View Full Version : Hyperframe/RetroValve?

03-31-2002, 01:51 PM
Could a Hyper frame work with a RetroValve? I wasn't sure if the on/off pins varied and might cause a conflict.

Also, has anyone intellifed a HyperFrame? Is it similar to intellifeeding an Angel?

The Mag I want to build next is would have a Mini body/Black(maybe I'll wait and see if the new body idea comes to be), RetroValve, Hyperframe, Warpfeed, and superbolt.

I asked about the intellifeeding cause I wasn't sure how much the recoil was affected by the superbolt, and if the Vibe sensor would funtion effectivly.

Thanks for any input!

03-31-2002, 01:58 PM
Yes, you can use them both. You can also use the Retro on/off instead if you want... actually Centerflag recommends it if you're having trouble with theirs.

However, for the price of a Hyperframe + Retro, I would highly suggest selling what you have and get an EMag instead... which will be roughly the same price range.

03-31-2002, 08:43 PM
Consider saving a few hundred more to get the Emag.
They come with a Warp harness. They have been coming down in price. As far as I know there is no way to run a harness to the Warp from the Hyperframe. I own a Minimag with Retrovalve and the Centerflag Hyperframe with the Superbolt and Warp and Halo. Once it was setup it has performed flawlessly. But there definately is something to be said about owning a AGD marker that is all AGD, less the hopper of course!! Hopefully an Extreme Emag will find its way to me like a homesick Angel to heaven. Maybe even in April. My right ear has been itching lately so TK will be making an official announcement soon. Will see!
Also my Warp setup works every time I pull the trigger. They are very easy to setup. The sensitivity adjustment works great! But it would be bullet proof to have the Emag with warp harness!!:cool: