View Full Version : New Tippmann A-5

04-04-2002, 05:33 PM
i was sent an e-mail from www.paintball-online.com/shop about new specials and stuff, and there is the new tippmann there. it looks kinda like the M98 only slighlty different and there is this huge ugly thing hanging off the side. what they say this thing does is kinda like what a warp does, only it's built onto the gun. i think this gun will be very unsuccesful becuase people who want a tippmann will probably not want to pay $350, and anyone who wants to pay $350, will probably want a mag or cocker.

how do you spell successful? i used it like 20 times in this post.

04-04-2002, 05:52 PM
Flop like a fish..
I mean really... who is gonna buy a gun you cant use a REV on..

04-04-2002, 05:54 PM
I think newbs will love it. I know 2 people who are saveing up for it and lots of people who think it so cool. I also think senaryo(how do you spell that)players will like it. But I dont think tourney players will use them. :cool: :cool:

04-04-2002, 05:56 PM
A lot of sanario players would want this gun since it looks a lot like a mp5. Also many ppl like tippmanns cause they are dependable and reliable(like automags). So i voted they would do moderatly successful.

04-04-2002, 05:58 PM
LOL Okay.... to clear things up.. it is spelled...


My wife was dieing reading your posts. LOL

04-04-2002, 06:01 PM
Need to fix the spell check on the AO forms. Im not a spelling B champion.

04-04-2002, 06:05 PM
The spell check feature is no longer free and we voted not to continue using it, so use a dictionary or paste your post in Word and have it spell check before you post it.

Also, please reduce your sig image below 15K please or use it only once per thread.

04-04-2002, 06:20 PM
Actually we are using a friends FA to make a Warp adapter for this type of feed system. Basically since it just takes a mass of balls and feeds them like a bubble gum machine, you can just dumb paint into the hopper adapter. So we are trying a funnel type device turned up-side down with the feed tube coming into the small opening on the bottom.
So if you can mount the warp to this to do away with the weird looking hopper, it might not be that bad.


04-04-2002, 08:23 PM
That hopper is REVOLUTIONARY my friends. It is poweded by a ram that is powered off of blowback gas. That emans EVERY shot fired loads another ball. and it doesnt have a little blade liek the revvy that just MIXES the balls, it has a star shaped cog that chambers balls. So it will feed right down the the last ball... whereas hte revvy will jsut bobble the last few round a bit. It has been proven at 16+ BPS and it has features like that of the intellitframe and a revvy bulit it; it feeds one ball per pull.

04-04-2002, 09:28 PM
i think alot of the newbs, and people that dont wand w real high end gun will get them so i picked moderatley succesful

04-04-2002, 09:42 PM
i know for a fact that this thing is going to be very sucessfull for if u put a thin 9oz directly into the asa instead of the bottom line and put on the folding stock (that i'm sure will be out soon), then it will feel and look just like an MP5-PDW. Then with an e-kit, u have the ultimate rec and scenario marker.

this thing is going to be awsome, and if i didn't already have an awsome mag, i would get one.

04-05-2002, 12:56 AM
I think the loading system is great. It requires no batteries and is faster than the current gen revs.

04-05-2002, 04:56 AM
wow, maybe you guys are right. i'm defenetly reevaluating my opinion.

04-05-2002, 06:14 AM
My local shop got one in and I saw it last night. That thing is sweeeet! Who needs a revy when your gun already has a feed system on it?

04-05-2002, 08:25 AM
Mine is on the way!!!!

I'm looking at it as a scenario marker and doing the 9 oz direct tank and trying to find a folding stock. If you look at the HK website... It looks like the same backplate...even the screws are in the same place! Once I get it, I'll build/find a folding stock!


04-05-2002, 09:19 AM
All I can say is that Tippman is going to sell a LOT of these. I don't see myself getting one but I do find the feed system very interesting.

04-05-2002, 10:44 AM
Here's a crude mock up of what I'm gonna play with.



04-05-2002, 10:57 AM
If you had all day air you could even use one of those little 6 oz. tanks. You'd have to fill it every other game (at least) but it would look pretty cool.

04-05-2002, 11:37 AM
i dont know why anyone would ever buy those but i knowtht some people are. my friend already is saving up. so ill probably be selling it for him in a couple months.

04-05-2002, 11:59 AM
so if this doesnt use a revy, how many balls does it hold???

04-05-2002, 12:13 PM
That thing is kinda... lame imo. I don't like that HUGE "vortex" impeller thing. It's just way too big. If it were smaller I would consider it good for the scenario types...

04-05-2002, 12:25 PM
that hopper sucked on the FA. it chopped like crazy. i think this thing will do a little better than the FA but still flop.

Kaiser Bob
04-05-2002, 12:30 PM
Well, Ive already seen it for 310 at this online store that specializes in rec ball (shoulda bookmarked it) so i can see it getting much cheaper in the coming months. The 98 was over 200 when it first came out and now its under 120 in a bunch of places. Ive always liked Tippmanns for their ruggedness and have always suggested them for new players. If they did come down to around 250, Id definitely pick one up and slap an RT trigger on there!

04-05-2002, 12:35 PM
I was saying moderatly successful. The feed system seems really cool, but what happens if the feed chops paint? I think that the feed would be a real pain to clean. The price might get some people. 350 I got a sweet minimag w/ x-chamber, 16" barrel and a 12v Revvy. But just like the Brass Eagles, Tippmans have awesome name recongnition. They are everywhere and alot of fields use them as rentals, so when a nubie goes to by their first gun they automatically think tippman. So.....

Trick feed system
Tippman quality
looks (for the military inclined)
field stripable (unlike current Tippmans)

Ball breakage in feed sys.

04-05-2002, 12:37 PM
The Tippman F/A was a flop. Why is this going to be different? As far as I can tell there is no real revolutionary technology over an F/A. Even if there is, so what? The F/A never took off on it's own lack of merits, as will this gun.

If I am wrong, so be it. Time will tell.


04-05-2002, 01:59 PM
Way too much money for that thing. I'd say get a mag instead of it. :D

04-05-2002, 05:03 PM
have any of you ever shot an RT or E-Bolt tippmann? it's a hell of a lot of fun. just by using an RT tippmann like a tommy gun i was able to stop showing ID whenever i came to the base during the last scenario game around here. it's just that impressive. personaly i plan on getting 2 and then throwing ebolts on to them. after that i will be bringing nothing but tippmanns to scenario games. 2 A-5s and a flatline M98 RT with a warp and TM-203 (when i get it)

04-06-2002, 12:38 AM
i can't seem to find a good angled pic of the side with the vortex thing, is there a lot of stuff behind its cyclone feed? if not, i wonder if instead of vert feeding the tank, get a mount for a small tank along the side behind the cyclone.

04-06-2002, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Skoad
i can't seem to find a good angled pic of the side with the vortex thing, is there a lot of stuff behind its cyclone feed? if not, i wonder if instead of vert feeding the tank, get a mount for a small tank along the side behind the cyclone.

Top view of the gun. It shows what's behind the cyclone...

Kaiser Bob
04-06-2002, 12:43 AM
They dont show the other side too much cause theres a huge black mass on the other side lol.

04-06-2002, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Kaiser Bob
They dont show the other side too much cause theres a huge black mass on the other side lol.

not to mention some rams, hoses, and more fittings...

04-06-2002, 12:38 PM
Hey! Imo, Tippmann is a reliable brand of marker. Sure the FA has it's reputation. But if your not F*ing up, your not learning anything. I think that Tippmann has learned a lot about the market. Sure the A5 is overpriced, what isn't that's new and on the market. So price will come down, new mods will be made for it. The 98 will fade out, and then they will come out with another new marker. Does this idea of extinction really surprise you? I'd buy one down the road. I've had my share of tippmans and have very little problems with them. Now I own a new project.
She's my Green Sausage.


04-06-2002, 12:47 PM
The ram on the cyclone feeder doesn't have enough power to actually chop a ball. It will only pinch it, supposedly. And if it gets jammed, there is a little pushrod coming out hte back of hte ram taht alows for a manual turn of the cog.

04-06-2002, 05:33 PM
i just laugh when i see that thing. i think of the FA. they said it couldnt chop paint eather but it could be a worse blender than a rt is in full auto reactiveness.

that feeder is a piece of junk. its worse than my spelling:( .

