View Full Version : More SFL problems

03-25-2002, 07:07 PM
Well I got to play at skirmish this sunday and it was awsome. I was all pumped to play new foamie super bolt installed in my sfl. I go over to the chrono and everything is find. I rip it up on the target range no problems. Emptied 2 hoppers before I knew it:rolleyes:
No breaks first game then it all went down hill. 2 breaks down the barrel in the next game and it continued for the rest of the day. Every game I had atleast 2 or more breaks down the barrel and I also had two chops on the day too.
I tried everything different hoppers (halo and rev w/xboard and vortex impeller), started out with the 16in dye barrel it came with and then tried out my J&J barrels. I went through 2 different backs .691 and .688 didn't seem to help. The paint I was shooting was team colors winter fill and it seemed fresh. Still have a bag left and can do a bounce test to see.
This just sucks the 2 days I get to use my sfl and it gives me nothing but trouble. I could have got a sweet cocker like the new Dye one for the money I dropped on the sfl. Now I'm considering getting a gen-x3 cocker to shoot. I'm planning to hold onto the sfl and hopefully the new mods come out soon and fix this paint breaking problem. But fow now it looks like its going to sit on the shelf till then.

03-25-2002, 07:31 PM
I want first dibs if you sell it...hehe:D

03-25-2002, 07:33 PM
Well man I am sorry but there is nothing I can say to help. Are you using the plastic nubbins? Did you have a good paint to barrel match? Was the paint superbrittle? If you didn't have in a plastic nubbin (but since you have the superbolt I assume you are) is the nubbin broken? Well that is most of the things I can think of that would cause this problem. The most likely one though is "Did the superbolt's foamie come off?" If it is not on...then there is your problem.

I wish I could look at it and see if I could tell you what was going on but I cannot so...there is really nothing I can do. If you do decide to sell it and get a cocker, that will be a good choice too. I myself like the emag so that is what I will stay with, but if you are having problems go for whatever works. I wish you luck and hope everything gets better.

03-25-2002, 07:57 PM
Did you do anything to your gun inbetween the game it didn't break paint and the next game?

Check your ball detent and make sure the ball isn't stuck. Make sure the detent didn't back itself out a bit or if it's completely tight, loosen it and see if that helps.

Not having any breaks and then your gun breaking the same paint means something got tweaked inbetween the two games. I'm sure you have already, but check to make sure your bolt still has the foamie.

Do a bounce test on the paint.

That's about all I can think of. Since it shot fine and then went to crap, I'm leaning towards it being a problem with your ball detent.

03-25-2002, 08:12 PM
Hey Talls not to sound like an *** but the sfl uses cocker barrels so no nubbins. The foamie is still on it was one of the first things I checked. And as for paint to barrel match I think I covered that already. And thanks for offering to help fix my gun but I can handle it.

BlackVCG all I did between games is carried my gun to the next field. I checked the ball dent acouple of times and it seemed fine. Maybe I'll get a new one and that will help. And I'll do a bounce test tomorrow morning.

03-25-2002, 08:45 PM
this may seem out of left field but maybe you should check the alignment of the chamber and the front portion of the gun. forgive me for my terminology is horrible but hopefully you know what i mean. i imagine that because of the ability to rotate the chamber in the sfl for the use of a warp feed, there could be issues with the chamber lining up right with the rest of the gun. just an alternative idea as really every other feasible possibility has been mentioned.

i'm sorry to hear you're having issues with it, worst comes to worst i would call AGD and possibly send it in and have them check it out. good luck.

03-25-2002, 09:08 PM
Since you said it fit your barrel and you got more breakage down the barrel than chops (only 2), I would say it is a paint problem. The gun doesnt cause balls to break in the barrel, Its just crappy paint.

03-25-2002, 09:34 PM
what was your rof set at? My emag with halo will only do 12 bps with no chops.

03-25-2002, 10:06 PM
Malfunction is right. If the balls are breaking down the barrel there is nothing wrong with the SFL. It's the paint.

03-25-2002, 10:09 PM
ROF is set at 12.
And I'm doing a bounce test tomorrow on the paint that I have left over to see how brittle it is.

03-25-2002, 11:17 PM
Malfunction is half right. Most the time, barrel breaks aren't the gun's fault. I recall reading in a different thread that with the SFL, the superbolt hits a little bit of the next ball in the stack and because it moves faster than the stainless bolt, may weaken the ball and it will break down the barrel. Somebody said they had a mod done to the SFL to slow down the superbolt. You could also try popping in the stainless bolt.It may also have been the paint's fault. If there was a major difference in temperature from where the paint was stored to on the field, it could have been getting worse as your day progressed. I hope to see AGD work out all the kinks soon.

03-25-2002, 11:35 PM
Hey Talls not to sound like an *** but the sfl uses cocker barrels so no nubbins. The foamie is still on it was one of the first things I checked. And as for paint to barrel match I think I covered that already. And thanks for offering to help fix my gun but I can handle it.

WHOA forgot all about that. It must have slipped my mind, but I was just listing all the things I would look for if my gun did that. And hey you didn't sound like an *** you were just stating the obvious. Well man the best of luck to you on fixing your gun.

03-26-2002, 07:01 AM
Okay I did my bounce test this morning and guess what it aint the paint!!
1,6,6,6,15(didn't want to break),6,6,6,4,1,4,10,7,5 which gives ne an average of 6. And 4-6 is considered good all around and considered fresh. Now I do relize that there were 2 that broke on the first bounce. So if a few in the case are like that I can see them breaking really easy. But come on. Every case has to have a few that will break on the first one. So like I said before I'll wait for the new mods that Tom is testing out. I love the sfl and want it to preform right. But right now its nothing but headaches and I've done all I can to fix it. So till then it really looks like a cocker is on the way soon. Oh well looks like I have a $1400 paper wait:( :(

brian terry
03-26-2002, 11:08 AM
do u have the ace in that sfl,and look at the ball detent,i got my sfl last oct at the world cup,and i dont have the prob some other people on here have,and i know like 15 other guys that have there sfl set up like my sfl and dont have the prob of busting paint.,./if u want to talk to me call joann at airgun and get my number ,.or email me and ill give it to you so we can talk abought this prob of braking paint,.

