View Full Version : Snooky's trip to AO

03-26-2002, 03:29 AM
Well the day started out by me arriving at the factory and meeting the office gals. They then called Tom down to get me. Then tom took me on a quick tour of the factory before we went to lunch.

We went to lunch in Tom's suburban(some chevy suv pretty sure it was a suburban) and picked up his girlfriend. Inside the suv was a monitor that tom said was a gps system. Unfortunetly he couldnt get it to fire up so ill never know. We then proceeded to drive to a seafood resturaunt. When we arrived at the seafood restaruant we meet 3 other people from AGD. We then ordered aour meals and tom and the guys talked about banners for the booth at an upcoming event. They also discussed the military paintballs and some issues with them. They also talked about paintballs not tasting good and someone posting on the forum about it.

We then got back to the factory and went to Tom's office. He then answered some email and looked onb the forum. He showed me a comic that was made with flash that was interesting but no one really liked except me i think.

Then we went to the other building that has the perfect circle paintballs and various other things. We heaed for a room where to guys sat looking to fix a problem with the military paintballs. Then tom and the other guy drew different ideas onto a piece of paper trying to reach a solution. We then went and looked at the machines that made the shells for the paintballs and then went on to see where they inject the subsatnce in there.

After seeing the perfect circle we proceeded to the old police training facility where they had a prototype for the display. We then went and looked at the "junk room" where tom had a big telescope project in the works and also an aluminum hydro plane body hanging on the wall. After that we went into toms fossil room and he pointed out what the fossils were. my favorite was of a giant pigs jaw bone. It had huge teeth and it just looked cool.

We then headed back to the other building to Tom's office. He then took some phone calls and once again checked his email. Sometime around this point he showed me thier computer room but it may have been earlier. He talked to a guy about a problem with his angel during a tournment. They then talked about that for a while and what places teams had come in. He then had another man come in to talk about banners and also truses. They then went on the web and searched for ideas on the display. The other thing he showed me was the new idea for the aluminum body on the emag and the new front grip idea. The coolest thig was a lightning shaped e on the emags valve that really looked sweet.

Then Tom called up Ben Tippman and talked to him for quite some time. They discussed market trends and also tippmans mp5 look a like.

We then went back to the police training room to once again look at what could be done with the display. they tried different ideas sing duct tape, wood, and pipe to make truses.

We then went back to Tom's office again to look at prices and sizes for truses. He then asked if i would like to shoot an emag. I said sure as would anyone. So we got a black centerfeed sfl and a 47/5000 pmi tank and headed to shoot it. when we gased it up it was having problems with leaking. So tom then proceded to fix it using parts at a repair station. Eventually tom got it to work and i went to go get paintballs from the fridge. Then Tom asked me to do a bounce test on them and they all broke on the first time. Tom then told me to fire the gun and to stop when a ball broke. With this fragile of paint im surprised everyone of them didnt break. I then shot rapidly and suprising with minimum breaks. Tom said he expected them to break so then we moved onto some yellow balls that had the markings cp if i recall. These flew flawlessly threw the gun. But then Tom broke out his blue extreme with a blue warp feed attachted to it. He then said to try it out. Anyway this gun shot sweet. I probally shot 1000-1500 balls through it in about 10 mins or so. The warp was beyond what i thought. Either way out left or right it was amazingly tight and the warp didnt get in the way at all. Out of all the balls maybe a couple broke when i got down to very little air. I would highly suggest the warp and the extreme emag.

I will post pics either tommorow or weds because its a regular disposable camera. So look forward to that.

Thanks again tom for letting me come to the factory for the day and to let me try out the extreme emag.

03-26-2002, 04:28 AM
....:D :rolleyes:

03-26-2002, 05:49 AM
OMG LUCKY!!!!!!! I wish I could meet Tom...

03-26-2002, 09:37 AM
OK Snooky, you're on my buddy list again!

Sounds like you had a great time. Can't wait for your pics.

I hope you now appreciate why Tom is awake until 0400 every night, that seafood will give you such heartburn!!


03-26-2002, 11:49 AM
I want to see that Emag with the lightning E in it. That sounds awesome.

03-26-2002, 11:56 AM
Or maybe your description just does.....

03-26-2002, 05:10 PM
guys im gonna get pics sent in for developing today and hopefully theyll be up very soon. I seriously can't wait to see the pics too. The E on the emag looks really awesome and so do i with the extreme blue emag.

03-26-2002, 05:33 PM
So Snooky did you go for the Tuna steak? I told you lunch time conversations were cool :)


03-29-2002, 02:41 AM
Manike lunch was realy good. went to this place with a crab for a logo and it served seafood. i however got the steak sandwich which was awesome.

pics coming very soon.

03-29-2002, 05:33 AM
and then....and then......and then hehhehe sounds like you had a blast, hurry up with the pics already havnt you heard of "One Hour Photo"

03-29-2002, 07:42 PM
i didnt want to do one hour cause quality is poor for them. pics should be up tommorow i have been busy with robotics competition. if not tommorow sunday.

03-29-2002, 07:49 PM
Makes me wish I lived in IL.
I thought you said it was an SFL.. but then you said Extreme..

