View Full Version : Bolt locking up

04-05-2002, 07:45 AM
Obsolete wont post this about his Mag cause he doesnt think its a big deal, but I do!

When ever he shoots a fast burst, his bolt locks up...why does this happpen and how can he prevent it?!?! HE also chopps alot when he does a fast burst too...He has a Benchmark frame and progressive barrel, the rest is stock.


04-05-2002, 07:48 AM
Sounds like bolt stick, He should get a Power Tube spacer kit and try a spacer one size up and see if that helps, if not repeat.

04-05-2002, 05:49 PM
Actually I told Hemlock it had to do with the benchy being a piece. I put in a trigger stop stop and shome washers to take up the slop. The washers were to tight so the sear would get stuck.

The chop was short stroking, still need to get used to the bennchy mile long pull. And it's an all american barrel.