View Full Version : Lots of EMAG questions, Need Answers!!

03-25-2002, 06:09 PM
1. What are Emag triggers made of?
2. Are there any aftermarket triggers made?
3. What happens if i take all the magnets out?
4. What kind of bolt comes in stock ptp micro's?
5. What kind do you suggest?
6. Micros take cocker barrels right?
7. Do they make High or Low rises for micro's?

ok thats all for the emag questions


8. Does anyone know where i can get a GOOD CHEAP anodize? something in 2 or 3 colors that will cost me like 200 bucks or less? and someone with fast turn-around time, like a month or so

thanks alot


03-25-2002, 06:18 PM
The only aftermarket emag triggers I ever saw were from Triggernomics. I never saw the actual triggers but he offered to do it BUT Triggernomics closed shop.

03-25-2002, 06:33 PM
Is Cliffio trading in his Angel? hmmm.
1. I think either stainless or aluminum. Most likly stainless
2. No, why would you want one?
3. You won't get a return(like if you take out the spring in a Syder or something).
4. I think AGD Longnose foamie.
5. If you mean what kind of bolt, Super Bolt. If you mean what kind of Emag, get an Xtreme when they come out(not too far down the line).
6. Yes.
7. I believe they are all low-rise.

03-25-2002, 06:37 PM
1. What are Emag triggers made of?
Aluminum, with magnets in the top and side
2. Are there any aftermarket triggers made?
None to mt knowlage, AGDE was working on a blade style but nothing has been mentioned in awhile
3. What happens if i take all the magnets out?
no return force on the trigger, would not work. You can place shims beneath the magnet in the trig frame if you want to triger lighter
4. What kind of bolt comes in stock ptp micro's?
Long nose, non foamie
5. What kind do you suggest?
long nose foamie
6. Micros take cocker barrels right?
7. Do they make High or Low rises for micro's
Don't think so but mabye you could fit one of the feed necj extenders bad boys toys used to sell
8. Does anyone know where i can get a GOOD CHEAP anodize? something in 2 or 3 colors that will cost me like 200 bucks or less? and someone with fast turn-around time, like a month or so