View Full Version : People like a super light trigger pull-can it be a bad thing?

04-05-2002, 07:49 PM
I don't really shoot my mag too fast, so I don't really need a light trigger pull. Every time I have been on a field, even though it is only a few times since I am a newer player, I have accidentally fired my marker while unconcously laying my finger on the trigger or something, and almost hit people. One time when I chopped a ball( due to a lagging battery in the warp) the guy right next to me let me borrow his squeegie instantly so I could get back to playing. Somehow, when putting my mag back together, my finger touches the trigger or something and I almost shoot the guy. We both heard a loud band and I had to apologize, it was a narrow miss. This has happened before, and I have seen it happen to others. I don't know if this is something I will eventually outgrow because I haven't been playing long, or something I will have to deal with. If not me, then I sure wouldn't want to be the person that gets shot by accident because of a light trigger pull. My question is:

some people like a super light trigger pull, but what about a hard one?

I am more used to shooting real firearms, which have a much harder trigger pull, because if you accidentally touched the trigger and it went off, it could kill someone. Now, it's not like a paintball is going to kill someone, but still, it is something that I would like to avoid. I am asking about a hard trigger pull-is getting an adjustable tank the only way to do it? I really wouldn't mind a hard trigger pull-I don't really shoot too fast so it wouldn't be a problem. Besides, I want to know I'm shooting when I pull hard, and none of this accidental junk.

Have any of you had this problem? Could it be something that goes away in time?

I think mags don't have the lightest pull of all the markers out there to begin with, but is there any way to make it stiffer, or do I just need to watch it more carefully? I've got a Z-grip on my mag, and it's really hard to run with it, or carry it, without the natural feeling of just wanting to grab the whole handle, or rest your hand on there, like on a real gun, but 1/2 of which is the trigger itself.


04-05-2002, 08:06 PM
with a real gun, you don't have to shoots at 9 balls a second to hit the guy running across the field. one shot is accurate enough to hit and get him.

with paintball, the balls are not accurate enough for long, 1 shot elminations. thats why we lay down a bunch of balls to cover the area. its called accuracy by volume.

04-05-2002, 08:07 PM
you could try to fit a trigger return spring on there. just get a stiff one, like a stock autococker spring. i think it would work, just something to try...

Kaiser Bob
04-05-2002, 08:09 PM
Well a higher input pressure would make a harder pull, but excessive pressure is bad for consistancy. you could always get an emag and put a bunch of magnets in :) or just use your safety a lot.