View Full Version : whats your favourite thing about paintball

04-02-2002, 10:49 PM
well i am just wondering what everybodies favourite thing is
mine is personally the fact that you can personlaize your own guns however u want and u can make it so custom, shooting people is just the gravy :D:D

04-02-2002, 11:27 PM
The camaraderie

Mav D MagMan
04-02-2002, 11:28 PM
I enjoy the crowd of people that follow me arround in awed silence at the field, they cheer for me and pick up everything that I drop, label it and cherish it forever. I have been carried off on their shoulder's several times and they will go as far as to idolize the welts I leave on them if they are lucky enough to be eliminated by me.

Naw it is mostly the people though, cause for the most part they're great... Oh yeah, and bunkering my friends; that's always a great thing.

04-03-2002, 12:09 AM
I'd have to agree with mrhooie. The camaraderie and all the reminiscing amongst friends is what I like most about paintball. :D

04-03-2002, 12:18 AM
Im wiht Pip, I like being able to customize my Cocker, the only reason I play is to show it off :) So thats why I take look over performace most of the time, but with the cocker I have both. So ya, shooting people is just a bonus for me :) Even If I could never play paintball again, Id buy a cocker to customize and show it off and shoot in my back yard and goto my feild and let people look at it. :cool:

04-03-2002, 12:37 AM
I just like playing. I enjoying rushing off the break the most. That's when I'm completely pumped and crazy.

04-03-2002, 06:45 AM

04-03-2002, 06:50 AM
i love every bit of it, but my favorite part is making the perfect snapshot and seeing someone walk off the field

04-03-2002, 06:53 AM
For me:-

Number 1 is the technology. I love it!

Number 2 is the Adrenalin Rush. Hunt and be hunted.

Number 3 is the camaraderie and the social scene. I have a lot of friends in paintball all over the world and I love travelling to meet them and playing in different countries!

Paintball is a great tool to get away from everything else, stress, troubles, problems don't exist when you are on the field and 100% concentrating on what you are doing.


04-03-2002, 09:09 AM
yeah i also like the fact that it is something that you can do, and your not like everyone else

but anotehr great thing is making that perfect snapshot, and just seeing the guy leave the field, i also like gettin the hopper hits on people, then they duck down behind cover coem back up, and what do uknow its magically gone :D:D

thats what i make a rush, tell someone to lay down cover fire, then i go and bunker that guy, and if i get shot on teh way, i bunker him in another guy

i also think that wipers make teh sport kinda funny LOL

04-03-2002, 12:32 PM
I just enjoy the thrill of playing, playing with my friends and brothers.

04-03-2002, 02:25 PM
Adrenalin. pure and simple. There is nothing like that first shot that misses your head by millimeters.

04-03-2002, 02:28 PM
I'm also one who loves all the technology behind paintball. all the regulators and stuff are cool.

I also enjoy the amount of skill that it takes to play this game. It's more about skill than it is about physical strength or stamina, although both of them can help a lot.

04-03-2002, 02:30 PM
the best part of paintball is being able to play it.the second best is the people you meet b/c of paintball.

04-03-2002, 02:50 PM
I like how I can make a 12 year old kid bruise, bleed, and cry and nobody calls the cops on me.......


The rush is what keeps me playing, and getting out with Sarah is fun too.

04-03-2002, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Army
I like how I can make a 12 year old kid bruise, bleed, and cry and nobody calls the cops on me.......


Unfortunately they rarely let people play here until 14 or 16 so we don't have the same 'pleasure'.

A little OT but why is it more satisfying to shoot someone in the back when they don't know you are there than in the front when they do? Gog shots excluded.


04-03-2002, 03:02 PM
an outlook on life like that and they still let you near high-order explosives huh? ;):p

Load SM5
04-03-2002, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by manike

A little OT but why is it more satisfying to shoot someone in the back when they don't know you are there than in the front when they do? Gog shots excluded.


Because it means you're a sneaky turd and you've completely outwitted them and not just put a ball in the air at the right time.

04-03-2002, 05:22 PM
I think the best part of paintball is the excitement of playing, and making your gun unique.

I don't like how the prices of paintball stuff is so high. I wish there was a cheap, quality paintball out there. But thank god for eBay. If it wasn't for eBay, I wouldn't have my gun or a bunch of other stuff.