View Full Version : First Tourney Experience

03-25-2002, 05:01 PM
Well, last Saturday was the day of my 1st tournament. It was a 3-man in northeast GA. My team consisted of my brother, a friend, and myself. Friday evening our friend came over and we slept out in our family RV. Early the next morning about 5:30 we got up and got my dad from the house and set out. The captains meeting was at 8 and we wanted to be there a little early. We eat breakfast on the way there and made sure all our gear was ready. When we arrived we got our paint and filled up our air and waited for the captains meeting to begin. There were only 8 teams total, 4 rookie and 4 novice. The first game of the day we were in, it was a good game, the team we played didn't have quit the experience we had; and we ended up maxing them, of to a good start. We played 5 game in the prelims, 1 against each of the rookie teams and 1 against two novice teams. (One was actually a Amateur team but played novice since there weren't any other Amateur teams there.) We ended up maxing every game against the rookie teams and got maxed by the two novice teams. We made it to the finals with the highest score in the rookie division, the finals were going to be separate. After the first game we know we had won because even if the last team we played maxed us we would still have a higher score than the other two teams. So we had fun the last game, it was against the first team we had played, we were very aggressive and maxed that game. Well I know this has been long but I enjoyed it and am planning to do more tourneys soon. Not bad for team confidence to get 1st in your first tourney. Heres a picture of us.

And here's the link to the team webpage my bro put together:

03-25-2002, 05:23 PM
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!and good luck on your next tourny.Nice page also.

03-25-2002, 06:23 PM
Good job on winning! The web page is also pretty good.

03-25-2002, 06:40 PM
congrats, and did you get any prizes or anything?

03-25-2002, 06:46 PM
No prizes just trophies, each team got a trophy and three medal like things.

03-25-2002, 09:28 PM
Awsome job guys!!!
Nothing like first a tourney Win:)

03-25-2002, 09:45 PM
good job guys. I just hope we can do as well in our upcoming 3-man.

03-26-2002, 12:54 AM
Mad WOOT Dave. You do realive that this means war. We should set up an official Mayhem vs. Veneance fight. It would also be cool to have some guys with skeelz to practice against. E-mail me, we should get back together...

[email protected]


03-26-2002, 06:00 PM
I'd love to play ya'll, the only place we play is Fat City so do you think you might could come down there?

03-26-2002, 06:07 PM
Yea man, what about in two weekends? That would give me enough time to set it up with my guys, and it is the last weekend of spring break for you guys, so it seems like a good choice.