04-10-2002, 03:51 PM
!!!update!!! I finally got pics back and i have scanned them. The problem came when i went to send them to my other comp and i found no one else was on our network. so i decided to shut down the comp and hope it to find other comps on the network. well that didnt happen instead the computer came up with an error message saying to reinstall windows. Anyway its my step moms comp and its always screwed up but anyway im gonna have to find some place to scan these. Sorry for the long time delay but walmart was slow on developing them and was backed up due to easter and now this problem im hoping to get them sometime this week.

personman - i shot both the sfl and the extreeme.

04-22-2002, 10:44 PM
Finally got the pics to my comp. took long enough and it was a huge hassle.

04-22-2002, 11:13 PM
anyone know how to get these files down further than 400- 450kb? it wont let me post um if they arent under.

04-22-2002, 11:28 PM
ok got um down to size hope u enjoy!!!

pic 1: Tom's fossil room

04-22-2002, 11:29 PM
pic 2: A cool custom mag in a perfect circl paintball case

04-22-2002, 11:30 PM
Pic 3: Looking at design for madness

04-22-2002, 11:31 PM
Pic 4: Tom at his desk and his office and view.

04-22-2002, 11:32 PM
pic 5: Proto emag and rt pro /w z-grip on toms office floor

04-22-2002, 11:33 PM
Pic 6: Amy pics for wlipp. they look awesome in person and are definately frameable.

04-22-2002, 11:33 PM
pic 7: Another part of toms desk. the coke can was mine.

04-22-2002, 11:35 PM
pic 8: one of the best pics i took! This is tom working on the sfl and a whole rack of minis

04-22-2002, 11:36 PM
pic 9: prototype body; 3 superbolts; two sfl bodies; 15 asa battery pack for emag

04-22-2002, 11:37 PM
pic 10: stock room

04-22-2002, 11:38 PM
pic 11: 3 pics on wall of the "mags all over room" one is an emag that looks like a fossil. one is of the classic automag internals. and the last one is of emag but i dont remeber what it was. space maybe.

04-22-2002, 11:39 PM
pic 12: toolbench including the sfl i shot. same bench as in mini rack pic.

04-22-2002, 11:40 PM
pic 13: more of the "mags all over room". the three pics again. still cant make out the mystery one.

04-22-2002, 11:41 PM
pic 14: Tom shooting extreeme emag w/ warp. that sucker rips!

04-22-2002, 11:42 PM
pic 15: me shooting extreeme emag. ii dont look happy in pic but i was extremely excited must have ccaught me at a serious moment.

04-22-2002, 11:43 PM
pic 16: How things are fixed at AGD...dremels look close.

04-22-2002, 11:44 PM
pic 17: me and tom with the extreeme and sfl. dont we look handsome. especially me. once again a bad pic of me not smiling. i guarentee u i was happy!

04-22-2002, 11:45 PM
pic 18: me shooting sfl. still look unhappy. i was extremely happy that day and i guess it just didnt show.

04-22-2002, 11:47 PM
pic 19: table before "mags all over" room. had a 4500 flatline. various parts. different warp shells.

04-22-2002, 11:48 PM
pic 20: my signed jersey and manual. jersey says the moto of AGD.

04-22-2002, 11:49 PM
Last one:( pic 21: An extreme blue emag, a black sfl emag, a pewter emag, and a old cocker tom bought for 100 bucks all in the "Mags all over" room.

Load SM5
04-23-2002, 06:20 AM
Looks like you had fun. Thanks for sharing.

I think a little tour for those of us making the long trip up early for Shatnerball would be cool *cough *hint* cough*

04-23-2002, 06:32 AM
I concur Load!!! I say we just all show up outside the factory and chant "tom! tom! tom! tom!" until they let us in!

Load SM5
04-23-2002, 06:38 AM
Well, I'm staying at Jon's house so I'll just smuggle myself in, in his trunk. I'll lower the drawbridge from the inside and then...we storm the castle!

04-23-2002, 08:17 AM
damn, i wish i knew someone at the factroy...oh well. hey if any of u guys wanna bring me back an emag of anytype: emag/sfl/extreme/tom..oh wait tom isnt an emag, but he is extreme...lol sorry about that.

04-23-2002, 09:36 AM
i was hoping that Tom could do the next tech\agd tour the weekend before shatnerball....
That way i only have to get to Ill once this summer.

06-20-2002, 11:25 PM
up because i really like this old thread!

06-21-2002, 12:20 AM
That was too cool! Nice pics Snooky!

06-21-2002, 12:24 AM
i dont no if id be able to contain myself around all those mags

Creative Mayhem
06-21-2002, 09:16 AM
Nice job snooky, great pics! How did you get the behind the scenes tour? Did you just call and ask for one? I think I would like to get my grimey paws on one of those emags(even if it is only for a short time...) Tom you da man, what other company would let hoodlums tour their factory and handle their equipment(especially new or prototype versions

So, for this I would like to give Tom a big....


06-21-2002, 11:42 AM
Hey! It's the TLC mag!!! In the perfect circle paintball case!

Haven't seen that bad mutha for a while...