View Full Version : One more reason why I hate my Angel

03-24-2002, 04:50 PM
My Angel is really getting on my nerves. I finally got to play again today, and I got there and filled up my tank. Then I was waitin on everybody to get there so I wanted to shoot it some. I flipped the switch, and waited... and waited... and waited... and waited... It won't freakin turn on. Maybe this will convince my dad to let me buy an E-mag.

BTW: there were 5 or 6 guys there with some type of mag and every one of them worked great.

03-24-2002, 05:02 PM
welp there ya go, wonder why it did that?

hmm is it a 2k or 2k1 battery?
does it work now?
was it charged?
did you check all your wires to your board/battery?

just wondering

03-24-2002, 05:06 PM
you could have just pu it in manu...uh...flipped the swi...uh...forgot! Cant do that with an Angel! Bummer

03-24-2002, 05:06 PM
2K1 battery, it was 3/4 charged 2 days ago and I hadn't touched it since then. It still does not work. And I will go check the wires to make see.

03-24-2002, 05:08 PM
you board could be fried from one thing or another, if it just doesnt turn on, uhh i would plug the charger in and see if the board comes on, if not, its fried, or its not connected

how many shots are on the board?

03-24-2002, 05:14 PM
Yep, wires are fine. I will go check the to see if it comes on when it charges. Thanks for the help.

03-24-2002, 05:20 PM
It does turn on when I stick the charger in. It still has 3 bars left on the battery though.

03-24-2002, 05:26 PM
ok so what EXACTLY happens when you turn it on?

03-24-2002, 05:32 PM
absolutely nothing.

03-24-2002, 05:58 PM
same thing happens to nay one who uses wall chargers, do ya use a wall cherger?
don't use the wall charger unless ya have to, use you car's adapter...

03-24-2002, 06:01 PM
Oh. Well I already did use the wall adaptor.

03-24-2002, 06:02 PM
maby you should use a 2k battery cuz its a 2k angel?
Heck, I dont know anything about angels, why am I posting?
Just wondering..

03-24-2002, 06:06 PM
I dont think the 2K1 and 2K battery/gun match matters.

03-24-2002, 06:10 PM
yeah a 2k and 2k1 battery makes a big difference, use the right adapter and no wall charger.
thats your problem.

03-25-2002, 10:27 AM
I've used wall chargers for years on angels without any ill effects, and that includes LEDs and both battery styles in LCDs.

How many times have you charged with your wall charger without incident, Angelboy?


03-25-2002, 10:45 AM
I don't own an angel, but I've heard that it is best to put them into "Safe" mode or something like that before you turn it off. From what I've heard this saves the boards.
?? I know nothing... just what I've heard.

03-25-2002, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Gup44
I don't own an angel, but I've heard that it is best to put them into "Safe" mode or something like that before you turn it off. From what I've heard this saves the boards.
?? I know nothing... just what I've heard.

that works just like a safety, has nothing to do with this problem

so lets see::
you board lights up if you plug it in
if you just turn it on nothing happens???

maybe your on/off switch is bad, i would say if you know alot about the gun start checking all the connections

03-25-2002, 04:56 PM
I just now flipped the switch and it just turned on? That was wierd. I didn't do anything else to it and I just tried it and it started working. I think the elves inside are having pms:)

03-25-2002, 05:27 PM
My friend has a 2k angel,and I heard that a few were made with a bad battery.His was one.Maybe you should look into it

he has lcd.

03-25-2002, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06
My friend has a 2k angel,and I heard that a few were made with a bad battery.His was one.Maybe you should look into it

he has lcd.

but he has the 2k1 battery

03-25-2002, 05:49 PM
hold on,what angel is at paintballgear.com...the unmilled one,for like 999?thats one he has.

03-25-2002, 05:52 PM
Thats the one I have, the unmilled one. Its got the new battery, the switch on the back, and I have had to have the reg and the board replaced before.

03-25-2002, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06
hold on,what angel is at paintballgear.com...the unmilled one,for like 999?thats one he has.

if pbgear has it right now its a 2k1, well actaully BOTH black angels they have are 2k1's

anyways there are no problems with the 2k1 battery, at least not that ive heard of, its a great battery and lasts a LONG time


03-25-2002, 05:57 PM
actaully ALL the angels that paintballgear has are 2k1 except the ir3's and i guess those are considered 2k2's but other than that all 2k1's

03-25-2002, 06:00 PM
I got mine over a year ago, and it wasnt from pball gear.

03-25-2002, 06:04 PM
sounds to me like a bad conection somewhere, if you left it pluged in for a while and then turned it on it could be caused by a cold soder joint. (do angel boards heat up when you charge the gun?)

03-25-2002, 06:11 PM
i must admit i know nothing about angels but i do know about computers and this sounds like a problem i've had before. not to mention angels are computers so what's the difference. i would say that either you on/off switch is screwy(meaning you need to check it's connection to the board and make sure it's on tight, or something else was loose) or the battery pack is outta shape. it could be a number of things with respect to your battery pack, things such as temperature and humidity. i would take cliffio's advice and check all the connections to the board and charging from the car adapter from now on doesn't sound like a bad idea either.

03-25-2002, 06:14 PM
wall chargers are fine, thats how i always did mine

i am kinda really starting to believe that its your on/off cause if it comes on when you charge it and it just came on a while ago, and not before its your on/off either fix it or get another one, i suggest cobra or if you have the money get the adrenalin on/of mod, its a great one!!

03-26-2002, 11:07 AM
some wall chargers work fine, some don't,
ask frazer from wdp about it...
