View Full Version : Help!!!!!!!!!!!

04-01-2002, 09:38 PM
Okay, So the parents go out of town and ask me to watch the new dog. Not a problem right? NO!!! WRONG!!!!!! I got suckered into babysitting the puppy from Heck (I'm watching my language, but we all know what heck really is). Anywho, it's a 4 month old lab/rott mix (black lab with the standard rottweiler markings) and I swear I'm not going to survive the week. They just left today and so far this dog has eatten: 1 1/2 rolls of toilet paper, a box of kleenex, my shoe, and my office chair. Now to make matters worse, he's sleeping (finally some peace but not quiet, and I'm no longer yelling "No!!! Don't eat that!!!") but he is snoring louder than a chainsaw, but to make it even worse from there he has the worse gas in the world. It's about 35* outside right now and I have to keep a window open and a fan going so I dont' pass out. The dog's farts are worse than mine (and I can stink up a house pretty easily if I do say so, {i know that's TMI for most of you, but that is important to know so you have a comparison to go by}). What I need to know is 1: how do I get this dog to stop snoring so I can get some sleep? and 2: is it okay to give a dog Gas-X or something for his farting? If anyone has a dog breed that farts a lot (i.e. a bulldog, boxer, coonhound, or just an ugly mutt, anything that farts a lot) please post a few suggestions. As for the stuff he's eatting, I'm breaking him of that real quick compliments of my Mag. He does something bad, I fire off a few dry shots and he quits whatever he's doing wrong.

P.S. No I haven't fed the dog, Mexican, Thai, Indian foods, beans, broccoli, or any other gas inducing food. Also his food has not been changed.

04-01-2002, 09:47 PM
Don't fire your gun near the dog it's painful to them, honestly. Second dogs fart plain and simple, if it's out of control and stinky he may have a problem. If his stool is soft he may have a weak stomach for the food or is sick. If he doesn't show anyother signs of sickness try science diet sensative stomach, it works great but is expensive. Also he will probally snore, some dogs just do. As for Chewing things disipline him. grab his scruff pull him over to the thing he bit and put his face in it and in a very angry (not yelling) tell him "NO, BAD DOG". Right now he's testing to see who is alpha you or him. Also never let him stare you down, always make him turn away first. Lastly lock him in a kennel when your away, he will chew he's a puppy. Also try to keep an eye on him, if your watching him he probally won't try to chew things. And when your not watching him try to put him in his kennel. If you don't have a kennel imporvise with a blocked of area with nothing for him to destroy. Leave a bed in there and some toys. Also try leaving the radio on for him.

04-01-2002, 10:22 PM
So did that info help any.

Mav D MagMan
04-01-2002, 10:46 PM
Well I think your tips got either him or his pc eaten... Maybe the dog didn't like giving up the position of alpha. Lol sorry I couldnt resist.

04-01-2002, 10:51 PM
Ya the dog probally kicked his *EDIT* You must refrain from cussing, I'm getting tired of telling you. Re-read my PM to you, closely. Army. Those 4 month old rotty/labs are real tough customers. LOL

04-02-2002, 05:56 PM
Okay the firing the marker is working well, it's enough to scare him, I'm not doing it right at his face, I'm about 8 or 9 feet away when I do it. As for the food, it's the same food he's been on for over a month so I can't figure out why he's doing it, and a call to the vet said that rotts are gassy dogs. (of course that's just my luck). Yeah it's true the dog is kicking my *EDIT* Do not circumvent the cuss filters. You agreed to follow the rules of this forum...so DO IT! Army, and I'm thinking about changing his name to Hannibal. Only because when he wants something from me he starts chewing on my nose or whatever other part of my body is available. Also he kicked me out of bed last night, obviously I was taking up to much room on the king size bed for his taste. As for his chewing I'm learning how to use the keyboard in windows very well, because I no longer have a usable mouse. The mutt attacked it last night. Well, he's out of my sight and I have to find him before he does something stupid. And if I dont' post with in 24 hours, call the cops, the dog is probably eatting me alive.

04-02-2002, 06:08 PM
Your problem is that you need to show him who the boss is. He knows he can do what he wants to do, so he's gonna do it. Grab him by the scruff, the skin on the back of his neck, tell him bad dog and no. Do that in a very mean voice. Even a little smack on the snout will help. Don't let him push you around. Your the boss.


04-02-2002, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Hemlock86
Your problem is that you need to show him who the boss is.

I know that I'm the boss this week, but when the rents get back it goes back to "he's a puppy, doing puppy things". So my mission is to try and break him of that little attitude by 10:30 on Saturday night. So far the choker collar is woring great with the walks, as for the rest I'm trying. Fortunately for me, he finally stopped farting, but now he has hiccups. Hey at least he's not stinking up the house now just making a weird chirping noise. Well, gotta go again, I've lost sight of him and that's not a good sign.:rolleyes: :sighs:

Mav D MagMan
04-03-2002, 08:10 PM
Whoa scary I actually was right... You did get his PC eaten...
A word of advice, my lab was young once (when he was still with us) and despite being a freaky weirdo and diabetic he eventually grew out of the eating things stage. Oh yeah, I don't recomend this but when playing we chased him with a chair and he never challenged who was boss again, although it took 2 1/2 years to get him unafraid of our kitchen set.

