View Full Version : AO the Paintball Industry Needs Your Help With the Attack in LA

03-26-2002, 07:10 PM

Several industry people have asked me to ask YOU to help with this. As you might have heard a 51 year old man was shot by paintballs over the weekend. He was on rollerblades and slipped and hit his head. He is now in a coma and on life support. Several witnesses saw kids with paintguns on the cliff above but they have not been arrested yet.

Someone must know these guys! Please keep your ears and eyes open for any info from the California area that might lead to their arrest. I just got off the phone with Budd Orr and the reporters have hit each one of his retail stores today.

There already have been published reports of the incident which left out the fact that the guy slipped and then hit his head. They just read "Man in coma after paintball attack". We need to use the power of AO to try and bring these guys to justice!

Thanks from the entire paintball industry.


03-26-2002, 07:30 PM
Thats utterly horrible! i hadnt heard that yet. This can be nothing but bad news for the paintball industry. I will do all that i can, i will even contact my local news stations so that they get the story straight. Hopefully the guys out in LA can help identify these guys. I think everyone should contact their local news stations ant tell them before they air the story they better clarify that paintball is one of the safest sports and all that stuff. And if they have already aired the story please ask them to run a retraction.

03-26-2002, 07:31 PM
OMG. Why would someone do that? That really makes me real bad. An older man is now in a COMA because of these idiots. Some people just don't know the effect of something that seems like it can't be that bad. You could throw a snowball at a car and think it's hilarious, then what happens if the driver freaks when the ball hits the carm spins out of control into another a car, and everyone is killed? It's not that hard for it to happen, some people really need to mature, and grow up.

I am sorry for this man that has to go through this because of some immature idiots...let's track these people down people! This is a quite serious event that has happened.

03-26-2002, 07:38 PM
My God, I hate stupid people...

03-26-2002, 07:40 PM
THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!!! I just heard about this at school today from someone. I thought she was lying when she told me. The consequences this could have for our sport are horrible. A few little di**s think it would be fun to shoot an old man, and, thus, possibly ruin everyone else's chances to play anymore. Stupid people suck!

03-26-2002, 07:55 PM
Thats just not right.

03-26-2002, 07:57 PM
Maybe the Paintball Community should get together as a group and hold some fundraisers to benefit the guy... pay his medical bills and such. That would take a little of the bad publicity off the paintball industry as a whole and place it more on a few stupid immature kids.

Kajo out-

03-26-2002, 08:30 PM
Unfortunately I know idiots like that in the Puget Sound area. Actually, my friends shoot up almost anything they can, they shoot cars, animals, and houses. Kinda sad but I'm trying to stop them from doing that crap.

03-26-2002, 10:00 PM
FooTemps and other people that have friends like that i think have an obligation to make sure these people don't continue to ruin the reputation of paintball. People that i knew that did stupid things like that no longer can play with us -- end of story.

03-26-2002, 10:28 PM
Seeing as they are kids, they were probably stupid enough to record the event. Find the kids and you will most likely find the proof soon after.

03-26-2002, 11:13 PM
Anyone have a link to an newspaper article that has more details about this? I've only seen part of a news report on local t.v. I think the attack was near Newport Beach?

03-26-2002, 11:17 PM
This is just what I need when talking to Baltimore City Council people.

If you know someone who uses their marker for vandalism or any other crime, don't reason. Just call the cops on their *** before they cost you your ability to play.

- Chris

03-27-2002, 03:12 AM
Maybe the Paintball Community should get together as a group and hold some fundraisers to benefit the guy... pay his medical bills and such.

This is a great idea. Someone could organize this and make an ao contribution as a whole. Also, between havoc_online and me we'd be able to contribute 20.00 to start out. Maybe Tom could receive any contributions and contact the man's family.

