View Full Version : Warren, MI: Field vandalism

03-29-2002, 09:03 AM
This post is to tell you folks about what happened last weekend to what was my teams home field. Some of you michiganders may know, we had a thread awhile back and I was talking about the field, etc.

Yesterday we got to the field to do some last touchups and play a few games, I was excited. We arrive, and the field is totally wiped out. The field is set up as so: You drive up to the field and there is a parking lot. Then a set of netting and the first field. It consists(or did consist) of wooder flats, hyperball snakes, etc. The next field down after that is a mounds field. It is basically a bunch of tightly packed dirt mounds.

Anyway, we got there and I noticed there are NO bunkers on the first field. I thought maybe they redid it for some reason(?). I go over to talk to my captain and he tells me someone vandalized the field, at which point I was stunned. Turns out the bashed in every bunkers pretty much, threw barrels everywhere, all over the mound field. Basically, there is no first field anymore, we used it to park.

All this work we put into it...gone. If anyone in the detroit/Warren area knows ANYTHING about this I really need to know. I know this is out of desperation but it would be great. We think they are paintballers, not just random vandalism. There was fresh paint on the ground in the parking lot, and we hadn't played there in two weeks.

I'll have pics up soon.

03-29-2002, 09:13 AM
that sucks man!

Where is this field at? is it an official field?

I'd love to play at a new place near me...

Hope it doesn't happen again.

03-29-2002, 09:18 AM
Yeah, it is(or was) a liscensed paintball field. PAW or Paintball arena of Warren(though it outdoor) is the name.

03-29-2002, 09:58 AM
If you report it to the police, and it happenes again, they will normally send out a patrol car to do night watch over the feild. This might help derering the vandalists. I hope that you catch them, and punsih them. Also, YOU might want to try to sit out there and paint them up when they come :D But I would ask the cops before you do this.

Disclamer: You prolly shouldnt listen to anything I say. :D

03-29-2002, 10:03 AM
that blows, I was looking forward to comming out there. Let us know if you need any help (I'm not looking for work, I've got a spanky job). I really want to come hang out there this summer.