View Full Version : Simple Question.....

04-02-2002, 05:45 PM
Hey fellas, ive just started paintballing 3 months ago with my sweet *** talon gun ;) and now received my new mag about 2 weeks ago and i already have had a problem with c02... i heard im not supposed to use a siphon tank on it so i have bought a remote for my c02. Do you guys think having a remote will help keep liquid of my gun?

Thanks in advance ChOpSuEy

04-02-2002, 05:53 PM
having a remote will help keep liquid out of your gun but the best thing to do is get nitrogen for it

04-02-2002, 06:03 PM
Welcome to Magdom. I to just recieved my mag and I love it. Do you have a standard mag or a minimag? I bought a minimag so I have the vertical tank adaptor. I bought a new expansion chamber for it and a remote. I haven't had a problem with CO2 in my standard tanks. The remote helps alot. I read alot of feedback on the mag and the CO2 problem came up many times. Nitro is the way to go but it is very expensive. I also have another problem, I bought a bunch of new 20 oz tanks for my VM-68. So I have a pile of brand new CO2s to use. Oh well. I want to eventually get an RT Pro so I will have to go Nitro anyway. Have fun and see you on the field.:p :D ;)

04-02-2002, 06:09 PM
Hrmm I got a standard mag with powerfeed that i ordered from paintballgear.com so far its been kicking some serious *** and I already have a team setup so I can take my mag into some tourny hopefully :p

04-02-2002, 07:01 PM
I hope i am the first to welcome you into AO forums. Everyone here is really helpful and i hope u enjoy your stay. :)

04-02-2002, 07:27 PM
When I had a syphon tank what I did was to drain the tank, remove the valve and then cut the syphon tube about an 1-1.5 inches down from the valve. Then re-attached the valve with loc-tite ...

Kind of a poor mans anti-syphon ...

the thing with remotes is they keep the bottle vertical ... but if you lay down at all you pretty much much dump liquig into the marker ... so to speak.


04-02-2002, 08:02 PM
Welcome to AO, instead of putting money into stuff to make your mag shoot ok on Co2, invest in an inexpensive HPA tank, and kiss your gas problems goodbye!!!

04-02-2002, 09:46 PM
Siphon tanks directly put out Liquid CO2, they work great on Monteel Z-1s and Mega Zs, which are designed for liquid.

The Mag on the other hand, hates liquid, so an ANTI-siphon is your best bet for a tank.
A good reg (Palmer Stabilizer) or ex chamber should help you out, but switch to a normal or anti-siphon tank first.

and welcome to AO!

04-02-2002, 09:52 PM
well i welcome you
but yeah get compressed ASAP

but yeah you need teh anti-siphon, othersie your VALVE WILL FREEZE. and you dont want that in tournies, cause the gun will constantly short stroke, and just turn into crap and it will tear the reg seat to pieces

but just get a cheap 47/3000 compressed tank and you'll be set

04-03-2002, 07:57 AM
you can find a cheap fixed output HPA tank for around $100 new...probably less than that used, if you look around...

i would also recommend going with nitro, because you will eventually get a retro valve, or play in the cold, or own an emag...

HPA makes mags smile


04-03-2002, 08:43 AM
retro + HPA = ownage

one signature per thread please - cphilip

04-03-2002, 12:31 PM
I tried co2 on my mag. Froze the thing over. Now I use nitro never harms it. If you cant afford nitro then an anti siphon would work, my friend used a 20oz anti siphone on his mag, it worked great.

04-03-2002, 12:39 PM
if u go with hpa man
dopnt even try going back with co2 cause the valve will definately freeze then

04-03-2002, 01:22 PM
You can get a Pure Energy 47cu 3000psi tank for $70. That is not very expensive in my opinion. Its not the best regulator but if its a choice of this tank or CO2 then your way better off with the Pure Energy.

04-03-2002, 01:34 PM
Or see the threads on the Palmer Stablilizers if you must go CO2. Several fresh ones on that. They work well on the Classic Valves.

04-03-2002, 04:25 PM
WOW :eek: , tons of feedback on simple question thanks guys but yet im still confused...... i was playing last night and it totally messed up, the guys at the paint shop says something bout "barrel stick" and that i should jam the thing back in with stick or something but i figured out that it only sticks when the barrel is on.... you guys know whats up with my barrel?