View Full Version : Hey heres a great electrnic trigger idea AGD's next trigger!

04-01-2002, 09:04 AM
how bout a trigger with absolutley now pull? when walking around the local kb toystore i went into the noisy toy isle lookin at the toy guns and found a space gun with no trigger what it used was an infared beam that extended like i belive a 45degree angle where the trigger would be when someone put the finger through the beam it fired it was really quick to i mean of course youd have to have an on/off switch but just comtemplath the triggerless gun for a while

04-01-2002, 09:12 AM
This techinically is possible and at Skyball the crew from "Insert name of company that makes the Black Dragun here" said that was the next thing they were working on, a triggerless version of the Black Dragun.

It's an interesting concept, I don't know if I personally would like it or not, but I'm sure some would.

I don't want to be the poor sap (or the unlucky victim in front of him) that gets paint goo covering that IR eye in a full auto mode though. ;)

04-01-2002, 09:20 AM
hmm i didnt think of that....now i know why tom bounces ideas off of us

04-01-2002, 09:38 AM
How about if there is a safety feature where the frame was intuitive enough to distinguish that it's ROF is exceeding semi-auto preportions? i.e. full auto would be 30bps and semi is 22bps. So if a person using semi-auto happened to shoot over the 22bps the frame would stop firing.

04-01-2002, 09:45 AM
Well, this doesn't solve the problem.

The idea is that in Full Auto mode in order to get a constant string of paint you would keep the eye blocked, buch like on a conventional trigger you keep the trigger pulled back. The problem is that the eye now has to be smart enough to know that the thing blocking it is a finger, not a gob of goo on the photosensor.

In semi mode this is not as much of a problem. In semi a covered sensor would simply cause the marker to fire once and then not again, much like in a triggered marker pulling the trigger and not releasing in semi more causes one ball to be fired and nothing happens until you release and pull again.

04-01-2002, 09:57 AM
Well the whole IR sensor is ok but I like solid things I can interact with.

I made a simple littel device that wires into my e-mag board and when I push a button it fires the gun. It's also capable of doing full auto at 11 balls a sec. :D

Though I only did this for fun, and its not something I use when I play.

04-01-2002, 10:00 AM
How about a voice recognition on/off. :D Think about, if it starts shooting out of control you just say,*EDIT* Circumventing the cuss filters violates the rules. You agreed to abide by the rules when you joined the forum...so DO IT! shut off!!" Of course you would pre set it to turn on/off with what ever you preset it to. This could also be a security feature so no one else could use your gun unless you disarm it with your voice command. :eek:

Other than that your right. I don't see the IR being able to distinguish between goo and a finger.

04-01-2002, 10:18 AM
ive already seen a gun with a vision eye for a trigger... it was a bushmaster, in fact there is even a video of it on kazaa

04-01-2002, 10:31 AM
Technically semi would be autoresponse. The system would fire one on the backward stroke and one on the release.

04-01-2002, 10:36 AM
this is true, assuming your finger can travel past the beam, thus turning the beam back on, and interrupting it when you "release" the "trigger".

If the beam is so close to the grip frame that your finger can't go past it, then it would not auto response since the beam is still interrupted when you "release".

04-01-2002, 10:38 AM
It's cool, but It's already been done, and I can tell you now no tournament will allow it.

A guy from Team Wiseguys, he did a GREAT job of cleanly installing a reed switch in the trigger frame and using a magnet on his gloved finger to actuate. It violates the ball per trigger pull rule, not to mention adds headaches for the refs.

It was cool though to see an empty trigger frame and seeing the gun shoot.

04-01-2002, 10:40 AM

Potato beat me to it. :D

04-01-2002, 11:25 AM
I borrowed a gun in a tourney, and the trigger didnt have any pull to it at all. I just tapped the side of the trigger frame. The trigger was stationary. I almost got disqualified for shooting the gun before the start whistle by accident.

I don's see how having a trigger would be manditory, if you can just set the pull that light anyway. A magnet glove would be kick , but I dont see how having an electric eye would be very safe. I could see alot of 12 year olds shooting themselves in the nads with that.

04-01-2002, 11:44 AM
easier to cheat with it, easier to go weally weally fast.

04-01-2002, 01:07 PM

sorry man i jsut think that it would be dumb because then it would be fuly auto, and if you would hav eto move your inger back and forth over the beam, dang taht would be slower if u ask me

i'll stick to a centerflag frame

04-25-2002, 06:11 PM
better then the magnet thing

you know how you can make one of the electronic circuts where when you touch the two peices of metel it sets off a circut its called a "touch switch"
you can plant one of those on a trigger so when you just touch the two peices of metal the trigger goes off