View Full Version : New Proto Gun Body Need Your Design Help!!!

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05-02-2002, 09:39 PM
I'm still a big fan of the first main design, it would look really different/better with a nice shiney ultra black anno :)

05-11-2002, 12:05 AM
I have made some mods to your pics. Hope you like.


05-11-2002, 01:20 AM
Much better!!:D :D :D

05-23-2002, 08:43 PM
Ok, this designs rock, but it seems to kinda looke like an Angel. Dave's design is sweet!

Anyways, will this ever be something other than a dream? I seriously want to know if there is a possibility of this being sold.

05-23-2002, 11:32 PM
maybe this has been said , i only looked at pics, didn't read. but on some of these models i'm thinking " are we making another angel?" we don't need to do that. we need to make something original that is exclusive to agd. and that's my 2 cents

05-24-2002, 11:10 AM
umm why not make different types? some with different milling some without and the buyers just pick what one they like. Why make it so everyones gun looks the same? Why not have them tell what design they want and then you make it. Just my idea...

05-24-2002, 12:53 PM
My only suggestion at this point would be to change the mill job, which Im sure your quite aware of, and only used that milling as a display and model for ideas and responses from others. I also realize, as others should, that this is just a first draft, the milling and feed can change.
So to some it up,Way to go, on the prototype body Agd!

05-27-2002, 07:29 PM
I like it. :D

05-30-2002, 12:40 AM
I know I got criticized on my design for it looking like an angel, but I think that the "saddle" shape in back of the feed port is dead sexy! So what if that makes it look like a c&c angel? They are beautiful markers, no doubt about that, but noone gets pissy when another marker comes out that looks -exactly- like a spyder, or a bushmaster for that matter. Impulse, anyone? Besides, do it up right and nobody will think it's an angel.

06-16-2002, 01:08 AM
I think this will be a big hit. You guys at agd should make a some different design and let us vote on it after that we could deside on the site rail. One other thing it will have to have power feed or warp body for ppl who have warp like me :D. If you chose the design you can have them anidoze it would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!

06-25-2002, 02:28 PM
Heres my suggestions

For the milling design: Go with Manny's design because it just flows and that looks good and it actually looks like a real body. But then throw on the 3-prong idea of Foo's for the valve.

Keep the cocker threads. If you are trying to get more people to use mags let them use the barrels they have, and most people have cocker barrels. Don't use Angel threads, most people won't be going from an Angel to a regular mag.

Use Angel threads on the feed tube for obvious reasons that have already been said.

Just put a small little dove-tail on the top if you just have to have a site rail on it. That way you can still use a site and if you dont then it wont be that big of a deal because it is so small. That means you don't need to make it removable.

Or you could just make the extreme bodies so they will fit on regular mags so you won't have to go through this whole process.

06-25-2002, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by AngelBoy
Or you could just make the extreme bodies so they will fit on regular mags so you won't have to go through this whole process.

Extreme bodies do work with regular mags... :rolleyes:


06-25-2002, 04:48 PM
Really?!?!?! Like I could have an Extreme C & C Retro Minimag?

06-25-2002, 04:51 PM
Maybe I am missing something?

Extreme bodies do work with regular mags...
and then…

Really?!?!?! Like I could have an Extreme C & C Retro Minimag?
Anyone else see a problem?

06-25-2002, 04:51 PM
Yes! Except it wouldn't really be Minimag anymore... :)

you could have a retro manual extreme C&C though... I wonder if anyone has though to do that yet anyway ;)


06-25-2002, 04:51 PM
well yeah but if you got the extreme body it bascically wouldnt be a minimag anymore

06-25-2002, 04:53 PM
Lol 3 posts in the same minute pointing out the same thing...

And who said AO'ers weren't bright ;)


06-25-2002, 04:53 PM
HeeHee :D:D:D ;)

06-25-2002, 04:57 PM

06-25-2002, 05:56 PM
:(... Are the Extreme bodies available for order?

06-25-2002, 06:38 PM
the AGDE site has them for order

06-25-2002, 06:52 PM
Not to be picking, but didn't the minimag valves come with a different amount of stars? Didn't they have 4 stars, compared to the standard of 1?

So you could have a extreme minimag? Which would be a four star classic valve in an extreme body?

Or am I being to technical?

either way, the Retro bit thrown in there would mess that all up, since no minimag came as retro, right?