04-06-2002, 09:46 PM
I think its just overpriced. And I'm not a fan of replica guns. I'm just one of the people that think if we tell me paintball is not GI-JOE combat then why should we have paintball guns that look real.

soilent green
04-11-2002, 11:04 AM
Its wide ugly and a one level blowback it has a pneumatic revvy cool but It won't be that popular in my opinion it is a low end design with a fancy loader thing probly like that of the first tippman the auto one (can't remeber the name)

04-11-2002, 11:20 AM
It will do very well. Tippmann got a whole army of 98 junkies out there that are just itchin for more performance. Will the A-5 give it to them? Who knows - they may be junk, but I really doubt it. They are probably quite reliable just as the 98 is, and they are making their electro kit to place in this as well. It could easily be a very revolutionary marker just like the 98 was.

RT pRo AuToMaG
04-11-2002, 08:42 PM
i'd get one for a backup if it didn't cost so much. that thing would kick *** with a r/t trigger or an electro trigger. but i have no $ since i bought the z-grip :( :(

04-12-2002, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by DJSOLID
I....... It could easily be a very revolutionary marker just like the 98 was.

I am curious here... How was the 98 Revolutionary from any previous Tippman semi?


04-12-2002, 12:55 PM
No clue... I don't think the m98 was very revolutionary... It was heavier and longer... Doesn't seem revolutionary to me... lol, yes, I kno that I rat on tippmanns a lot...

06-07-2002, 03:13 PM
1.)R/T trigger will not work. It uses the blowback to work the hopper feed system.

2.)$350=gun, $60=stock, $120=electro kit, total=$570...are you kidding me? For a tippman?

3.)The standard trigger pull is 300#.

4.)They did not do extensive research on this (with exception of loading system). It is basically a cross between the 98 and the Pro-Carbine.

06-07-2002, 03:27 PM
its not as big as you think i have seen one in real life and its the same size regular hopper ands its lower on teh gun that on most guns so it acts like a warp sort of

if you look at its this way its basically an upgraded 98c(200) with a warp feed on it sorta(150 or so) thats makes the price because not including the feed its really good and with it its an excellent gun

Kaiser Bob
06-07-2002, 03:30 PM
I heard that Tippmann was working on a R/T trigger for the A-5

06-07-2002, 03:43 PM
This thing rocks (for tippman). Look at its options. IF they managed to fix the feed system that they failed on in the fa (think it was called), you got a feeder like the warp almost built in. Add on to this feed system a built on hopper that doesn't need extra feed stuff, and a gun that is most likely based on the other tippys out there (hence you have durable reliability), its actually good. And if they can make mods for electro, and mount flatline for those tippy owners, I think it will work great.
Also, how does the feed work? Does it work off excess gas from firing, like the reactive trigger, or does it tap straight off the tank. It may work with reactives after all.
The documention on the site elludes to what may be the feed system being mounted on other tippys also.
Overall, I think that its great tippman's trying to expand their marker's range of potential. They have that whole tippman/kingman rivalry going on, and kingman sucks for innovative ideas. At least one of them doesn't.

the jackal
06-07-2002, 04:13 PM
My team captain has an A-5 at his shop to sell and I have to admit it is innovative but way overpriced. There is way to much plastic on this thing and the barrel is crap (following the proud tippmann tradition:) All I know is this: if you can't hit this gun when somebody is leaning out of a bunker you're not aiming. I think they will be successful because if you go to the tippmann forum they are considered the best thing since the paintball.

06-07-2002, 04:20 PM
One of our point players just bought the A-5 and is pretty happy with it. It doesn't seem to be a piece of junk at all, and the loading system is a good idea. They make every system, or have in the works, for the A-5 (elctro, r/t, flatline, etc.) as they do for every other Tippmann. Anyway, it's not bad once you pimp it out. Our guys a cop, and he likes the military/gun feel of it even though it's got aftermarket mods on it already. I think with a new barrel, expansion, an electro trigger it would surprise you guys.

06-07-2002, 04:21 PM
i noticed some people claiming it will suck like the fa well maybe they fixed that i knew of people sho got FA to work great it just took soem tweaking and tippmann spent alot of time tweaking this since they have had the feed sytem being ram driven for quite some time. I think this will probably be a great gun when it comes down in price. saves you the price of a hopper. And for the people who were making comments about it wellthe idea of the feed system is the same as a halo and evlution hopper so whats the problem? if the get it tweaked right it should work. plus add a reactive trigger and you have a pretty sweet gun if you can pull that off. think about it no batteries and very fast.
the m98 was revolutionary. you woudl know this if you haev ever opened it up and looked inside then looked at the whole picture.
the trigger mechanism allows for a shorter lighter triggerpull, they incrased the hammer so the surface area would let the guin cycle faster and they finally got the price of an inline down to compete with the kingman and clones. the A5 is what i would guess will be the first step in the next phase of paintball and thats integrated hoppers.

06-07-2002, 05:09 PM
Guys, look. Some of you are quite uninformed.

1.)R/T trigger will not work. It uses the blowback to work the hopper feed system.

The RT trigger of the orginal M98 will not work, but there is an A5 one coming out "in about a month" it is said. The reason it can use both is that not much gas is used to power the piston, it is a very moderate amount, so as to reduce the chance of chopping.

Also, this is not the ancient F/A's loader. The F/A used a spring powered star that had to be wound up EACH GAME, which many people forgot. The effect is the same as not turning on one's revy, which we all have done, only worse because of the difficulty in cleaning. Much of the F/A's chopping came from user error and misinformation (people say Mags are blenders, remember?)

Tippmann makes excellent products, I own a M98RT as a backup marker (although I've yet to have a major failure in my Mag). That thing can hit 10 bps in a burst, which is incredible for a $120+70 gun! Tippmann also has, I would say, the greatest customer service of any company, perhaps tied with AGD. For the cost of shipping, I was able to send my orginal 98 in to the company, get all the "soft" parts replaced and the gun filed down to accept their professional installation of my RT, no extra charge. No stars, no warrenty worries, just free service!

Personally, I think this gun will eventually catch on, after the price lowers a bit. I've seen people deck out a 98, or even a Pro/Carb with more useless addons than the cost of the A5.

Just some thoughts


06-07-2002, 07:36 PM
I've tried this gun. it works great. The hopper never fails, and actually feeds very fast. Tippmann has never put out junk. I think it will do very well.

06-07-2002, 09:04 PM
These things are actually really good. A field near me is actually going to start using them as rental markers. I think they would make great rental markers because so much maintenence has to be put into the guns after every day taking them apart and cleaning them because of chops, this loader makes chopping near impossible. The trigger is nowhere as good as a mags, but it's leagues above a Spyders imo. They're kinda bulky after using my mag, but not too bad. Only thing that I really dislike about them is the recoil. I would definately get one for a backup if I didn't already have a Bushy.

06-07-2002, 10:14 PM
just my opinion..but I think they look stupid. sure the hopper system feeds everyshot fired and who is really going to be shooting faster then 16bps which it has been tested at. people will buy it because it looks the way it does and thats the reason I wouldn't buy it. it looks....well...dumb.
I mean some people say " I dont care how my gun looks, as long as it performs" I might be different, but if MY gun doesn't look good, then I'll go CRAZY trying to get it TO look good. and i would never be satisfied with that gun. just my $.02

06-08-2002, 12:13 AM
you have a good point rt luver im kinda tha same way i dont want a warp because its so big and ugly plaus the added weight and batteries but mostly cause its big and ugly

but at the same time a bunch of people are gonna buy it cause it looks like a mp5

06-08-2002, 09:09 AM
Why would you want a gun you cant use a rev on?

its feed by exces gas used during fire. I know so much about it it would make you think why you even said that.

Thats good that it uses exces during fire. and a rev only feeds 12 BPS. an a-5 goes well up to 15+. I own onw and i must say,next ti my mag its hard to choose which one to use.

06-08-2002, 09:37 AM
I don’t like it personally. And there are many reasons for this, and few of them have to do with how it may or may not actually work. People can argue those points all day (and I have no problems with that) but I buy stuff for many reasons, not just if it will work or not… I want a bit more than that.

I don’t like the looks, or the idea that they combine the hopper with the marker. It is the same reason I will not buy one of those stereo systems with all the components fused into ONE unit to LOOK like separate components (no matter how good it MAY sound to the untrained ear). I would buy a Boom Box if I wanted that. But for a home sound system… come on. The same goes for Markers with me.

Plus what if you want to upgrade any of the parts? What happens if one part is messed up? You lose the whole thing. That is also why TV’s with VCRs built in may be nice for a Play Room, a Child’s Bedroom, or for a travel system (bring camping), but would you HONESTLY put one in your Living room? I wouldn’t… not in a million years.

I think it will appeal to the noob and the scenario player (maybe), but I have seen much better scenario markers though. It is a Tippman so I am sure you could toss it around (and it may still shoot) and drive tent stakes with it (and it may still shoot)… but if I want to toss something around I would get a football… and if I wanted to pound tent stakes I would bring a hammer.

I guess it all depends on what each person wants out of their Marker. For that price, you can get a Spyder, Hopper, and Tank… be able to upgrade it…. Customize it… and still do as well (if not better) on the field. I think the novelty factor will create a few sales, and the NAME will create a few more… but I don’t see a long future for it. I say keep your eye out for the next Tippman Marker to take its place…..

06-08-2002, 11:53 AM
an upgraded spyder cant even keep up with my 98 c and my 98 c has only a few things on it.

and i pretty sure the rt just came out or soon for the a5

i had some more points but i forgot what they are

06-08-2002, 01:08 PM
an upgraded spyder cant even keep up with my 98 c and my 98 c has only a few things on it.
oh my….:rolleyes:

But whatever…. This thread was about people’s THOUGHTS and OPINIONS on the matter of how well the A5 will do (in sales). There were many opinions and reasons posted. I don’t think this thread was to debate what marker was better….. only if we thought it would do well, and why or why not… period. LOL It was not about if the marker actually performed better than any other marker.

We all know that sales are by far NOT just determined by the quality and speed of a marker… otherwise AGD would OWN the market… but they don’t. ;) (But they SHOULD.)

I suggest if anyone wants to argue about what marker they think is better (performance wise), that they start another thread. Of course, I could care less about that as it pertains to this Thread... I was just answering the question asked.;)

06-08-2002, 03:19 PM
ok there is NO question in my mind anymore... The A 5 is the UGLIEST gun i've ever seen. Once again, like the 98, it looks like it would have terrible handling.

71 LS6
06-08-2002, 08:40 PM
The A-5 will be successful at first, mainly because of the marketing that has already been introduced for it. I could name several people that want one badly, and it is mainly because of tippman's marketing. After a decent amount of people have the gun, its success will be based on the reputation that they give it and the success that they have with it. Until that point, its success is not based on how well it performs, it will be based on marketing and consumer appeal.

06-10-2002, 02:21 PM
i also think they look dumb and pointless. u have to use tippmann's own hopper to use it. also they are too high priced

06-10-2002, 04:43 PM
It's going to be quite successful, appealing mostly to the scenario players & Tippmann fanatics. It's also not going to be seen much on the speed court, as it's more money than a vert-feed cocker and the ROF of a Black Dragun will blow it away for way less $$.

I see one big problem with the hopper. You can't get replacement ones (At least not yet) and they're already aquiring a rep for having the same problems with brittleness as the 1st gen Eggo's.

06-10-2002, 09:37 PM
i think it'll do ok but 350 for a tippmann is a little steep. sure it looks cool and all but i think i'll wait until its newbie tested and field owner approved before i get one for scenarios

06-10-2002, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by rudy
the m98 was revolutionary. you woudl know this if you haev ever opened it up and looked inside then looked at the whole picture.
the trigger mechanism allows for a shorter lighter triggerpull, they incrased the hammer so the surface area would let the guin cycle faster and they finally got the price of an inline down to compete with the kingman and clones. the A5 is what i would guess will be the first step in the next phase of paintball and thats integrated hoppers.

