View Full Version : rate the hyperframe

04-01-2002, 05:15 PM
i would like to get some opinions on the hyperframe,i just put one on lay-away at my local store and got a good deal on it. not a lot of mag shooters here, so i dont know anyone with first hand experience with one!

04-01-2002, 06:00 PM
the hyperframes arent bad from what I heard, watch the on/off assembly, they tend to wear quick, use nitro if you can, and stay away from boo-yeah/mako frames.

04-01-2002, 10:27 PM
I've been a cocker shooter for 2 years now and this weekend I played my first game with my new Hypermag. Got a great deal on one on eBay ($325 with PF, hyperframe and boomy) and figured if I didn't like it I could easily get my money back or more.

Well, I must say, I've shot an impulse for a few games and it was alright, my brother's Angel LED which is nice, but I really enjoyed the Mag. Maybe it was just because we won more than we lost this weekend :D

But anyway, I've always loved the mag's design but hated the trigger. A mag was one of my first semis and I just couldn't get used to the trigger. But the hyperframe turned it all around for me, planning on selling my cocker now. It's just very easy to shoot, no thought involved, more focus on the game and less on whether or not I'm fully pulling the trigger so as not to chop. I can't tell you anything about the installation, but the bolt wear and stuff like that is not present on this marker. All the modes are nice, the counter is useful, the pull is comfy and easy to shoot fast. My only gripe is the grips but there's nothing you can do about that. I highly recommend it, it turned me away from my cocker.

BTW, after the final game I had about 1/2 a hopper so I put it on hyper at 10bps and emptied it. I have a custom intellifeed board in my revo (ignores the delay between balls completely so it essentially spins on every ball drop which would be every trigger pull) and it shot a flawless, continuous string until the last few balls and it chopped due to the lack of balls feeding. I forgot how messy it gets inside those mags but it was the end of the day. I just miss being able to run water through the body now...Oh well, definitely worth the performance increase.

04-02-2002, 12:09 PM
sounds great thanks guys

04-02-2002, 01:31 PM
Run a search for Hyperframe or my nickname. I have commented/defended on the Hyper for over a year and a half now.
I love mine. It has increased my ROF to levels I could not get with a mechanical trigger, even with my RetroValve. And the addition of my HALO...can you say ROCK. I would agree, it does need new grips, but they are not so bad that I think about it on the field. Would not trade mine for any other grip frame or Mechanical trigger!!