View Full Version : I have lost all respect for Tippmann pneumatics.

03-30-2002, 06:05 PM
Hello everyone. Just today, my store recieved a flyer for the Tippmann A-5 , our supplier, NPS has just got them in. Expect em to go for $300 or so.

Now, what do you get for that $300? Very sad indeed.

The bottomline on the gun is not standard, its a new "inline design" that does not use normal bottomlines.

A loading system which the old Tippmann FA used. It is not compatible (or not compatible to my knowledge) with any other loader, you HAVE you use the Tippmann loader. Although its fast, it appears to be very hard to remove. Of the pictures we've seen, they've only showed one half of the gun. Why? On the other side, there is a HUGE piston that activates the star feeder. Very ugly.....And looks rather hard to take off.

It also doesnt use normal 45 grips, it uses something different.....Another thing I think could be done without.

Finally, the overall design is just a re-do of pretty much nearly every gun Tippmann has made, it has the upper chamber of a M98 (which I tend to believe is Cast Aluminum), the gripframe seperates like a procarbine, and has a Tippmann FA loader.

However, to thier advantage, they DO have a standard verticle ASA addapter for the bottomline. But thats the only plus the gun actually has.

Anyways, I just wanted to let out some steam. I think Tippmann shoulda just went with a whole new design like the M98 was, or not make a new gun at all.

03-30-2002, 06:21 PM
Just thought you would like to know this is already being discussed... you may enjoy these...




03-30-2002, 06:37 PM
Leave it to Ole' Reliable Shartley to find three threads about the topic.

03-30-2002, 06:52 PM
Have you used the gun?
Have you taken it apart and inspected it closely?
Are tippmann out to make a gun solely to please you?

The answers to these questions sir, is, no

03-30-2002, 07:03 PM
All Im saying is : For $300 , Tippmann should have made the parts a lil bit more standarized......But they didnt.....

03-30-2002, 07:06 PM
yes but i bet they would make a big hit to hardcore woods guys.

03-30-2002, 07:14 PM
Wait for the A-5 custom to come out with the standard parts. J/K.:D

03-30-2002, 07:55 PM
Tippmann is just trying to market to the scenario players more(with a design that looks like a real gun). But I still think that they shouldn't have made it look like a real gun. It will only make the anti-paintball people mad.

03-30-2002, 08:24 PM
I bet $10 that Tippmann (or an aftermarket company) makes a standard 45 grip with standard bottom line for it...

Necessity is the mother of invention....

03-30-2002, 09:19 PM
respect and Tippman are two words I would never use in the same sentence, except for right here.

03-31-2002, 01:36 AM
Tippmann makes great guns. I own a model 98c and it is as reliable as my E-Mag. I loan it out practically every sunday and it takes the abuse and keeps on ticking. I cant remember the last time I cleaned it... :) Anyway, IMO your knocking the wrong company.

a person
03-31-2002, 10:33 AM
yes the 98 is a good gun, with standard features that make it better than the a5 but with the a5 they are trying to over capitalize by making these mods that force you to buy upgrades that either they make, or a company dedicated to them to make. The inline feature is a good example. Since you cant buy a drop zone 2 or a cp flame for it you would have to buy their drop. But most likely lapco will go make their adapter though, but thats just more money you have to spend for a drop that you prefer. The loader is another thing. I know it can feed fast but what if people dont like it, then they have to stick with it or not buy the gun at all. I think they are trying to put competition on the warp system, but the warp can go on any gun now, making it a standard upgrade that you could add. See if AGD was trying to be Tippmann, they could have made the warp only for the mag. Plus this thing is way over priced for a another config of the past guns with a mp5 look and a over sized loader system on the side. But the woods people will amaze you by buying these things in huge numbers that will rival any cocker sales.

03-31-2002, 11:35 AM
Ford, what you don't seem to understand is that the anti gun people don't care if it looks real or not, to them a gun is a gun is a gun. THe AGD Minimag looks alot like a Tec 9. Stop complaining about something looking real and do something to fight the people who want guns banned, like joining the NRA. After all, this sport is all about playing with guns. :D