View Full Version : Elcd + Superbolt = Unchoppable and Unstoppable!!!WOW!!!!

03-27-2002, 10:27 PM
Elcd + Superbolt = Unchoppable and Unstoppable!!!WOW!!!!

Last week I received and installed my new AGD Superbolt, Plastic Nubbins and a Chrome Boo-Yaah Elcd grip frame.

I am SOOO impressed with all these upgrades. This has been the BEST money spent on my mag to date. I shoot a very nice Minimag (pic below), but have always had problems with ball breakage. Be it nubbin cuts, short-stroking, bolt impact or whatever.......the point is, I was having WAY too many breaks in my gun and was getting frustrated. I had to do something. My solution:

Superbolt: My minimag had the original, old style hardnose bolt in it. As far as I can tell this is probably the worst of the mag bolts. It creates excess blowback, is hard on paint and weighs a ton.

Plastic Nubbins: I've used "P" and "V" style nubbins. It's hard for me to say either of these were ever a problem, but the superbolt requires a plastic nubbin and I have had no troubles thus far.

Boo-Yaah Elcd: I did a ton of research before buying the Elcd. I wanted to eliminate short-stroking, have better trigger feel and increase my ROF. I looked very closely at the Go-Retro upgrade, Hyperframe and Elcd. I found VERY mixed reviews on all these upgrades, but from all my findings, I surmised that the only problem with the Elcd's are most of the idiots that own them. I could find no hard evidence as to what is really wrong with the Elcd's. There are many documented problems with the Hyperframe in regards to excessive bolt and sear wear......however, these are all problems are easily remedied by Centerflag. The RT doesn't have ultra convincing feedback and I've never shot one.....the idea of a reactive trigger is hard for me to imagine, but I figure I wouldn't like it. The Elcd had no clearly documented problems that I could find and is costs almost half of what the other upgrades cost.

RT upgrade: $250-$300
HyperFrame: $250-$300
Elcd: $140-$180

People often state that the overall quality of the Elcd is very poor. I would have to disagree, though it may not be up to AGD's standards (almost nothing is :D ), I see no striking short comings in the Elcd's quality. It installed flawlessly right out of the box. People say the grip is too fat and uncomfortable. I have average size hands. The grip is noticeably larger than the stock frame with nice grips, and certainly has a unique feel, but it's not bad, just different, and since you can actuate the trigger with the slightest twitch, hand position is less critical. I don't even notice it now, once you get used to it, it feels very natural. The trigger pull is NUTS. It is no exaggeration comparing it to a mouse click. I highly recommend the Elcd to anyone.

Conclusion: Since my upgrades, I have shot about 1500 rounds and dry fired the gun countless times. My superbolt is in one piece and shows NO signs of wear whatsoever. Foamie has stayed on. The gun feels and sounds great with the superbolt. With the ELCD and Superbolt, I have yet to chop or break one ball. I have shot old (deformed and brittle) RPS Allstar, fresh RPS Big Ball, and Zap Sport (from Wal-Mart!). 1500 flawless rounds. I have never shot with such confidence and ROF. The Elcd and Superbolt have turned my mag from okay to AWESOME. It's so amazing looking down your barrel at the end of the day and seeing NO paint clogged in the ports. I think I'll sell my squeegee because this gun is Unchoppable and Unstoppable now.

If anyone has questions or comments about my Elcd install or anything else for that matter, please ask/speak.

03-27-2002, 10:44 PM
what is with your air hose? is it going into the back of the gun? how did you rig this

03-27-2002, 11:00 PM
A picture says is all.....though it's nothing too special.

03-27-2002, 11:01 PM
Look a little closer, the elbow goes past the regulator nut. Just from the view it looks like it's hooked up to the back.

Doh! You beat me to it Fox.

03-27-2002, 11:28 PM
Very Nice! I'd still try to find an RT to shoot though! :)

03-28-2002, 01:32 AM
Enjoy it while it lasts:

e'hem! (Boo-yahh) ;)

03-28-2002, 06:29 AM
Nice! ... is the body polished or chromed?

03-28-2002, 07:25 AM
Is that the smart parts red and gold splash? I always wanted to see one of these kits except with red and black

03-29-2002, 10:13 AM
Yeah....it's a polished body....and yes, that's a Smart Parts splash kit.....I just need the matching tourney lock...any one got one FS?