View Full Version : I love this forum....

03-26-2002, 03:06 PM
Because you can read what most of the people are saying, and they don't all post like this:
Originally posted by a guy at the P8ntballer.com forums
Yo dis is da holmes skillet from da' south creepin' in sure wi' da' fly mind poppin' da smack on yo' donkey kong rejectz
i'mze just here ta' say you can try, you can cry, you can deny, you can reply, but you cain-not be sly like my-my, you know you know
jerry may scalp da' lingo, but he's a lawya...still gonna hafta pay da' piper y'know what i'm tawkin'bout, but when it comes down, he's just kickin' it trying to be like me
robbo's doin' da' same but it ain't no game no mo', i'ze just windin' up my heels leevin' him in my wake, my dust, no fakin' here just all da' game Pete can't say he's tamin' no mo'. kiddies it don't pay to be 'fraid, un-unh.
tj's like supa-fly, got crazy kung-fu shiznit just oozin all ov-ah just like his masta' taught him, yeah daz right you know what i'm sayin' dats me
ev'y 1 else welp what'cha sayin'? i'ms da' real deal, no foolz need to stand up fo' me, no...you know they all wannabes, i cain't pity dem for i know i rule like poodles cuz poodles rule, and who don't wanna rule like poodles? no one...uh-huh das what i'm tawkin' about.

His pinky must hurt from all of the " ' "s in there.

AO is so civil...:)

03-26-2002, 03:13 PM
lol,thats so funny.It wouldnt be a bad sond.Maybe he was "rapin".or whatever kids nowadays do.

03-26-2002, 05:47 PM
That was a joke post :rolleyes:


03-26-2002, 06:25 PM
I no what'cha mean, yo. Tomz front'n if he thinkz he could cold juz buy Anglesownergroup.com and not have me and my homeyz populate da boardz with postz like dis, yo...