View Full Version : I'm baaaack- GO ARMY!!!

04-01-2002, 09:57 AM
Graduated Army BCT 21 March 2002. Now at AIT, graduate 3 May 2002, then on to Jump School at Ft. Benning. That means the first chance I'll have to play will be 7 June.

Go Army!

PFC McIver

04-01-2002, 10:15 AM
C-ya in korea man

may the Kim-chee and soju love you long time!

04-01-2002, 11:07 AM
They let you take breaks now in between Basic and AIT?



I went straight through in 89, 3+ months of pure fun (plus the 2 week school afterwards) at lovely Ft. Benning Georgia.



04-01-2002, 12:02 PM
HoooRA! good to hear from you. Where are you located right now. We are playing next Sunday if your in the area come on down.

04-01-2002, 12:07 PM
Jon-boy! Great to hear you doing OK! I'm proud of you Soldier!

Be sure to tell us what your PDA will be(korea), and where(korea). Maybe you'll get your dreamsheet choice(korea) and wind up in (korea)Hawaii!

Remember, you only get out of the Army what you are willing to give to it. Do all you can do, do it well, make no excuses, remain honest.


04-01-2002, 12:17 PM
but congrats on graduating

04-01-2002, 05:35 PM
And, to add to Army's comment, do it while you're young. Dont wait till 30 to decide to be hardcore...the body doesnt heal well (if at all). Good luck to you! As far as the Korea jokes go, dont believe them. You will get what you want on your dreamsheet...psyche! Enjoy korea, and get the cheap nikes!

04-01-2002, 06:36 PM
Ahhh, "The land of the morning calm"--have fun!

Just make sure that you at least get the "Soju Experience" one time; maybe for your green bean... :D

04-01-2002, 07:49 PM
Hey congrats!!! :)

04-02-2002, 09:45 AM
Thanks for the welcome back...
cphilip- I don't have a weekend pass until 20 April, and my wife is coming that weekend, but that next weekend i might be able to get away to play! Let me know.
whoever asked about break between basic & ait... nope, graduated 21 march started ait 25 march, then straight to benning for jump school.
Army... thanks for all your help 4-5 months ago.
In response to all of your comments about Korea- I have three words for you- GUARANTEED DUTY STATION! Ft. Bragg, NC is my destination after Jump School. Then who knows, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Saudi?
Thanks again, guys.

04-02-2002, 09:55 AM
So where are you now? You in South Carolina?

Oh and "Guaranteed" does not mean the same thing in the Military. It means "this is the latest lie we will tell you". :D

I will keep you informed of our play dates. Pick you up some cheap paint too.

04-02-2002, 02:08 PM
well, guaranteed means it's in my contract, so I'm there (Ft. Bragg) for at least a year...
I'm at Ft. Jackson, SC through May 9.
I'll have an off post pass April 27-28, so if you are going to play that weekend, let me know.
Obviously, no marker though:(

04-02-2002, 02:09 PM
little known fact of the military... all bases in or near the carolinas are HEAVY TDY location hell shaw AFB is better know as Shawdi for its regular 3 month on 3 month off rotation to the big ole sandbox. Im not army so I dont know much of bragg so I still say grats on the grad and c-ya in Korea.

Edweird, 5 months in to the "axis-o-evil" world tour

04-02-2002, 02:11 PM
OK I will see if we can get a date together during that weekend. I'll have to look the calender up for the students and all and make sure its not Exam week or something. Plus we are weather dependedt to some degree. No problem about the marker. I will let you use my Emag Soldier! And we always have plenty of Markers around.

Wayland Fong
04-02-2002, 02:29 PM
Hey, whats your MOS? i'm a 55B (Ammo Dawg) with the 163rd Ord. Co. in Irvine, CA (Reserves). Jump school, huh? Hooah!!! the Army really is what you make it. do anything you think you can handle, and push your limits.

PFC Fong, Wayland T.

PS. hey Army, i pick up that you were in the Army? how long? what MOS? where've you been stationed? what was your rank?