View Full Version : ques, bout emagvs other electro's

03-30-2002, 10:47 PM
i did a search on some stuff and noticed in a post way back in 2000, that the emag would not do full auto, because the industry decided not too because of safety
reason... well what gives,,, there are full auto's out now, did everypone just go back on there word except tom, or why havent we seen the emag's with a full auto board in them yet, i personally like the 3 and 6 round burst mode but???? im currently playing with friends that can go full auto, but i want the Emag because its the Bomb, agd customer service, tom is just a cool guy and talks to everybody on the boards, and because

i want to be an angel/shocker killa,,,,muhahahaha

also i just think the emag looks so dang pretty

im like a kid during christmas,,,weeeee i cant wait to get it,,,

03-30-2002, 10:53 PM
They took out f/a since insurance companies didn't like it and also turneys didn't allow it and most fields didn't allow it also.

03-31-2002, 12:50 AM
I had heard that there was an industry-wide consensus stating that all guns would be capped at 13bps and that full auto would be eliminated..... But that was a while back and I dont think it ever came to pass.