View Full Version : Emag coming soon but need help

03-26-2002, 06:51 PM
alright I have been talking about me getting an emag. Well its time for me to really start thinking about it, so I am gonna go find somewhere to get a job, so I will have money for this monster gun. Now before i order it, I want to know what package you think is better. Their are 2 choices A or B. Please help me decide what parts to get for my new pretty EMAG.

Choice A

Polished Black hoppper right Emag
12in Freak system
68ci 3000psi AGD flateline
AGD smoke warp feed
Black 12v revvy with X-board

Choice B
Extreme Emag center feed
68ci 3000psi AGD flateline
Dye Boomstick


03-26-2002, 06:56 PM
I would say go with B simply because you get the freak. IT is really close though, and remember when dealing with mags... you will be happy with either.:D

03-26-2002, 06:56 PM
Oh man that's a tough choice. I would personally go for the first one because you are getting alot more important parts: Revy w/XBoard, Warp, Freak. I would go with number one. But then again, Extreme...pretty tough. Go with what you want.

03-26-2002, 06:58 PM
well, choice a is a nice one, cuz you can get everything you want and need right away. And if you have a job you should be able to afford an extreme upgrade later on

Choice b is also cool cuz you will be one of the first kids on the block with one. and if you have a job you can get the stuff later on (freak warp etc)
Personally i would go with chioce a because it will perform better. choice b will take a while to get to the performance of choice a

03-26-2002, 07:32 PM

you get everything,and get Extreem it later one.get centerfeed though.

03-26-2002, 07:39 PM
A. However, I would try out the stock barrel first. You never know... You can always upgrade to an extreme later.

03-26-2002, 07:57 PM
Alright, Thanks guys. I will start to look for a job. And when I have enough money I will inform all of AO that my Emag is on the way.