06-25-2002, 07:24 PM
well yea, mini's came with 4 stars , but I dont really unstand what your talkin about with the retro or anything?

06-25-2002, 10:36 PM
i like the look of the rt sight rail but it makes it look like an rt with a new body, id try the same kinda shape of the rt sight rail just a style more fitting to the mill design of your prototype. i think the whole gun is short (which isnt bad) and then you have a huge vertical feed, maybe raise the gun so the vertical feed is tinier? I also like the way mags look, all the pretty millings are cool on the prototype but it isnt the same mag. Then again a lot of the people i talk to dont feel anything from the current style of mags. I'm sorry if any of these comments are stupid dont slam me on it cuz i dont really know what im saying im just trying to help :)

06-25-2002, 10:56 PM
I like the loof with the RT Pro sight rail. The shape looks good and is different enough to really stand out. I think that this would look great with a yellow/orange or orange red fade.

06-26-2002, 04:19 AM

06-26-2002, 07:20 AM
I have no idea if anyone has suggested this because I'm not going through ten pages of posts, however, I would like to see a gun like the C&C extreme but with a few less mill lines like the ones on the side. I definetly want to see the interchangeable feeds.

06-26-2002, 12:38 PM
well..i see a lot of people wanting the interchangeable feeds...but at the price points Tom is trying to hit with the Classic Mags and the new SuperMag i just don't think it's going to work..

08-03-2002, 01:00 PM
ok guys, lets get some more possible Supermag bodies up here!

08-03-2002, 01:18 PM
I like the initial body design, but with better milling and a low rise feed. One reason I like the Mag is it's the most compact supergun on the market. Also, we don't need a site rail. Most people don't use them, and it just adds weight.

08-03-2002, 01:41 PM
Come on...we need the artists on here to go to town on the stock supermag bodies...

08-03-2002, 02:18 PM
i really like daves drawings especially the first one except one little part so i changed it a tad in paint

08-03-2002, 07:45 PM
Try that link and scroll all the way down. It's been suggested before, but why not what Shartley drew up?


C&C extreme body.

I'd certainly consider paying for it. Especially for one with a warp feed module. I want my sight. ;)

08-03-2002, 08:32 PM
Im not sure if this has been said before because I did not read every post, its just an idea that popped into my head. So here it is, im not too sure if its possible or not but for you great minds(not being sarcastic) here is something to ponder about, i havent given this much thought or any actually(so dont call me an idiot).
****Try to figure out a way so that both regular mag barrels and cocker barrels could fit into this new gun.****
Maybe you could make it easyer on your selves by making the user take out a peice before being able to use cocker barrels and then they could reinstall the peice when using a mag barrel. Again i did not read all the posts so if somebody already came up with this than im sorry.

08-03-2002, 08:58 PM
I think an aluminum body is a great idea. That first one looked a little chunky but i think if it was more clean like the sfl emag it would be very popular. Im a fan of the stainless tube and twist lock though but the people that dont already have mags arent :D

08-04-2002, 12:33 AM
yeah, they don't understand how cool it is to only have to turn a barrel a quarter turn to get it off. But then again, with a lvl 10, you don't really need to worry about messing with your barrel too much! I just hope us RT classic shooters won't get passed by in this whole thing. If I could lighten it up a bit with an aluminum body, my RT would be perfect.

08-04-2002, 04:15 PM
i would have really loved 4 this to be a 1pc. body and loose the body rail.. but if not i think it should be remade.. make it smaller. Also i loke daves drawings alot.. and maybe i think when this is done Agd should sell the body and body rail as one.. and diff feed styles should be able 2 be bought.. ( i think the Extreem body is awesome b-c u can change the feed.. and it shows alot in the back.. ) it would be great 2 have a non electro extreem.. i would by an extreem but i really dont wanna go electro, im sure some people could agree

08-05-2002, 12:15 PM
it needs ripper milling:)

08-11-2002, 01:20 AM
at least when it comes to this. I had no idea how to give it a mill look.

But I hope you guys can understand my concept, I think it would look really good, of course my pic don't

But just picture it in your head.

08-11-2002, 01:30 AM
you know what..i just realized that it's using an emag/rtpro rail...whoa...strange...oh well..

08-11-2002, 01:33 AM
actually I think it would be better if the stripes progresses even more bigger each step when it gets farther back, I will remake it tomorrow.

08-11-2002, 11:32 AM
pretty long post, heh??

i like alot of the sketchs, and I think it was Jasons work the best. all had great ideas.

i just want to get some info from some guys here.

-is this still a idea for ADG. will this actually be goin into production some time soon?

-will this fit the classics? (ie minis, classic mags?

-what type of threads? keep the twist lock if ya can!

-any idea on prices? (i know they arent in production so this may be tough :eek: )

on a different note, i love this idea. it is a great idea that can move away from the tube design, though i love the simplicity of the originals.

also, which not have these new costums longer in the front like a MINI's body. so the barrel is covered some. would offer more space to mill, and possibly a longer fade for annoing..

just some thoughts


08-11-2002, 12:10 PM
since i seem to be the Grand Poobah of the Supermag i'll try and answer all of your questions, Felony:

1. As far as Production...who knows? Tom always says Christmas to me...so..well..I'll jus say Christmas!

2. Yes, it'll fit classics..it's designed to spiffy up the standard mag.

3. Nope...no twist-lock. Cocker threads are the wave of the future.

4. Prices...well..I've never asked Tom that and i'm sure he doesn't even know all that well.

08-11-2002, 02:01 PM
Like I said before bu nobody seemed to acknowledge my post, why not incorperate both the cocker threads and the mag twist lock, it may not be possible but its an idea, just something to think about.

08-11-2002, 03:43 PM
thanks for that info Dirty!

cleared some stuff up for me!

Acecl does have a decent idea; why not make a breech that can be swapped or chosen at purchase. make the new body 10 more dollars, i wouldnt care if it cost a few bucks more if i could keep twist lock.

but back to the design..

i think it should have some extension past the forgrip, like the minimags/RTPs. that would give some more options for milling. i also like how the reg on the extreme is enclosed/encapsulated(as stated previously) it makes a nice sleek effect.

just my .02 cents.. maybe ill try and make a quick design


08-11-2002, 03:52 PM
Thank you felony, someone finaly saw my post, i dont see why its not possible to have an interghangeable peice so that people could use what ever thread type they desire.

08-11-2002, 04:21 PM
im not sure how it would work, but if it did, that is a fine idea. its not that i have invested tons of money into twist lock barrels, but some have. spending more money on barrels after spending maybe 200 bucks on a body wont sell some consumers.

to me, it would make it easier on us, and on the general paintball public, already shooting mags. just makes sense to me.

anywho, i think i have a pretty good idea for the new body.

it is kinda like einhander619's design; here is his design...


i really like the idea of having something over a standard mag tube body.

my idea is a black teflon body with smooth flames rising up from the body rail to the middle of the mag body.

in a sense, it is kinda like einhander's but with flames that enfulf the body and the regulator. the main body would be black to bring out the colors of course..

if anyone can do this, please try it, id appreciate it..

just a thought.


08-11-2002, 06:56 PM
einhander619 that is awesome! sorry, havne't really kept up on this thread, but regardless, that looks amazing. if that ends up being a design you can order i'll be one of the first names on the list.

08-13-2002, 10:00 PM
Do you mean using some steel in the body? i think the point was a lighter more millable body. steel wont do too well since we already got our tubes..wich i like very much

08-13-2002, 10:17 PM
Looks very good.

08-13-2002, 11:06 PM
ok, a few more questions..

is this a actual product to be produced by ADG?

i mean, i know there is the extreme. will the extreme be available for standard/classic mags?

i originally thought that this super mag was gonna be made of high impact plastic. is that not the idea now? will the supermag be produced for the classics mags among us?

just wondering


08-13-2002, 11:17 PM
yea so.. Tom.. agd anyone whats going on with this? i heard xmas but it would be nice to know ahead of time :)

08-13-2002, 11:40 PM
whoever said it was going to be made of plastic???!!! The supermag is going to be a new aluminum body for the standard (non-E) mags. It will not look like the Extreme (although the mill job has not publicly been decided on, I wouldn't expect AGD to adopt the Extreme milling for a lower end marker..it's loses the exclusivity of the Extreme design).

Jack & Coke
08-13-2002, 11:48 PM

08-14-2002, 12:28 AM

someone previously in another post spoke of a plastic body.

ill try and find it for you if you wish.

and the comment of the low end marker was not my favorite. granted the emag is a better marker, i dont think that means that the new body design for the classics shouldnt be for a high end gun..

i love the extreme body. i think the classic automag should have just as good of a body. though it isnt what you said, i dont think it is fair to give the classic a inferior body compared to the high end emag.

just my .02 cents

08-14-2002, 12:29 AM
on a seperate note.. i have a friend that is doin some quick work in window's microsoft paint of a new mag body design.

if the bodies arent decided yet, id like you all to take a quick peek. keep in mind that he threw this together quickly. a detailed job will be done soon..


08-27-2002, 09:49 PM
up, up, up.. only reason i upped it was bc extreems are out.. and now just filling the market.. and the same with the flatlines...

any more info on this?

felony, i like that alot..

08-27-2002, 10:00 PM
Yeah, Felony that is a good start. I don't like the original one, it kinda looks like something you'd find at Walmart (no offense, but I think it looks pretty bad.)

I think the Felony one would look good with some additional milling.. it looks 'ok' but it doesn't quite have the special something. I'm highly against the sight rails too ;)

08-27-2002, 10:30 PM
well, ill let my friend know that you like his work

that was done with normal microsoft paint. though it sounds like im braggin for him, im just trying to let you know his skills are limited right now.. ill tell him to get to work on more designs of the same sort

TO SOMEONE OF HIGHER AUTHORITY .. excuse the "yelling"

has the super mag already been designed and in the demo stages, or is it still open for designing? Just wondering cause i havent seen TK around here for awhile, and i assume this is a pretty big deal


09-10-2002, 10:07 PM
I like the body design alot. I saw this thread and didn't reply to it. I wanted my input in it kinda so here it is. With the new body I can't imagine the lightness of it. Yes I agree with others saying that maybe ship it with flat sides so maybe they could get custom milling on it. Sorry dunno much about milling. Also most people prefer darker colors so stay with black. I can't wait for this and the new z grip to come out.

09-16-2002, 05:49 PM
heres my shot at it :D !

09-16-2002, 06:57 PM
I agree that some of them look alot like angels.... I think we should keep this simple, just a superlite tubular design

09-16-2002, 07:36 PM
Make them more rounded not so square, yes they do look alot like angels heres what i think it should look like....a small stainless steel tube :P

09-19-2002, 01:20 PM
Actually, I quite like (ok, love) SI|ENT|3O|3's design of it. If that was offered right now, I'd buy it.

09-19-2002, 03:51 PM
they should have a longer body rail or extended foregrip so you can fit a z grip without that fugly kapp thing.

09-19-2002, 08:00 PM
I like ricerockets design.

09-20-2002, 05:00 AM
How about this? I'm very tired, and it's 2:40am here, so please bear with me, I'm alot better at this sort of thing when I've had sleep. This Design sort of reminds me of the Dark Angels, or any Angel for the matter. What do you think?

09-20-2002, 05:25 AM
My mistake. This is the design I thought looked sort of like an Angel. What do you guys think of it? :D
I like this one better,than the first one I did. Again, sorry for it being 2-D, and in black an white. Later today after some sleep, I'll play around with Tom's initial picture of the Mag body.

09-20-2002, 05:27 AM
SI|ENT|3O|3, I really like the one you did, you did a really,really great job on it. Keep up your good work.
I think everyone who has contributed to this thread is doing a great job anyhow,as I like all of the designs.....Except Tom Kaye's! lol, just kidding,heehee

09-28-2002, 03:14 PM
is there a reason that the valve front/back cant be changed in color or even be partially covered even thought the lettering looks good in my opinion. my friedn wanted me to ask, so i can show him.

10-03-2002, 07:12 PM
i like alot of the designs. Personally my favorite that ive seen is rice rocket's it seems to be the sleekest design ive seen. If u know what an Angel looks like you will notice that angels are a lot WIDER (not that it's bad) if i may say so myself, also there is many differenceslike as soon as they see the rear valve they should know its an automag unless they dont know what one is. But as of things that would make the gun better i think that AGD should work on a 15 degree asa for the z-grip fans out there and just for the sweet look of it cuz 15 degree asa's are tight Sh**, also the vertical feed is good just make it so it adapts to Angel High rises and low rises for the different tastes and also i think i saw a very smart idea on here which shows a screw in powerfeed into the vert feed port there fore people can use the warp feed on a vert feed gun.
thats all my input 4 right now and if i didnt say it before i like rice rockets design alot.

10-21-2002, 02:58 PM
i agree but the only problem i see is that we would have to use autococker barrels i dont want to get rid of all my mag barrels andbuy new cocker owns :( ;)