Mr. Grumble
03-27-2002, 03:28 AM
A couple of links to the Orange County Register on-line.

link one (http://www.ocregister.com/local/paintball00326cci6.shtml)

link two (http://www.ocregister.com/local/paintball00327cci4.shtml)

The text from the Corona Press Enterprise
Skater Barraged With Paintballs
A 54-year-old inline skater remained in critical condition Monday with head injuries suffered after being attacked by youths firing paintballs.
Gary Holdren was skating alone Sunday when he was pelted by paintballs fired from a nearby bluff, which caused him to fall backward and strike his head on a concrete path, said police Lt. Mike Jackson. Witnesses told police they saw three youths armed with paintball guns.
Holdren was taken to Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center in Mission Viejo where he was listed Monday in critical condition, Jackson said.

This is very bad MoJo. If you can give the police any info please do not hesitate to speak out.

Anyone with information about the attack is asked to call Newport Beach detectives at (800) 550-6273.

Mr. Grumble

soilent green
03-27-2002, 06:41 AM
well another bad step backwards for the paintball community I really like the fundraiser Idea I have to say this is another reason we need to have licenses for paint guns I don't like it but we need to stop these idiots from going to wallmart and spending $70 on a stingray and paintballs to go shoot old ladys for a lafgh we need awarness courses and safty instruction to get the license and we need to make it so all ages can get the license for a reasonable fee its all well and good but of course it would never work to our advantage. This also reinforces the restriction of paintball markers on public property which is a bad thing.

03-27-2002, 06:49 AM
The very sad thing about this is that I live less than a minute away from where this happened. It's right next to UCI and a very rich neighborhood. I'm sorry to say this, but i know some rich little brats did this. I'll do my best to keep my eyes and ears open. There are only a few shops that these kids go to in the area. If you do set up a donation. I'll be there to contribute.

03-27-2002, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by soilent green
well another bad step backwards for the paintball community I really like the fundraiser Idea I have to say this is another reason we need to have licenses for paint guns I don't like it but we need to stop these idiots from going to wallmart and spending $70 on a stingray and paintballs to go shoot old ladys for a lafgh we need awarness courses and safty instruction to get the license and we need to make it so all ages can get the license for a reasonable fee its all well and good but of course it would never work to our advantage. This also reinforces the restriction of paintball markers on public property which is a bad thing.

First of all let me say that what happened to this guy is horrible, and if the guy does die, those kids should be charged with murder.

However, licencing is a bad idea. Registration only hurts law abiding citizens. People who are going to do illegal things like shoot people on rollerblades, could easily make the jump to buying unlicenced paintguns. They were already going to break the law once, why not break it twice. So instead of curbing crime, you've just given every local government in this country that wants to ban paintball the names and adresses of every person in their area that has a paintball gun. Next thing you know, the local police are at your door to confiscate your paintball gun. Now I know there is a great movement to distance paintball from the NRA, and from the idea that paintball markers are not guns. This is poor strategy. There is no amendment protecting paintball players. If your city wants to take away your marker becuase they feel its dangerous, they can. How much easier is that going to be when they have a list with every gun you have on it? How are you going to make trades with people if there is a waiting period for registration. How bad is the government going to gouge us to pay for this registration?

The natural progression from registration is removal, its been proven historically.

03-27-2002, 10:33 AM
If there is a fund raiser, I will try and contribute. It is amazing what some people do for "fun".

03-27-2002, 10:52 AM
The post below is Shartley's from another thread. http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30407

I believe that he makes a lot of good points so I wanted to post it here for everyone to read.

Hope that's ok with you Shartley.

Originally posted by shartley
Interesting… yes tragic indeed. But if anyone gives it should be because it is tragic, NOT because it involved the misuse of Paintball Markers. Are we to feel responsible and then give funds to other tragic victims if we are associated in some way with how it happened?


Man beaten with a baseball bat…. I play baseball, I now should give them money?

Kids take golf balls and toss them out a 35-story window, a man ends up in a coma…. I play Golf, I now should give them money?

Woman is hit by a speeding car and ends up in the hospital… I drive a car, I should now send her money?

