View Full Version : upgrades

04-02-2002, 05:46 PM
What are some popular upgrades for the mag that will imporve performance and the look of the gun besides the intellifeed?

04-02-2002, 06:17 PM
The WARP!!! Every gun needs one!!! Will improve preformance by 110% for some players such as me.:D :D

04-02-2002, 06:17 PM
or you could always get an retro valve and a nitro.

04-02-2002, 08:26 PM
here are some upgrades and what they do

Intellifeed = double trigger frame that you can hook up to you hopper to make it spin when you shoot

Hyperframe = electronic grip

Benchmark grip = double trigger frame, longer pull but ligher

Z-grip = a double trigger grip that tilted at a 45 degree angle from you

Z-body = put backspin on the ball making it go father. like the tippmann flat line but replace the body. take cocker barrels too

ReTro Valve = make the trigger reactive and elimiates shoot down

New Barrel = more accurate

Fore-grip = more stable and balenced
Drop forward = balences the tank better

Nitro = more consistant and doesn't freeze the gun in cold weather

Booyaa grip = electronic grip

Warpfeed = puts the hopper on the side of the gun. feeds 20 bps. can shoot upside down. balences the gun and elimantes hopper hits

Electric hopper = loads balls faster and more consistant

ans bolt and valve = waste do nothing

powerfeed = loads balls faster and less chops

free flow valve = adds some reactiveity


04-02-2002, 08:59 PM
as a pure cosmetic thing, the benchmark body rail is beautiful, if you can find it.

get an intelliframe, retro valve, nice drop, nice nitro tank, and while your at it, how about a HALO?

04-02-2002, 09:24 PM
Retro Valve, Intelliframe (I love my I frame) or Z grip and you cant forget a WARP!

04-02-2002, 10:33 PM
chrome minimag polished body
smart parts polished foregrip
red splashed kit
freak kit
intelli frame OR centerflag
andgel air OR flatline OR max-flo
halo OR rik2k
shocketech df OR KDZII

now that would be a sweeeeeet mag
thas how i want my mag to be when im done