View Full Version : How can I make my mag look *flashier*??

03-28-2002, 08:41 PM
I just bought a mag, and I really like it, but it's kinda dull. I was wondering how I could go about making it look flashier, but without buying new parts? I was specifically wondering if I could send my gun somewhere and get the whole thing splashed? Like a black base w/red + white streaks or blue w/silver streaks, something along those lines. I'm mainly wondering if I can send my mag in as a whole somewhere to get it splashed, but if not, what else can I do to my mag. Also, please show a pic of your mag if you've done cosmetic stuff to it. THanks a lot!

03-28-2002, 08:43 PM
-Dye 14in Boomstick
-Intelliframe w/ Blade tigger
-Retro Valve
-Drop Forward
-Warp Feed
-front grip
-dye stickies

buy new parts :D

03-28-2002, 08:46 PM
I was wondering how I could go about making it look flashier, but without buying new parts?

Heh, thanks for the suggestion though. I should probably list my setup first, and show a pic....

Powerfeed mag
Benchmark 2x frame
Site Rail
Custom Products 14" barrel
PMI Drop

03-28-2002, 08:56 PM
Maybe a powdercoating, or maybe polish that sucker up.

03-28-2002, 09:00 PM
Polishing----is that a DIY job? If so, where can I go to find out how to do it? And can polishing be done to anything besides the body?

Anyone else got suggestions? I really want to get it splashed though. Is it possible to get the ENTIRE gun splashed somehwere? Thanks guys!

03-28-2002, 09:32 PM
polishing, splashing, powder coating, and other paint jobs would definitely make it look better, you could also look into a new body if u wanna drop a good sum of cash into it, and a new color body rail will help

03-28-2002, 09:42 PM
you cannot get your marker splashed. That requires annodizing, and stainless steel cannot be annodized

03-28-2002, 09:49 PM
Ok, if the body cannot be splashed, what about the site rail? Benchmark 2x frame? Foregrip? PMI Drop? CP Barrel? Can any/all of these be done? If so, how would it be you think? Thanks guys!

03-28-2002, 10:00 PM
get a chrome body and spalsh all the rest of our parts. every thing that is aluminum can be splashed. you can get a single color for about a 100 bucks

Lone Gunman
03-28-2002, 10:10 PM
Well, you can do a transparent powdercoat on your body, that, with alot of polishing beforehand, looks almost exactly like annodizing; except you can only get it in solid colors.

I think everything else you have can be annodized.

03-28-2002, 10:23 PM
Well heres some things u could do
Powdercoat job, or polish the body
chrome intelli and chrome details and try to keep it a 2 color scheme that will make it look nice, and a nice chrome barrel will help.

03-28-2002, 10:59 PM
this is an option, smart parts and eclipse make splash kits. check paintballgear.com http://www.actionvillage.com/paintball-gun-parts-and-upgrades-automag-gun-upgrades-automag-parts-automag-body-kits-smart-parts-au.html
the one pictured is eclipse

03-28-2002, 11:15 PM
I, for one, don't find splashes that attractive. You can polish your body by yourself or I know places like PK will do it too. I did mine, sorry can't get pics. I simply used some fine sandpaper, a little bit on a dremel, buffing compound, and metal polish. It doesn't look too bad, but a whole world of difference from the gray body.

03-28-2002, 11:27 PM
A polished mainbody will definately make it look flashier.
I'm polishing my mainbody right now and its easy.
I just hope you have strong wrists.

You gotta sand past the grey coating and all the pits you'll find under it. I used 150grit sandpaper.

After you've gotten it pretty clean, go to 300grit
then 600
then 800
then 1000
then 1200
then 1500

After you've worn out your elbows, hands and wrists, along with a ton of sandpaper, take some buffing compound (i'm using some automotive stuff my buddy has) and use a Dremel with a buffing wheel (or any other tool like that) Buff that sucker till the cows come home and it'll be a bloody mirror when yer finished.

I'm just having a fun time trying to get the area in and around the powerfeed as smooth as the rest of my body. Got to wrap the sandpaper around a pencil or a small screwdriver or something to get in the cracks.

It'll take a while (i've been at mine for a few days off and on) but its cheaper to spend 10bucks in sandpaper than 120+ on a new mainbody.

Took mine out today and it was getting some looks, even though it isn't finished yet.

I hope this helps a bit, it's pretty simple to do, just takes some time and effort.

03-29-2002, 12:31 AM
If you have a bench grinder get a wire wheel and buffing wheel. You can save yourself a lot of time polishing. Here are a few of the mags I've modified:
http://cpc.wox.org/shiny/shiny1.JPG http://cpc.wox.org/shiny/shiny3.JPG
http://cpc.wox.org/jared's/jared4.JPG http://cpc.wox.org/trigger1.jpg

03-29-2002, 11:28 AM
I noticed when i polished the Aluminum Bottom Bottle Adapter on my mag it left alot of fine lines all over it.
I didn't do it as thouroughly as my mainbody, but i was wondering if you can get aluminum as shiny (or almost) as stainless?
Can you get rid of those lines entirely?
I've been hesitant with polishing my trigger frame and body rail. Thinking of just getting someone to chrome it for me.

That's a damn fine looking mini Tysonmachado!

03-29-2002, 11:36 AM
Those lines are just the paint that got deeper into the aluminum taht other spots.just sand some more and it will come off eventually.

03-29-2002, 02:42 PM
Aluminum is softer than steel so sandpaper will leave more scratches in it. After you get through the anodizing use some fine sandpaper, like 600 grit or finer. Then use rubbing compound (you can buy it at Walmart or any car parts store.) A buffing wheel or dremel polishing tip helps a lot when using the rubbing compound. Once you've got it chrome-shiny use some aluminum polish (also from the car parts store) to keep it shiny.

03-29-2002, 02:46 PM
Well the best Splash Kit is the red one. It looks really pretty!