View Full Version : Intelliframe to Warp And Revy???

03-28-2002, 10:07 PM
Just got a warp today and was wondering if there was a way to hook up both the warp and revy to the intelliframe, like possibly 2 earphone extensions run to each of them from the roller switch?? Is it really even necessary??
Any help or opinions are greatly appreciated guys!!

03-28-2002, 10:10 PM
I suppose it's possible with some votage regulation to make sure the revvy doesn't fry the warp board, but it's really not needed at all, just intellifeed the warp and let it catch up for any gaps the revvy's eye might create, that's what it was meant to do.

03-28-2002, 10:15 PM
Thanks for the info Potato Boy...Can I use the plug for the revy and plug it right in to the warp??? No need to rewire huh??

03-28-2002, 10:17 PM
Well, the plug on the AGD outline for the revvy is a 1/8" inch plug, but the warp requires a 3/32" plug, so you will probably have to either rewire the switch or if you're confident enough, chop off the 1/8" plug and attach a 3/32"

03-29-2002, 01:28 AM
This is easy. Just put a second 3/32" plug on the Warp, and one in the Revvy. Run one wire to the Warp, tie the two plugs together, then run a second wire from the 2nd plug to the revvy, and wire it according to the AGD instructions http://www.airgun.com/downloads/eureka3.pdf

Instead of running the wire outthe bottom, run ti to the terminals on the plug. Now you can run either the Warp, Revvy, or both since all you are doing is closing a low volt switch / Relay. Though I don't know why you would need to intellifeed a Revvy that is on a Warp.

03-29-2002, 07:39 AM
The problem is that the intellifeed for the revvy ties in directly to the batteries, and the warp is only expecting a 5 volt current. Even with what you just explained you'd have to take steps to ensure that the warp circut board is not damaged. Someone on here has buily a cord to do this, although I'm not sure whom it was.

03-29-2002, 11:20 PM
Thanks, PotatoBoy. I typed that in a hurry, and forgot about how the Revvy was set up. In hindsite a simple relay in the Revvy would be the easiest answer. You could do everything that I listed, but put a relay inside the Revvy between the plug, and the sensor eye circuit. You would be using the power form the warp to switch the relay.