View Full Version : I polished my body AND it looks great, but i got some questions

04-02-2002, 11:27 AM
Ok, I spun the body on a laveth (or how ever you spell it) and i used emmory cloth first corse then medium then fine

then i took it out and did the power feed and decided to do it over (it was really shiny) because i couldn't get the section by the power feed (under it) because the powerfeed was in the way when i spun it.

so i did it length wise with emmory paper at fine and then used crocis cloth then i use so fliz metal polishing stuff and it lookes great

my question is how do i polish the assimbly rail, asa, fore-grip, etc...

my grandfather said take paint remover put that on and then polish it

what do u think i should do??


04-02-2002, 11:33 AM
the parts forementioned are all anodized. Paint remover will do very little other than puddling up on the anodization.

You need to give the parts a lye bath to remove the anno. EZ off oven cleaner works.

04-02-2002, 12:36 PM
after the ez off you just buff polish the bejesus out of it right ?

04-02-2002, 02:07 PM
is it harder then doing the body?

04-02-2002, 03:13 PM
Stripping the ano and then polishing the aluminium parts will be a more difficult process than polishing the body. Also unless you treat the aluminium afterwards, unlike the stainless steel body, it's likely to tarnish and lose the shine.

Often it's easier and you get a better result to send the aluminium parts out to be stripped and clear anno'd. That's pretty much how you get silver guns :)
