View Full Version : Evil Anti-Cheating Device...

04-02-2002, 11:27 PM
With the electronically controlled guns available, what would you think about a remote "kill-switch" apparatus to be used by reffs to shut off a marker once he sees that a player has been eliminated?
I was thinking about either an Infrared or Radio frequency transmiting device for the reff, with a corresponding reciever in the gun. Non-electronic guns like cockers may use a sear-disabling switch or hopper-neck mounted cutoff device. There may even be a way to mount small barrel mounted chronos to a gun that would automaticly shut down a marker if it exceeded the fps limit by more than say 3 or 4 shots in a row.
Two possible systems would work like this: The reff uses a narrow beam hand held transmitter that would be pointed directly at a players gun to shut it down, or you could have a programmable device with two sets of numbers from 1-10. A player would first chrono, then set his gun to "safe". The reff would have the gun then beam its info to the device and it could emit a "ready" signal. Now when a reff sees that player get hit, he pushes the number of that players gun, (using 1-10 numbered jerseys to corrolate to the gun code) killing it and preventing any playing on behavior.
I know there are a lot of negatives with this system, including cost, complexity, and refferee skill, but I can also think of lots of useful benefits.
Of coarse, the Kill-switch would be used mainly at large tournaments where so much is at stake, and could sort out many arguments before they ever got started.
I see this as a future-based idea that may be seriously exploited with the newer technology on the horizon.
Open for comment,
Brent Jackson, PFB.

Maui PFB
04-02-2002, 11:36 PM
Thats A good Idea. I will be sure to buy one so I can turn your angel off just as I am coming to bunker your BUTT!!

Its about time you came back to the forums so I can learn from your knowledge and wisdom. MR I HAVE A NORMAL 8-5 BOSS EVERYONE AROUND FORMAN GUY!!!!!JOB.


04-02-2002, 11:43 PM
The ONLY way you will bunker me is if you can shut my gun off pally-boy!!
Mr. 8-5 computer-fix-it-guy-look-at-that-girls-tan-butt-in-a-thong-beach-lookin-should-be-working-type-guy.
Miss your hide buddy...come back to sunny rattlesnake country.
Brent Jackson, PFB.

04-02-2002, 11:47 PM
If a ref knows someone is hit, why not just pull their arm band and do a one-for-one if they're still shooting when they get there?

The best anti-cheating device is the video camera. As the joke goes:

"How do you make a pro team lose?"

"Point a video camera at their players."

- Chris

04-03-2002, 12:03 AM
Sounds like a feasible idea. If paintball keeps growing who knows we could see this in the near future. :D

04-03-2002, 02:23 AM
It could very possibly happen or something similar to it implemented in the future, but there's too much room for error.

You'll have refs turning off people's guns accidently or the unit going bad and turning everyone's guns off.

You'll have someone with a keyfob they programmed to send the same signal to turn off random opponent's guns.

It just pushes paintball into a more technically complex sport where there are ways to get around things. Not to say there aren't now, but I just don't see it as being something that would be able to actually benefit tourney play.

04-03-2002, 05:27 AM
i had a simmilar idea for a barrel plug that would lock in preventing safety issues in the staging area and pulling there plugs out to soon on the field also it would help prevent stealing field markers then when a ref presses a button it unlocks eveyone(my idea dont you people steal it unless your gonna make me rich!)

Top Secret
04-03-2002, 07:57 AM
Of course you know, sneaky people like myself will take a trip to Radio Shack and make a jamming device of some kind and shut down your guns, while we go and own you with a PGP. :D

04-03-2002, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by Top Secret
Of course you know, sneaky people like myself will take a trip to Radio Shack and make a jamming device of some kind and shut down your guns, while we go and own you with a PGP. :D

I bet the IR3 already does!

04-03-2002, 08:39 AM
i am pretty sure that it would get released to the public (accidently) or a ref gets payed to give one to a player, then instead of a back player dumping paint

they sit there with the laser dealy attached to there gun

and turn off all the guns, sorry man but i find it just as easy for a ref to go to a player and lift his arm up

04-03-2002, 08:51 AM
Good idea, it will be hard to implement and easy to defeat unforunately. The problem being it must be very directional, but able to pass through/around solid objects, ie it must be Radio, and must be tight beam, on a fixed and known frequency. This gizmo ain't gonna be easy or cheap, and defeating it is a piece of cake, just give your girlfriend a signal generator broadcasting on the same frequency, all guns will go down, and the gizmo gets turned off.