad has some money he is going to give me.... how much would u sell it for?

03-25-2002, 04:02 PM
Um, I think that magman was referring to my gun.... right? also, scope are you gonna go to the 3 man on saturday? some goooooooooood teams are gonna be there. I was gonna play with storm jr. (strike force's jr. team) but i quit taht team... it was pretty gay IMO. I'm gonna make my own team. That team was pretty much biased with friends, and as i am not good friends with the captain, I wasnt involved in much even though im better than just about all of them except for Ryan...:rolleyes: oh well, I've got the perfect plan for this tourney, plan on seeing team NoN-FictioN winning it all ;) :D

03-25-2002, 05:55 PM
i dont have a ride my father wont be in town (hes the only one that takes me... and im going with my uncle to play but not at strike force we go to the the woods and play far away... and he doesnt go to strike force im thinking on buying the messed up part for my marker and selling it... by the way u can call me chris....

if u want you can go to my site and look at the pic of my mag....:p

03-25-2002, 06:25 PM
hey i think i have a good idea of what markers i am gettting i narrowed it down...

im thinking on selling the mag for 350 .. 300 ..

i want to get the AKALMP Viking i think it looks like a sweet marker im gonna look more into the marker but though...

and chris do you have any names set out for your team...
sounds like a good idea... if u need help finding a name pm me or im me on aim and tell me when you will be recruiting im looking for a team.... and not only that My brother or I can manage the website....

my aim name is Scope183

Msn [email protected]

aol: [email protected]

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;) :rolleyes:

03-25-2002, 10:22 PM
Me and my brother ( The Patriot) are one hour from miami.

03-25-2002, 10:26 PM
Hey, Ill play down in strike force. Just tell me how much admission is and field paint and air, ill be their. Its probably better then mikes paintball in royal palm beach.

03-26-2002, 06:28 AM
SFPAINTBALL.COM u can see prices there

and call them if u need anything...

03-26-2002, 03:46 PM