Maybe our definition of revolutionary is different. I see what you describe as evolutionary. Such as the evolution of the pro-am then carbine, the lite. The FA was revolutionary. but we are arguing semantics. The fact of the matter is that you are wrong and I am right, just ask me :D


ps. Holy resurrect a thread from the dead batman!

06-11-2002, 12:54 AM
While I'm not on either side of the "Realism is Bad in Paintball" I have mixed feelings about the A5.

Good: Revolutionary feed system. Shaking up the scene. An upgrade? to the M98. Something new from the guys @ Tippmann (they are a pretty good company, 2nd only to AGD - I do own an SL-68II and a M98)

Bad: Maybe a little too realistic? Zero options on the hopper. Interlink between trigger & loader another thing to break.

Again, this could go either way ~ Dave

06-11-2002, 07:49 AM
Whoever pays 350 for an A-5 (98+feed system) has lost there marbles, I could think of a number of things to buy, maybe 50 bucks more and you ahve an Impulse. I mean come on. I saw one at my local store and my friend shot it. It doesnt even come stocl with an rt making it so slow you dont even need the loading system.

Patron God of Pirates
06-11-2002, 08:42 AM
One of my teammates plays with an A-5.


Cyclone feed- Works, every time, does not chop paint.

Field Strip- The gun has a push pin field strip system that allows complete disassembly without an Alan wrench in under 10 seconds.

A sight that works- I hate sights, don't use them, hate adjusting them, but this one works. It's stock, and if you point it at something in range and shoot, you hit it (provided your ball doesn't hook).


No upgrades- Yet. All you can buy are barrels.

Trigger pull- Roughly eight miles long and weighing thirty tons or so. You will never, ever, fire fast enough to find out if the feeder could chop paint. Your finger gets tiered after a couple of hoppers.

No hopper options- The existing hopper has a distinctive profile. A feature which has allowed my to find, identify, and kill my friend in practice many times. It also sits wide to the right of the gun, so your pretty much stuck shooting left side.

Heinous foregrip- It's just a chinsey plastic tube. I hate it.


The feed system would be great on a gun that could keep up with it. Tippmann put its fastest loader on its slowest gun. Until they come out with an electro kit or a lighter trigger, the cyclone does nothing but save you money on a hopper. The field strip is a nice feature, but again, it's on the wrong gun. A quick field strip on a Spyder, Cocker, or some other gun you might ever have to take apart, would be nice. I have never even turned a screw on my 98.

Once they start releasing upgrades to take advantage of this guns innovations it will be a very good marker. Until then, it is a slow firing 98.

06-11-2002, 01:24 PM
I've shot an A-5 before...the Cyclone feed is nice but it's kinda pointless because you can't even shoot near as fast as it can feed.

06-11-2002, 05:38 PM
The A-5 is a great scenario marker...
I dont understand why people dis on that new feed system.
It feeds well and quickly.
The A-5 is overpriced and has to much plastic i agree, i would never buy one. The A-5 is a shortened procarbine with a diff body and feed system. The internals are almost EXACTLY the same. Im a fan of the procarbine, i own one and play with it up in a place called vedawoo in SE wyoming. Its massive rock formations on hills and other things are to much of a risk for me to take my mags up there(if you saw it you would understand) and i take the procarbine and have no worries about my gun being damaged.
Thats why i like tippmanns.
BTW the A-5 is not nppl legal and many other tourneys banned it because of the air assist feed system. Not sure why but it is. Tippmanns are starter guns, backups and rec ball/scenario guns and nothing more imo.

06-11-2002, 05:44 PM
these are pics of vedauwoo for those who want to see what im not taking my mag into lol.
those are all i have, its a fun little place though

07-18-2002, 01:17 PM
Well, this has been around the block a few times… LOL

So I will add my latest opinion on the matter…………………..

What I see from the A5 is this…… ask your local dealer how well they are selling. ;) I know at least one that fell for the “Get them now because they will go fast!” line and still has them stacked up in their store.

07-18-2002, 02:03 PM
The A-5 will be bigger than the M98 was. I bought the M98 when it first came out. Yep, I was one of those guys who paid $200 for it. Now that it has nearly every non electro upgrade, I am here (currently building a mag from the ground up, buying it by pieces). So far: chrome PF HR body, chrome body rail, Phase II valve, just ordered a chrome intelliframe w/blade, and "hopefully" just sealed a deal for a 10" boomie off of here. So far so good

Tippman owners are their own little cult. They love those markers, as do I. They are built like tanks. My M98 is going to become my backup to my mag.

