View Full Version : FooTemps' Signature

03-26-2002, 08:02 PM
I feel that FooTemps' signature is a disgrace to the sport of paintball. To stereotype paintball as a sport of beer drinkers is a slap in the face. This is not the image that we want our sport to be represented as. This sets a terrible example for all the younger players who are looking for an identity to associate themselves with within this sport. I urge all of the younger players to ignore FooTemps' signature, because this is NOT "what paintball is." I would appreciate it if FooTemps would consider changing his signature (perhaps to maybe 2 people slapping eachother five, instead of 2 beer glasses).

03-26-2002, 08:06 PM
I think you're takin that too seriously, come on, it's just a lil cartoon. Plus, I think most people have the common sense to understand that paintball does not mean drinking beer. :)

03-26-2002, 08:07 PM
Its just a terrible example

03-26-2002, 08:08 PM
who are you? do you belong to mothers against the growth and development of the human race, one who holds sensorship in the highest regard? my god, it's just two guys having fun trying to explain that it's not war, and it's not evil, but that it's a game of people having fun and playin some ball. look past the beer would ya? i'm sorry if it affends you but lighten up...

03-26-2002, 08:09 PM
wow people can find something to complain about in everything

03-26-2002, 08:11 PM
its analogous, or at least i see it that way. its not saying DRINK BEER! its saying paintball is about camraderie, not psychos with guns. i dont think there is anything wrong with it. as for the younger players, i doubt anyone will drink beers, or think paintball is about getting drunk, as a result of seeing a bottle of beer in a forum signature, i know i dont. I think you're overreacting and this is a non-issue. btw, i dont think this is main forum material.

*edit* - sorry this is repetitive, but the previous people were typing atthe same time

03-26-2002, 08:13 PM
what Foo is trying to say is paintball isnt war.its just friends getting together for fun.would you rather him put soda in the cups?

03-26-2002, 08:15 PM
hehe, I've never thought of it as beer, I've always thought of it as frothy apple juice or something...It doesn't mean its beer, it's just what you interpret it as.

Well actually, I have thought of it as beer, but I always just read the thread, not every single signature...

03-26-2002, 08:17 PM
Anyone see the South Park Christmas special, where everything that has to do with Christmas was deemed offensive and had to be taken down? All these kinds of complaints remind me of that. There are people who will always find something wrong with anything. Get over it, its just a cartoon. Next someone will complain that its two guys toasting with beer mugs and not a guy and a girl. After all, it doesn't represent all the girls in the sport.

03-26-2002, 08:18 PM
Ok, you want it out? Then I'll take it out... I'll just put something more offensive in it's place.


Sorry to pull your leg like that. I don't really mean that we drink beer literally. I just mean that paintball is just having a good time with your friends. I mean, don't those smilies look happy? They don't look drunk and they don't look angry. Look at those war smilies, they're unhappy. Paintball is about having a good time so I just thought that image dipicted a good time.

03-26-2002, 08:21 PM
good dang, people will find something wrong with everything...just another example of political correctness going beyond its original intent. i hope you don't see arman's sig.

and foo, keep the sig. we all know what its about.


jae park

03-26-2002, 08:22 PM
you taking it the wrong way. its supposed to mean paintball is all about fun and good times just like when you drink.:D

03-26-2002, 08:24 PM
Heh, and it's all about WEEEEEEEEEEE!:D

But really, disregard this thread. It'll only cause more harm than good.

Mild 7
03-26-2002, 08:27 PM
Footemp's sig is fine. Hey Foo, don't change a thing.

Daniel Morse
03-26-2002, 08:29 PM
Take it out. There are kids on this forum. Including yourself. You are not even of age to be allowed to own your own marker no less drink a beer. If you think drinking beers is all about having a good time then you might want to visit AA and see all the sick people there with alchoholism fighting for their life and that of their families. Change it to people slapping five like Mendel said. If you are going to post as much nonsense as you do throughout the entire day then maybe you should set a good example while you are at it.

03-26-2002, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Daniel Morse
Take it out. There are kids on this forum. Including yourself. You are not even of age to be allowed to own your own marker no less drink a beer. If you think drinking beers is all about having a good time then you might want to visit AA and see all the sick people there with alchoholism fighting for their life and that of their families. Change it to people slapping five like Mendel said. If you are going to post as much nonsense as you do throughout the entire day then maybe you should set a good example while you are at it.

Hmmmm... I know this is an all ages forum but most parents don't see anything wrong with that. They always give comments like, "That is a funny picture," or, "That is sooo true." Sorry but I have never offended anyone before with it and I think you're taking it way out of context. I'm staying by my integrity.

Also, this has been in my sig ever since I joined AO. I don't intend on taking it out as long as I am a member of AO. That means I will NEVER take it out.

And on another note: Don't you find the guns more offensive than the beer? I mean... that depicts people SHOOTING each other.

03-26-2002, 08:36 PM
I think Mendel needs to locate the stick that's in his rectum and promptly remove it.

03-26-2002, 08:37 PM
What's wrong with havin some guys happily sharing their Root Beer floats? ;)

03-26-2002, 08:40 PM
ALL OF YOU SHUT UP! Just let it die. LET IT DIE FOR PETES SAKE! LET THE THREAD DIE! It isn't worth it to argue about something as trivial as this.

edit: Thanks in advance for ignoring this thread.

03-26-2002, 08:47 PM
are you sure, foo? :( i was about to post something humorous ;) :D

03-26-2002, 08:57 PM
guess what, i just showed my mom foo's sig. she thought i was talking about wheter the shooting one was appropriate or not. i said it was the beer one. she arched her eyebrows, then rolled her eyes.
hey, you guys are absolutely right. i'm under the drinking age, and have no intention of having any alcohol, but you know what? because of foo's signature, i think im going to try it. in fact, my paintball field doesnt allow alcohol (and neither does any field i know of), but from now on, thanks to foo's sig, i will associate the two.

if you dont think its funny, no prob, i have a sarcastic sense of humor.

03-26-2002, 08:59 PM

Actually Foo.. I have three cartoons on my site. Could I ask you to look at them all and see if they are worthy of being included in your sig? Thanks.

03-26-2002, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by theraidenproject
guess what, i just showed my mom foo's sig. she thought i was talking about wheter the shooting one was appropriate or not. i said it was the beer one. she arched her eyebrows, then rolled her eyes.
hey, you guys are absolutely right. i'm under the drinking age, and have no intention of having any alcohol, but you know what? because of foo's signature, i think im going to try it. in fact, my paintball field doesnt allow alcohol (and neither does any field i know of), but from now on, thanks to foo's sig, i will associate the two.

if you dont think its funny, no prob, i have a sarcastic sense of humor.

OUCH Mendel... DISSED! and even by raiden's mom too! double hit!

03-26-2002, 09:02 PM
shaft, you have 666 posts. thats offensive to me. the devil has no place in paintball. dont want any younger players carving the mark of the beast into their forehead to emulate you tourny players. ;)

03-26-2002, 09:03 PM
Well, lucky for us, the we still have the irc chat! None of these opressors will be there....

Now I'm just being cruely stupid but it's soo fun!

03-26-2002, 09:04 PM
My cats breath smells like cat food. :)

03-26-2002, 09:06 PM
I think I'm gonna post a poll about this just for some more laughs...

03-26-2002, 09:08 PM
Closed for the simple reason as this whole thread is just stupid and starting to edge into a flame war.


03-26-2002, 09:08 PM
mendel - you know im just kidding around. i can understand your objection to it, but ive only looked at the sig as brotherhood or something, not as beer = paintball. sorry if i sounded mean. dont want you to get the wrong impression of the forum.