The list could go on and on…..

This is what Tom had to say about it…


Several industry people have asked me to ask YOU to help with this. As you might have heard a 51 year old man was shot by paintballs over the weekend. He was on rollerblades and slipped and hit his head. He is now in a coma and on life support. Several witnesses saw kids with paintguns on the cliff above but they have not been arrested yet.

Someone must know these guys! Please keep your ears and eyes open for any info from the California area that might lead to their arrest. I just got off the phone with Budd Orr and the reporters have hit each one of his retail stores today.

There already have been published reports of the incident which left out the fact that the guy slipped and then hit his head. They just read "Man in coma after paintball attack". We need to use the power of AO to try and bring these guys to justice!

Thanks from the entire paintball industry.


I agree with that. What we as a community can do, and should do, is help bring these people to justice. Them shooting paintballs at the man was the crime and was assault…. The man being in a coma seems to be his own fault. Two different issues.

Was he wearing a helmet? Seems that is standard safety equipment and his choice to wear it or not, and if he WAS wearing one I find it unlikely that he would now be in a coma. This may sound harsh, but goes to my point….. if you were walking your dog and it startled him and he fell and hit his head and ended up in a coma, would you be responsible for his bills? No. Should then all dog owners feel responsible because a “dog” startled him? No. Can and should be feel bad for this tragic event? Yes.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we are dealing with two different issues here. And I will not send a dime to help pay a person’s bills when the actual injury could have been avoided by the proper use of safety equipment, and that was the individual’s choice. You can not convince me that the man might not have lost his balance a half a block later for NO apparent reason and fallen and ended up in a coma as well. I Roller Blade too, and know how easy it is to fall.. for ANY reason.

I WILL however bend over backward to assist in any way I can to bring those who assaulted him with Paintball Markers to justice (although I admit there is little to nothing I can do about that since I live on the other side of the country).

This does not make me “heartless” or “uncaring”, but we (most people) can not give to EVERY tragic accident or situation that gets put in front of us. If we did, we would have nothing for ourselves…. And would you then send me YOUR money to pay for my children and bills? And anyone who thinks I am just mean spirited and just don’t want to help anyone…. think again. Anyone who knows me knows MUCH differently. In fact I just sent off money to help the Paintball Player that got into a car accident in MA. But that was for a totally different reason.

How about this? I would be willing to buy him a Helmet… for which if he was wearing one he would not be in a coma right now (that is unless someone can show me that he WAS wearing one.. but that is unlikely since that is what they are designed to protect you from). The paintball attack is not the reason he is in a coma… there are hundreds of reasons people fall while rollerblading, and I have never heard of someone hitting their head while wearing a helmet and ending up in a coma. So in my opinion, we are dealing with two issues here (yet tragically linked).

(Note: If you do not agree with me, fine. I have no problem with that. But please do not take what I write out of context or warp it into meanings I clearly did not intend.)

03-27-2002, 10:54 AM
This is truly sad. Think if he was your father or
grandfather and some snot nosed kids put him in the
same condition that this poor fellow is in.

I think anybody that knows these guys should come
down hard on them. And if I had my way, the guy
would pull out of it and they would have to nurse
him back to health and work off all of his bills!

But that's just my two cents.

Mr. Grumble
03-27-2002, 12:52 PM
Just to let everybody know, the attack and fall did not cause the coma directly.
The man suffered a blow to the head when he fell. He has been through two surgeries for this head injury (most likely to relieve pressure from internal bleeding & swelling).
The 'coma' is a drug induced state of unconsiousness. The doctors have maintained this medicated state, since the operation, to better manage his care and will stop the sedatives when he is more stable. At that time he will attempt to regain consiousness, until then, he is not being allowed to wake-up.

Mr. Grumble

03-27-2002, 12:57 PM
I'm sick in my stomach now from hearing this news. I'm ashamed to hear that a couple youths thought it would be funny to attack an innocent old man. I'll do my part in keeping my eyes and ears open.

03-27-2002, 05:46 PM
I think that it would be good for the paintball comunity image if we could play a key role in bringing these hoodlums to justice so i for one will keep my eyes and ears open for any info that might pop up. I think anyone who does find out who they are should not say anything to them but go straight to the police.

03-27-2002, 10:23 PM
I got to thinking about this, and, thwere has to be more to this than some kids just going out and shooting this old man for no reason other than,"It will be fun." My guess is that this old man, from a wealthy neighborhood and obviously trying to be "cool" (roller blades and no helmet), had called the cops on these kids before for playing renegade paintball. For some reason old rich people have a problem when teenagers have fun and make the slightest amount of noise. (Sadly, even my own grandfather has this problem though I continually urge him not to call the cops about stuff.) Unfortunately for teenagers and paintballers as a whole, this situation does nothing but support the stereotypes of us that many have gotten into their heads somehow. While I deffinatly do not condone the actions of these children, I find it hard to believe that their target was entirely random. I feel that these idiots should never touch a paintball gun again, because their selfish actions may cost some of us the sport we love. I guess this hits me particularly hard because of where I live, but how can someone be so thoughless as to sully the name of our already threatened sport? Please, if you have any information that can bring these "low-mileage minds" to justice, inform the authorities. We cannot afford to have people like these using paintball equipment for unlawful purposes.

03-28-2002, 01:46 PM
I'm inclined to think it was a random act. There've been incidents in SoCal where kids throwing heavy rocks over freeway overcrossings. This is another one of those things stupid things people do that pisses me off. :mad: I just wish those kids get caught.

03-28-2002, 02:28 PM
Well if these little ankle biters are regular paintballers they will have to fill a tank or something. And if they are like any high school or middle school kids they will brag about it to someone. My advice would be to post this on PBnation or PaintBallCity or some really big site. Some person will be like, "Yeah I did that, I'm so cool............." and they will go to his house and convict him. Or they could just go to some local schools and grill some kids. I'm sure they would find something. But we really are gonna have to stick up for our sport after this. Even if this guy doen't die it is going to really give us a bad name.

03-28-2002, 03:01 PM
if sombody is going to put a fund togther count me and my team in

this is one more reason on top of several thouand other reasons why I hate most people

03-28-2002, 07:33 PM
ANd i wonder why some parents dont want their kids playing paintball:mad:

03-28-2002, 08:07 PM
On another point; the news article I read said they were investigating this as assault with a deadly weapon. This could set a dangerous precident. If anyone is in a position to contact the LA DA's office it would be far better to charge these kids with agravated assault when they're caught.

03-28-2002, 10:45 PM
There's no tellin' what this guy will do when he awakes too. That is if he pulls out of it. He might be pissed, and make it a mission to tarnish the sport. That would suck huh? Not good, not a good situation at all.


03-29-2002, 09:32 AM
I'm sure the laws for having a paintball gun is different in every state but what are the different laws out there?

Is it something like when your carrying a fire arm, you have to have it under lock and key while transporting it?

03-29-2002, 11:46 AM
That is just sick.
THe media needs to know that there people ARE NOT part of the paintball community. We have had this discussion before. It's much like firearms. Millions of Americans go hunting with their firearms every year. Mostlikely, 0.0001% of them actually use them to kill people. In paintball, millions of people go out and use their markers to play the GAME. Yet some people DON'T play the game... at all... they just bought the markers to shoot things. These people are NOT part of our sport and, in my opinion, need to be severly punished for their crimes. I don't live anywhere in CA, but if I did, man I dunno what I'd do. If you really think your niehbor, classmate, friend, or jsut some guy you see at the field did this, or could have done this, confront them. in front of a large crowd of people if possible. Just get the word out. If you are to afraid to say something, and you are almost sure you know who did it, talk to the autorities. I know some AOers don't like the authorites too much, but when it comes down to doing your part to save our sport, or having hte police discover all those built up parking tickets of yours, well, you know what to do.

03-29-2002, 04:42 PM
Hey Tom,
You think AO can start a fundraiser to help out this guy?


03-29-2002, 04:45 PM
Please go read your OTHER post about this. :rolleyes:

03-29-2002, 04:58 PM
Thanks Shartley. I've read the post.


03-29-2002, 06:31 PM
Players wishing to donate may mail contributions to:
First Western Bank
Attn: Gary Holdren Fund
2722 W. Walnut
Rogers, AR 72756
Hey guys I found this on the warpig websight

03-30-2002, 06:07 AM
See "Gary Holdren Fund"

03-30-2002, 08:03 AM
Well I think its very unfortunate that this happened and I hope they nab them for it.. as for extent of the law or as for convictions... well I can say that whatever they get is whatever they get because if they were throwing rocks off of the cliff I know a couple of kids that were tried as adults because it did get someone killed in a very similar situation. Even teenagers have an Idea of right and wrong even if the man was bullying them.

But then again I have to blame the main stream retailers aka walie world. I know that some of the local "attacks" with convictions have been performed in my own home city were used with guns from retail outlets and paint from the same place. But its still a crime what these people are doing to our sport.

Looking at the skater though was he wearing a helmit? We are required to wear protectiave gear for the risk of eye damage and even worse..

I don't think that we should take any case of assault with markers and i hope we nail the twerps.

03-30-2002, 08:48 AM
Well, since everyone wants to post methods to help… how about one that actually WILL help?

Just thought this should be moved from a post being buried to one with “classic” status, since other methods even have their own classic threads about them…..

Quote by bunkerhugger:


I wish I could find all the links I had when I first heard about this incident. The victim is a well off, well liked man with very little family. His situation is not one which sounds like it requires financial aid, but the reward being offered for helping apprehend the criminals with the paint guns seems right. This is a case of criminal action. If you feel you need to donate money because of this incident donate to the reward fund, the police department or the DA's Office. Or better yet, donate to your local agencies - a strong community is the best way to prevent future incidents like this.

Oh… and Happy Easter Weekend! :D:D:D

03-30-2002, 09:00 AM

Looking at the skater though was he wearing a helmit? We are required to wear protectiave gear for the risk of eye damage and even worse..
Well according to the Fire Cpt. that responded.... NO. He was NOT wearing a helmet.

By Deepa Bharath
NEWPORT BEACH -- A national group that represents manufacturers of paint-ball equipment is offering a reward to anybody with information about who fired a barrage of paint-ball pellets at a man who was skating on Back Bay Road on Sunday.

As of Tuesday, police said the victim was still in critical condition at Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center in Mission Viejo.

The 54-year-old man was struck by paint-ball pellets that were reportedly fired at him from the bluffs. He fell backward on his head and broke his skull, officials said. The Paintball Products Manufacturers Assn. has at least $1,500 in its reward fund, an amount that is likely to increase, Executive Director Jessica Sparks said.

"This is a horrible crime," she said. "And it's been committed by people who are misusing sporting equipment our members manufacture. It's like using a baseball bat to hurt someone."

The association has also put out a national alert over the Internet asking members of the North American paint-ball community to contact law enforcement officials if they have any information about the incident.

"We just want to do everything we can to help and hope [the victim] recovers," Sparks said.

Witnesses told police they saw three "youthful males" with paint-ball guns in the area about the time the man was found injured. Police are looking for those men or boys, but no further description is yet available.

Newport Beach Fire Capt. Steve Bunting, who treated the man at the scene, said he was afraid the victim "was going to die."

"This guy was clearly ambushed," he said. "We counted 18 paint-ball marks on the ground, three or four on the stop sign nearby and several others."

The man was also directly hit by some of the marble-sized pellets, Bunting said.

"His right eye was hit and was swollen shut the size of a walnut," he said.

Bunting said the victim was able to answer some questions, such as who he was and what day it was, but was vomiting out of control -- a typical symptom of a serious head injury.

"It's very sad," Bunting said. "A helmet may have helped him."

Detectives are investigating the case and anybody with information is asked to call (800) 550-6273.

* Deepa Bharath covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at [email protected] .
Just answering someone's question..... which seems to be lost in all of this....

03-30-2002, 09:25 AM
The matter of if he was wearing a helmet or not. I haev not read up on the entire story, nor who the man really was, but I see him as a older man, out on his roller blades getting excercise. Every neighborhood has one of these people... you know... they run or jog or skate every morning or so... wearing a blue and purple windbreaker suit... So I see this guy, on his usual route, out getting excercise. He isn't wearing a helmet becuase hes probably a pretty good skater and doesn't go very fast anyways. No one would really expected getting shot up when they are out getting excercise right? I mean this poor guy probably never knew what paintball was, and had never been shot by one before. Now these kids prolly hit him a good 20 times total... there were three... I probably couldn't keep my balance on roller blades while getting pelted like htat, let alone this guy, in his 50's, or 60's...Even if he would have had a helmet on, he probably would have broken or damaged something else anyways.

I saw that Jessica Sparks (editor of APG..) said:

"This is a horrible crime," she said. "And it's been committed by people who are misusing sporting equipment our members manufacture. It's like using a baseball bat to hurt someone."

Thats what needs to get out. things like that need to be said on TV and in the papers. Im still disgusted and what these people are doing. Every day this kind of thing happens, not quite this bad though. And every day paintball gets a worse name for itself. And every day companies lose 200, 300, 400 dolllars or more becuase people are deterred from buying the markers and the equipment. Its disgusting.

03-30-2002, 09:28 AM
It is an unfortunate fact that the majority of the past shootings that have raised the most attention were committed using equipment not available at mainstream retailers. I say "unfortunate" because this indicates that these were committed by people familiar with paintball. The most publicized of these occurred in the LA area around 1997 and the criminals videotaped their shooting spree (which began as a baseball batting spree). These idiots purchased their markers from an on-line source and their paintballs at a pro-shop.

03-30-2002, 02:01 PM
You should wear a helmet, elbow and knee protection when you go roller-blading. As Tom said earlier, his head injuries were caused not by the paintballs but because he slipped and hit his head.

If he was wearing protective gear, as most states require, his injuries would have been less.

After all, he could have been hit by a car, bus, or just fell.

03-30-2002, 05:22 PM
This is a sad event!

It is a shame when people abuse other people! These idiots should be removed from the gene pool, as they have demonstrated they are incapable of adding to it in a positive manner...

But why is everyone carrying on about the helmet? Did you not see the news article?


Newport Beach Fire Capt. Steve Bunting, who treated the man at the scene, said he was afraid the victim "was going to die."

"This guy was clearly ambushed," he said. "We counted 18 paint-ball marks on the ground, three or four on the stop sign nearby and several others."

The man was also directly hit by some of the marble-sized pellets, Bunting said.

"His right eye was hit and was swollen shut the size of a walnut," he said.

03-30-2002, 06:10 PM
I am sorry to have to say that to IGNORE the fact that even the Fire Cpt. said the use of a helmet could have prevented the coma would be worse than complaining about those who refuse to ignore that fact.

Noone is saying it is not a tragic event. Noone is saying that a crime was not committed. But people want the world to not get misconceptions about the sport of paintball, yet you (and others) want to ignore the fact that the paintballs did NOT cause his coma? The paintballs caused his eye injury, the paintballs also caused him to lose his balance… but they did NOT cause him to almost die (as you like to quote the Fireman’s concern)…. His hitting his head while NOT wearing a helmet caused that.

How does anyone expect the rest of the world to look at this rationally if paintball players themselves don’t?

How many paintball players do you know that have received massive head trauma while playing the game?

Now how many cases of massive head trauma do you think happen in Roller Blade accidents? Wonder why they clearly post to wear a helmet while Roller Blading? We are simply talking about two totally different issues. And combining them together only helps support the misconceptions of how “dangerous” the sport of paintball is.

I think the only other issue is how paintball players should show their support. This is a personal choice for each individual, and noone should make anyone feel badly for whatever they choose, or for stating the reasons WHY they chose it. Here on AO there have been several choices laid out….

Send money to a fund that goes to him and his family….
Send money that goes to the fund(s) for the reward offered to help catch these punks….
Send the family letters of regret, understanding, and concern….
Keep your eyes and ears open and report any relevant information that will assist in the apprehension of these criminals…
A combination of any to all of these…
And then doing nothing at all.

I think the prevalent attitude shown by some members that thinking about this issue with pure rationale is WRONG, is simply wrong in itself. I personally will not “get over” the fact that if he was wearing a helmet he would most likely be sitting at home right now being interviewed by the Media about his situation, and not in a coma. Now how would you feel if someone was to tell you to “get over” him being in a coma because it was NOT caused by the paintballs? And that is actually more accurate…

I have seen respect shown by BOTH ways of thinking, lets please keep it that way.

03-30-2002, 06:17 PM
Lays to waste with stone cold logic. Right on.

03-30-2002, 07:08 PM
Now we all know we've had to deal with some of these punk *** white-trash losers at some time in our paintball lives. Being from Idaho, I've seen more than my fair share of on-field disputes that end in the parking lot. We have to face the fact these people can and are ruining the sport for us and anybody else interested in it. The only way to prevent this kind of $#!+ is for your community to rally, and drive out this element. Field owners, start a banned list of people you know are troulemakers, and players, for God's sakes, watch your manners, the whole world is watching.

03-30-2002, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by ShinyGuy
it would be far better to charge these kids with agravated assault when they're caught.

Actually if you wanted to see them serve the maximum amount of time the charges that would be need to be filed are as follows: Attempted manslaughter, assult with a deadly weapon, unlawful discharge of a firearm, assult with intent to cause great bodily harm, conspiracy to assult with intent to cause great bodily harm, and vandalism. The reason I'm also saying vandalism is because I highly doubt that every shot that they fired hit this guy, and those shots that missed had to break on something (most likely the sidewalk or street) thus being grounds for the last charge. If these idiots were in Michigan and were found guilty of this, the minimum sentance would be 15-30 yrs, plus court costs, probabtion, and restitution to the guy that was hit. Like I said if the DA wants to realyl make an example of these people, that's what he needs to file for, but the people who did this will probably, have a good lawyer that can get the charges reduced to a misdemeanor, and they'll walk away with max of 90 days, court costs, probation, and community service. Yeah the legal system bites when it comes to prosucuting punks like this, but feces occurs. The worst part is if they're minors, the when they turn 21 it will come off their record, and won't have to admit on any job application that they've ever been convivted of a felony or misdemeanor charge.

03-31-2002, 04:40 PM
Actually this happened about 30 seconds away from my house...In Orange County...Actually Newport Beach to be precise...

3 news channels came into my store regarding any information on paintball equipment and safety the day after it happened. i had one of my employees do all the interviews and what not as i was pretty busy.

Word around the streets here is the kids were shooting a sign and the guy skated into their line of fire, resulting in his getting shot in the eye, losing balance, and falling and hitting his head. whether this is true or not i've got no idea. i have yet to go check out the scene or anything and have had MANY people come into my store asking about rewards and what not.

Actually during the Channel 2 news interview, we had a call into the store of somebody who sounded rather worried...They inquired why the news people were there and proceeded to tell me that when he saw them he left because he "Had been sick and didn't want to be seen in that way" sounded like a bunch of BS to me...Unfortunatly i didn't *69 or anything, but i'm sure i'll recognize the voice if he comes in one day...

