View Full Version : AUtoMAG

04-04-2002, 07:31 PM
I want to buy an automag classic 68 but i have a few questions, i understand that it doesn't come with a barrel or a loader/hopper, but it also says that it doesn't come with a hose or an air adapter, is this hose the steel braided hose? and is the air adapter the C/A?
also it says that it can come in either standard feed or power feed, standard is hopper to the right, but it says that power feed is hopper to left and hopper to the right, does this mean that it will have two feeds, one on each side of the gun?

04-04-2002, 07:47 PM
well standard feed is where the feed tube goes right into the body. a power feed is a tube that runs across the body and has a plug in one end to make the balls fall in the hole.. into the gun.

power feed is better because of less bobble and faster feeding.

powerfeed left / right means what side the feed tube is.

powerfed right looks like this / putting the hopper on the right side of the gun. Powerfeed left looks like this \ putting the hopper on the left side.

I hope this helped a little. Im at work now but if you have more questions im XenAO on the chat room. ill be home later tonite.

04-04-2002, 07:51 PM
You might be better off finding a complete package that has everything. You may save a bit more money.

The hoses are the steel kind like you though but you can also use Macro or mirco line which is easier to use than steel, and you don't have to use a dis connect because the hose just pulls out of the fittings. I like macro line, some people like steel. Macro is generally cheaper.

An air adapter is also known as a ASA (air system adapter I think). It's what you screw your tank into, and then you connect the hoses from the ASA to the vavle.

You want a power feed. They feed better than standard feeds. If your a righty you want a left side hopper, and vice versa because then it makes it harder for people to hit your hopper when you are shooting from your prodominate shooting side. Just specify which side hopper you want and thats what you'll get.

04-04-2002, 07:53 PM
Practically any line or air adapter would work, as long as you can get the gas from the tank to the valve, be it from a screw in ASA, or a quick disconnect attached to a non-screw in tank.

A Standard feed is just a feed tube sticking up from the mainbody, a standard feed right would have the feed tube on the right, and positioning the loader to the right of the marker and vise versa.

A powerfeed right, would have an angled feed tube on the left, where the elbo would go on the top of this tube, with a plug in the bottom, to direct balls into the left side of the body, putting the loader on the right of the marker. The feed of paint follows the tube across the top of the marker, and helps prevent blowback. Ill post some pics in a moment to give you a visual example.

EDIT: Heres some links to some pics:

Standard Feed Right:
Left Side (http://www.airgun.com/Products/HiClassic1.html)
Right Side (http://www.airgun.com/Products/HiClassic2.html)

Powerfeed Right:
Left Side (http://www.airgun.com/Products/HiClassicPF1.html)
Right Side (http://www.airgun.com/Products/HiClassicPF2.html)

Example of a basic ASA and SS hose setup:
Basic Setup (http://www.airgun.com/Products/HiBlackPF2.html)

04-04-2002, 09:34 PM
Might we want to suggest a TKO package to nephilim?
Or does that not cover the need?
Who sells the TKO? I know I've seen it, I just can't remember where.
Who else sells a decent package?

04-05-2002, 07:57 AM
i went to eBay and got a 68 automag with expansion chamber and J&J internally rifled barrel for $250, try going there

04-05-2002, 09:27 AM
AGD sells their guns bare, because we know that players are going to ditch the barrel, ASA or drop forward, any hose style, and perhaps the frame. AGD gives you the bare gun so you are not buying things you will likely not use anyway, and you can now buy those things that you really want on your gun.:cool: