View Full Version : reactor valve + LCD grip????

03-27-2002, 06:23 PM
I have my order into get a reactor valve and i was wonering if i were to get a LCD grip would the 2 be compatable. And would i get any extra benifits or problems from combining the two? Any help would be appreciated.....

03-27-2002, 08:36 PM
kill the order!

the reactor valve is junk. i own one and havnt used it since about a munth after i got it. they leak way to much and dont help with recharge.

get nitro and you shouldnt have a recharge prob unless you shortstroak.

03-28-2002, 07:05 AM
Even with my old CO2 tank I didn't have any shootdown. And yes, the reactor valve is useless. You do not need one, it's a scam to get you to buy it, it does not help your mag, infact it can cause excess wear and leaks, etc.

03-28-2002, 07:50 AM
Reactor valve is garbage. All it does is take $40 out of your pocket and put it in someone elses. It does nothing nothing nothing to improve the preformance, and in many cases can actually make it worse.
As for using it with an electro frame, I don't think that you can. Electro frames come with an on-off that you have to use I think.