04-03-2002, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Mav D MagMan
although it took 2 1/2 years to get him unafraid of our kitchen set.


04-03-2002, 09:59 PM
Lock it in the basment, throw it food every day.

04-03-2002, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Mav D MagMan
Whoa scary I actually was right... You did get his PC eaten...
A word of advice, my lab was young once (when he was still with us) and despite being a freaky weirdo and diabetic he eventually grew out of the eating things stage. Oh yeah, I don't recomend this but when playing we chased him with a chair and he never challenged who was boss again, although it took 2 1/2 years to get him unafraid of our kitchen set.

First of all I'm LMFAO with that bit of "chair-ished" advice. Next, if I tried the chair thing the dog would probably eat the thing. I'm dealing with a lab/ROTT mix, he has a body like a lab, but the strength, attitude, and markings of a rott. I know he has the attitude and strength, cuz he drew blood the other night when I was playing a little rough with him, so to get even I opted to bite him back just to prove I was the alpha in this house. That was a stupid mistake, all I got was a mouthful of fur and a 2nd bite on the foot. Also with the chair idea, I would probably have to chase him with steel folding chair, and since my house is not designed to be a WWF hardcore match arena, that idea is out.
I tried that "Bitter Apple" spray stuff for the chewing, and this dog is sooooooooo stupid he actually likes it and is currently licking the bottle cuz he can't get enough of it.
I'll post another sanity update once I get my mind back, or after I smack myself in the head with the chair after I miss the dog with it. Whichever is first, but I think the chair may be the first between the 2.

04-04-2002, 12:40 PM
dogs have no sense of taste. they'll eat anything. i give my dogs all kinds of stuff to see what they'll do. i give them sour candies, spicy food, anything that might get some kind of reaction. nothing. they just gobble it up and look at me hoping for more.

04-04-2002, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556
Lock it in the basment, throw it food every day.

Don't tempt me.....;)

04-05-2002, 02:47 PM
LOL...this is the funniest thread ever.....
well,maybe the 3rd or 4th funniest,but its close.

04-05-2002, 07:26 PM
Okay I've finally done it!!!!!! I've got the gas, snoring AND chewing to stop.

First off, the worst issue with the dog's gas. I called to vet to see what I coudl do and she was kind enough to tell me. The trick: banannas, and peanut butter. The banannas, will help the gas issue somehow (she went all tech on me so I just went "yeah, uh-hnu, okay, got it"), and the peanut butter to get him to take the friggin pills, she perscribed.

Next the snoring: one of those nasal passage strips. Sure he looks stupid, but, it's doing to trick. I figured if it works on humans, it might work on dogs, and sure enough it does. You just have to put it high enough on his nose.

And finally the chewing: the dry fire wih the mag was working until he caught on that nothing was coming out of the barrel. So now, I have a small towel on the end of the barrel and I am it at him. he does somethign wrong, I point the barrel in his general direction (sometimes I fire a shot to move the towel, but mostly I just have to pick up the gun and look at him)and he drops whatever he just picked up, or quits chewing what he shouldn't be chewing on.

Thanks to all of you who tried to help, I appreciate it, and it's still possible that if he acts up tomorrow before my parents get back I may still just lock him in the basement, throw him a little food. Then pray that he dosen't eat his way through the door, like he tried to do last night.

04-06-2002, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by obsolete898
Don't fire your gun near the dog it's painful to them, honestly.

you idiot! we know its painful. so take a step back and then shoot him. duh! honestly some people just dont get it:D

Mav D MagMan
04-07-2002, 11:41 AM
So the two of you make it through the night StuDog?

04-07-2002, 12:52 PM
THEY'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!!! I'M NO LONGER SITTING CUJO!!!!!!!!!!! Okay if you couldn't tell I'm happy the week from h*ll is over. The most damage that was done was to my shoe and they had to be replaced anyway. I'm just sorry that I didn't know about the head harness that they had BEFORE they left. They were kind enough to inform me about it when I picked them up at the airport last night and asked me why I didn't use it. (Had I known, I would have used it, and never gone nucking futs trying to control that mutt). I just want to thank all of you for your advice especially Slipknot and Mav D, for the chair and tossing the dog in the basement ideas. Trust me had the vacation been a few more days I would have used that route. Well, it's time now for a much needed nap, to try and make up for the sleep that I didn't get. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

04-07-2002, 01:48 PM
So you give him a bannana to get rid of the farts, and peanut butter for the pills, soon he will have diarrhea, but at least his people are home. You could have slipped him a benadryl to calm him down, it's alot cheaper then getting anything from the vets. As for the snoring that's a interesting trick.

Mav D MagMan
04-07-2002, 04:28 PM
Allright, congrats, I love that... Oh we had it, why didn't you use it? Lol, I woulda left them at the airport, with the darn dog for that one.

04-07-2002, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Mav D MagMan
I woulda left them at the airport, with the darn dog for that one.

I had also give that some serious thought as well....