03-31-2002, 05:17 PM
Shartley: I understand what you are saying about the helmet, but it seemed to have become the focal point. Being a rollerblader too, it is a constant source of stupidity to see other bladers without their protection on. However, I think had he been wearing his helmet, he would be and probably will be doing interviews with one eye. I simply think the blame belongs where it belongs. An unhelmeted fool may skate his whole life without finding a coma...

04-01-2002, 03:48 PM
Just my $.02 on the incident in general, and the helmet conversation. Before I begin my incredibly long post, I'd like to say how sorry I am for the victim and his family.

The Incident:
I don't know if you are familiar with the term threat construction. In this context, it would essentially mean that the media attention about the harms done by paintball guns increases the chance of illegal or unethical uses. A non-paintball player, who goes around playing 'practical jokes' or something of that nature on a regular basis, sees the media report as a display of other kids fitting that same profile using paintball guns. Sure, sometimes the results are negative, but the potential user doesn't view that.

So the more it happens, the more media reports, and kids see it as even more popular. Even though the attacks have huge negative impacts that are reported by the media, sometimes they do a local segment on neighborhood kids firing on cars. If the kids watching the segment see no permamenent negative impact, the threat construction idea still holds true.

I know I'm not writing the clearest post ever, but hang in there. Essentially, the attacks lead to media which leads to more attacks in an endless circle of TC. Therefore, the only way to stop the endless chain of negative publicity towards paintball is to cut it off at the source. How you do that remains unknown, but I just thought I'd share my insight into the underlying motives of the incidents.

The Helmet:
I agree that he should have been wearing his helmet, and you can place money on the fact that he will regret that desicion with his every sinew when he regains conciousness.

However, I do not believe that this in any way is an excuse for the perpetrators or for the paintball community to turn its back on the victim.

(To those of you have decided not to send money: I view this as a personal decision and am not attacking you in the slightest. I may not send money myself, I am only commenting on the actual helmet argument.)

Here is my problem with the helmet concept: If I went to steal money out of someone's bank account and found no money there because the person had made a bad decision and spent it all, I am still guilty of theft.

Also, I see where SHartley is coming from on the examples of car accidents and the fact that he owns a car and should not have to contribute. I understand this, but we would not be contributing out of a moral obligation to the victim. We would be contributing to show that the paintball community DOES NOT condone such attacks. It would be just one step to ending the chain of endless paintball-related incidents in hometowns around the country.

04-01-2002, 04:14 PM
Is that the donations will be viewed not as a statement that we don't condone such attacks, but as a statement that we feel responsible for such attacks. I don't like the idea that the paintball community itself feels obligated to donate money whenever paintball guns are misused as if we're somehow responsible for the misuse. We're not, and we don't want others to think we think we're responsible, because they might just agree with us and hold us responsible as well.

It's the people who pulled the triggers who are responsible. Lets find those guys, and lets donate money to finding those guys, and then make THEM pay for their actions, because they're responsible, not the rest of us.

- Chris

04-01-2002, 04:44 PM
That's actually the best point I've heard so far. I never considered it that way. The best and possibly the only way to show our dislike of these people is to help find them.

I still don't believe that conributions will do any harm, however.

I see logic in both ends of the contributions issue, but not when not contributing is only validated by the helmet issue. I will leave it at that since I see a new found logic thanks to raehl.

04-02-2002, 12:45 AM
First, it happened in Newport Beach which is not really close to LA.
Second, the kids who did it are most likely rich Newport kids who had their lawyer Daddy buy them an Angel, they are a disgrace to the sport of Paintball and should be punished to the full extent of the law I have been by the site where it happend guite a few times and it's a good place for some rich newport kids to ambush someone in what they probably thought was going to be some funny joke and it wasnt. If I ever found the kids I would personally take them to the Newport Beach Police Department as I have an obligation to 'cause I work in a differant line of Enforcement, i could arrest them myself if I found them 'cause my description is Government Officer but I'd rather take them to NBPD.

04-04-2002, 09:59 AM
I take it that their haven't been any arrests or any guns confiscated as of yet?