View Full Version : Hells Survivors- Masters Field

03-28-2002, 01:21 PM
Anyone who has played at hells survivors in MI and played on the masters field can appreciate THIS (http://www.inktank.com/WW/index.cfm?toon=10-29-01)

03-28-2002, 01:57 PM
read that before, but masters never seemed to come to mind. But now that you mention it, yep that's it.

Mild 7
03-28-2002, 03:55 PM
I love the Masters. It sure brings back memories. I used to go to Hell Survivors every other weekend when I went to Michigan State. Battlecreek is nice too, since the owner is real personable guy.

03-28-2002, 03:58 PM
never been to battlecreek, what's the name of the field?

03-28-2002, 04:09 PM
that is exactly the way it is..

i hate the bottom of masters.

some times i will just buy a bunch of graneds and just keep throwing them over the top of the hill. 10 or 20 should do.

03-28-2002, 07:45 PM
My friends and I have won (and lost) from both sides of the Masters. From the bottom, I usually go up the left tape line, sometimes you can catch people and mess some stuff up from the top of the ridge right there. Need to play there again now that I have my Warp... not much to shoot at.
But yeah, overall I'd say the top has a pretty big advantage.

03-29-2002, 08:00 AM
anybody going on saturday? I might be going, not sure yet though.

03-29-2002, 09:34 AM
The Masters Field is why I play at Hell Survivors!

It's my favorite! I got my 1 and only flag hang in rec-ball is on that field. (I play pump, flag hangs are few and far between in mixed class.)

i was on the bottom side, ran up the right tape, expected 2 guys to follow me, but they didn't. I ran (fell, slid) down the ravine, ran (tripped, crawled) up the other side, and high tailed it to the back corner before the other team realized that I had made it across. They were all clustered on the top of the hill by the flag station, trying to push down from there. I camped out in their unguarded base for a minute or two, then the rest of my team pushed them back towards me in really fast.
I shot two of them (that's 4 out of my 10 rounds...) and then proceeded to autotrigger on the last one (with the flag) and it must have scared him because he ran out of bounds, I took the flag, and hung it!

Ok, now that I've told my 1 and only good story about how my crazy moves have actually worked...

I want to get an all pump group to play the Masters, that would be sooo sweet!

(sigh) like that'll happen anytime soon... (sigh)

03-29-2002, 11:15 AM
Lol, that dam cliff has definitely made for some crazy stories. Years ago a buddy of mine was wearing a mask that left his forehead exposed. He poked his head up over the rim and got wacked dead center. He had a welt that was big, black and 2 inches across on his forehead. We made him a bandanna to wear that had a bullseye on the forehead, fun stuff.

I play with my phantom on masters anyway (for the better accuracy, range). If anybody wants to get a big pump group together I'm game.

I'm going to HS tomorrow for the Easter Ball Hunt thingie. Should be fun. PM or IM me if you're going and we'll hook up and represent AO.

03-29-2002, 10:26 PM
Crap, i totally forgot about that!

Too bad my design project is due in two weeks and I have to get my rear in gear... lots to do... not much time left.

April 20... only 3 weeks until my Phantom rides again!

03-29-2002, 11:18 PM
That was where I had my first flag-hang too and we started at the bottom. Too bad dave massey is doing away with it next year. I don't know why, everyone loves the masters