03-26-2002, 04:31 PM
Hey brian thanks I just emailed you. I sure hope we can figure this out. I don't have the ACE cause I though that it still had a few bugs to be worked out. As far as I know my ball dent is ok. But I could be wrong. Once again thanks for offering to help.:)

03-26-2002, 06:24 PM

Was it cold out the day you were breaking paint? You can't bounce test paint later because cold and humidity affect it constantly. Cold temps make paint way more fragile very quickly but it recovers as it gets warmer. If it was cold out put the paint in the frig for a few hours and then do another bounce test.


03-26-2002, 09:09 PM
It was about 45-50 degrees and sunny outside when I was playing. The paint I had left over was still in its unopened bag if it makes a difference, probably not. I'll put some in the fridge tonight and do another test tomorrow.

03-27-2002, 08:53 AM
2nd set of bounce tests
This was paint I left in thr fridge over night about 8hrs.
1,3,3,5,2,2,1,5,5,1 average about 2.8
This was paint I left outside for about 2hrs cause it was about the same conditions as on sunday.
6,9,1,3,5,2,9,4,1,1 average about 4.1

I also took out my superbolt and put in my regular RT bolt like brain said. And I shoot a hopper full of paint that I left out side and it was fine no breaks anywhere. I left the rest of the paint in the fridge and plan on shooting it later to see what happens. Oh I also put a modified foamie tip on the RT bolt to help a bit. I took a new foamie for the super bolt and cut it down to fit. The breech just barely slides past it and it doesn't seem to stick out to far. I can post a pic if you want.

brian terry
03-27-2002, 11:50 AM
when u get time post a pic of what you did on the bolt ,and i hope the rt bolt keeps you from busting paint ,i know i dont have any prob with my bolt or the paint i shoot,but keep us up to date ,if u need anything you know the number,.

03-27-2002, 09:19 PM
You can just see the foamie on the top of the bolt.

03-27-2002, 09:25 PM
Heres a shot from the top view to see how it sits.
I got to shoot it alittle today and it almost made it all the way through the hopper cause it chopped. It was the paint that I was leaving in the fridge. Up till the chop nothing broke down the barrel. It was probably a feed issue. I'll do the same thing tomorrow with the halo and new ball dent I'm gettin.

03-27-2002, 11:34 PM
I think you'll slay this little choppin' goblin yet! :)

03-28-2002, 12:26 AM

Something is wrong with the feeding in that gun. Please replace your ball detent and make sure its not too far in. You might have to send it back for us to look at it.


Kaiser Bob
03-28-2002, 01:49 AM
Hey man, it sounds like you are having better luck with the regular bolt which tend to be the case sometimes. As was said before its appearently not uncommon for the superbolt to crack the next ball up in your gun and have it explode in your gun. I wouldent toss your SFL just yet, paint breakage resolutions are right aroud the corner :)

03-30-2002, 03:02 PM
Okay update time. Got my new ball dents the other day. Had to go to a angel/cocker store near me. Some of the guys in there frown on the automag. But the day I went the kewler guys were there. I got to inform them of all the kewl new stuff AGD is doing mainly the sfl/extreme. The guy that helped me was impressd to find out that the sfl took cocker barrels and also used angel ball dents. He also thought that the removable breech was kewl:D I got to hold the new IR3 oh man that thing is much sweeter in person. And that vertical trigger frame is so comfy. No more having to contort the wrist when holding the gun in tight. Also got a chance to hold the new dye cocker. Oh my.......that thing is so sweet the trigger pull is so smooth and light. Plus it is really light. But doesn't feel like my sfl. Okay enough of that on to more results.
Paint=nitroduck 6,2,8,4,1,8,2,8,3,5 average 4.6
I shot 2 hoppers of this stuff and no breaks at all but I did have 2 chops in each hopper. But it was when I was down to the last 5-8 balls left.
Paint=team colors (this stuff has been in the fridge since last time I tested) 1,10,3,2,1,2,2,2,5,2 average 3
Now I had no problems at all with this stuff no breaks and no chops:D
I have some questions about the balldents and another abut my sfl.
1) The ball dents I got have a little o-ring at the base. My original one did not, should I leave this on? And it does seem that my old dent was in to far. I can see alittle difference in how much of the ball is sticking out and how there is alittle difference in the tention of the ball.
2) Whan I have my sfl on and the saftey is on everytime i pull the trigger I can hear what I think is the selinod clicking. And once I turn off the saftey it stops. Is this normal?
Well it looks like I'm getting closer to kickin this problem in the booty. :D

03-30-2002, 05:03 PM

The damn detents are the one thing we don't make and they do suck. Yes it should have the oring for correct spacing. The problem is the ball sticks out a different distance on every single piece. You still have to adjust each one correctly. Take a note of how far it's sticking out right now so if you do have to replace it you will know where it needs to be.

The RT bolt is undersized for the SFL breach and causes more blowback that is bobbling your balls when the hopper gets low. If you are going to use that one you have to watch your hopper level.

Glad you are making progress with it. By the way I am a big C&H fan.


03-31-2002, 02:55 PM
LOL........those damn dents. I can see how it sucks to rely on angel parts:p
Is there any whay to add something to the RT bolt to help make it fit better? If not no prob I'll just have to watch my hopper level better. Thanks for all of you time.:) :) :)