View Full Version : 12" J&J ceramic

03-26-2002, 05:33 PM
i just baught a used mag that comes with an expansion chamber and a 12" J&J ceramic barrel. is this barrel any good, or should i continue my quest for a spyder to mag barrel adapter so that i can use my AA on my mag?

03-26-2002, 06:08 PM
I got my automag 4yrs ago and it came with a J&J ceramic 12" and it still shoots great. Its quiet and accurate you woun't be disapointed.

03-26-2002, 07:02 PM
Well, your not going to find that adapter any time soon.
The J&J is a nice barrel, better then the AA in my opinion. I don't like all that porting which leads to a very inefficiant barrel.
What you want is a barrel that fits your paint well. If the paint you use most fits will in the J&J you are fine.

03-26-2002, 07:31 PM
ya, i have a J&J myself, and it's a great barrel, although, i have a boomstick too, but J&J is good for small bore paint, J&J is best barrel out there for its price

03-26-2002, 07:34 PM
Well, your not going to find that adapter any time soon.
The J&J is a nice barrel, better then the AA in my opinion. I don't like all that porting which leads to a very inefficiant barrel.
What you want is a barrel that fits your paint well. If the paint you use most fits will in the J&J you are fine.

03-26-2002, 07:57 PM
pyro, why did you post the same reply twice? were you trying to make a point? just kidding. thanks for the words of wisdom, i will stick with the J&J.

one more question: are marballizers and el tigre small bore paint? i think they are, but i'm not sure.

03-26-2002, 08:31 PM
j&j makes great barrels, i have a 14" ceramic & my friend has a 12" ceramic, both great barrels. quiet & acurate, and for a great price. the ideal woodsballers barrel in a nutshell, did all of yours come in nutshells, cause mine did...