My M98:
Polished internals
too many barrels to name (7)
LP kit
68/4500 Apoc 2k
nasty trigger job
custom double trigger and guard (home made)
easy field strip (cut grip handle)
WGP ergo reg
modified ball feed neck
a hand ful of others....

This thing rocks, I need to get some pics of it.

No matter how you look at it the A-5 will make a killing. What Tippman did was improve the older FA.

The hopper that it comes with holds 200 rounds just like a revvy.

07-18-2002, 02:08 PM
a local shop is selling them for $410 with the RT kit already installed, the shop owner keeps griping about having to build more to put on the wall, so i'm assuming they are selling reasonably well.

07-18-2002, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by synreal
a local shop is selling them for $410 with the RT kit already installed, the shop owner keeps griping about having to build more to put on the wall, so i'm assuming they are selling reasonably well.
Must be a regional thing. I asked a shop up here (one of the largest) what they thought about the A5 and they said,

“I don’t know. I can’t get any feedback on products that don’t sell. Most of the people see the price and ask what is so special that it justifies the price. They know Tippmanns are good markers but would rather spend less on another marker and get what they feel is more.” (Or close to that.)

But we have seen similar things with other products… one part of the country claims it flies off the shelves and another claims that they can’t GIVE it away. Funny…

07-18-2002, 02:49 PM
also keep in mind that we have a rather large population of paintball players in the area (30 years or older) who see paintball as training for when "the man" tries to come and take away their handguns. the mp5 styling suits that crowd rather well.

07-18-2002, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by synreal
also keep in mind that we have a rather large population of paintball players in the area (30 years or older) who see paintball as training for when "the man" tries to come and take away their handguns. the mp5 styling suits that crowd rather well.
LOL shhhhhh (but good point)

That is what my Wife’s folks think ALL Paintball Players are. LOL Needless to say we don’t talk about it. ;)

07-18-2002, 04:04 PM
That's exactly who I've seen buying them.
Ole Rambo. That's their niche and I think it will sell just fine.

07-18-2002, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by than205
That's exactly who I've seen buying them.
Ole Rambo. That's their niche and I think it will sell just fine.
LOL Yup. I have done my time and know the real deal… no need to “play” it. ;)

Hey…. On another note….. You going to be at Adventure Games on the 28th? (two weekends from now) I am going to be there as promised. :D

07-18-2002, 04:41 PM
i think all Tippenns are _______ :eek:

07-19-2002, 02:21 PM
well one thing from reading this is that people are very biased about a product b4 they used it probably let alone seen in it real life. and people are saying this gun is ugly and the only reason why you think its ugly is because it looks like a real gun. im guessing that a real gun isnt your taste(not mine either except on certain guns) and the fact is the gray blasted body is pretty damn ugly on a mag and noone here seems to complain about it because as you know that can be changed many ways(IE extreme, powdercoating, milling, etc) and calling the hopper ugly isnt exactly the smartest statement because regular hopper lookes like a doopy telephone

well as major damage may say ENDO! this rant

07-19-2002, 03:27 PM
Okay, I just thought I'd put in a few other points about the whole A-5 thing since I posted earlier talking about one of my teams forwards having one. So far, I've noticed it isn't half bad with the exceptions of a couple things.

1. The stock trigger is heavy and slow. A replacement would be needed.

2. I don't understand why, if they were shooting for the whole "we're taking the hopper lower on the body by connecting it to the body" thing they didn't put it on the inside of the marker. Most people in the world are right handed and this would have sat it sort of like the warp feed, so you're hopper bulk is in front of your chest and not sticking out to the left. Tight snapshooting would be troublesome with this stock hopper set up. (Of course, you really can't snap shoot that much with the stock trigger.)

3. If you want to take the entire thing apart at some point you have to unscrew the velocity screw in the center and remove it. This wouldn't be too bad except for the fact that it means you have to re-adjust the velocity everytime, and the screw actually screws into a plastic reciever! A metal screw tightening into a plastic piece? Hmmm...not a good plan. Sounds like something will get stripped at some point.

Other than those little complaints, it's not too bad a gun really. I think it's like the rest of Tippmann's guns. With a lot of upgrades, it opens some eyes. But stock, it's a bit sketchy. For the price I'd just get an Automag, but we all already knew that. :D

Duke Henry
07-19-2002, 03:28 PM
Check this video out on the A5 RT. I have used one in person, and the first guy only starts using the RT really well towards the end. Still, we were easily getting it over 15 BPS...

Click on this link (http://www.stealthpaintball.com/video/a5response768.asp)

07-19-2002, 05:40 PM
either paintball-online.com or actionvillage.com has it for about 280-290

07-19-2002, 09:01 PM
pretty cool vid, duke. Did you encounter any problems while shooting it(that weren't shown in the video)? Anybody know how you adjust the reactivness of the Tippmann RT trigger?

07-19-2002, 10:12 PM
After seeing that video, I can only think one thing…… Some people are too easily impressed.

The marker is butt ugly. The hopper is in a poor position for good silhouette reduction. And I could go on, but you get the point.

Also, seeing some guy holding the marker while standing still, using its RT to shoot fast (and not even THAT fast) at a ROCK, and thinking it is something special…. LOL Sorry, didn’t impress me at all. And honestly, it takes NO skill. Want to impress me? Show that guy running from one bunker to another and ripping off 3 or 4 shots mid stride at another player shooting at him, and HITTING the other player……. Now THAT would impress me.

I will stand by my original assessments of the A5. But to each their own. I am sure A5 owners are quite happy with their markers…. But I would not be.

Jack & Coke
07-19-2002, 10:51 PM
Show that guy running from one bunker to another and ripping off 3 or 4 shots mid stride at another player shooting at him, and HITTING the other player...


Did you see how flee footed that little guy was?

07-19-2002, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke


Did you see how flee footed that little guy was?
LOL I was going to comment on that, but decided to be nice. ;) Adds to the vision though, doesn't it? :D

Jack & Coke
07-20-2002, 02:56 AM
I can picture the opposition yelling, "..what the? That bunker is shooting at us with an A-5!! Run for your lives!"

07-20-2002, 01:13 PM

07-20-2002, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
Interesting… still buttttttt ugly though. And I don’t like not being able to decide which side my hopper will be on, or neither side but centered.

Also, if the loader gets messed up what do you do? I know if MY loader gets messed up, I can simply pop on another one (Revy OR shake-n-bake) and keep on playing. Can the A5 do that? If it can, great, if not…..

Tippmanns make great rentals… they are not bad markers. But some of us simply want more out of our markers… thus AGD!

07-20-2002, 01:36 PM
im not saying its still not ugly(which is your opinion)

and the numatics can be shot and not havea problem(i shot my friend who has the a5 in the face and in the pnumatics one time) and it works like a standard hopper if it did break(you just turn the cog thingy so the star isnt in the way of the feed if it is and then its still a regular hopper)

Duke Henry
08-09-2002, 12:05 PM
The video was from Stealthpaintball.com - that is not me in case you guys are wondering. I myself am a little smaller than that guy!

You'll never know until you try the gun. I love my A5. I love my RT PRO. If the Tippmann RT was tourney legal, then I would use my A5 more, but alas it is not.

Of course the next tourney I am playing, in October doesn't allow ANY RT's, so I am sort of p.o.'ed about that anyway.

This is sort of OT to this thread, but next week I will be making a video for a M98 RT, which can shoot much faster than the guy in the A5 video. He never seems to be able to shoot "just right" in the A5 video...

08-09-2002, 04:47 PM
I find it hard to believe that any tourney would not let you use your RT Pro.

Duke Henry
08-10-2002, 07:31 AM
As do I. Since it is more than a month away perhaps they will change their mind. It may have something to do with the fact that the field is completely pro-WGP, but I don't see how that would translate into being anti-Automag RT.

Funny thing is that since I can't use my RTP, I almost wish the tourney was pump only! I just finished putting together an old pump gun and want to test that puppy out!