View Full Version : Sfl E-mag....booooo!

04-05-2002, 08:14 PM
Is it me or something but just by reading different post on the SFL E-MAG does not really make me want to buy one. Everything I have read just doesn't make it sound like it is that great and there are still many problems to work out.

I do not think it is worthy of buying, especially for that price. I think there are just way too many great markers out there without all these problems. The SFL E-MAG is like what 1350-1450? The IR3 not saying it is better, but when I shot one was awesome. They are around 1400. Like I said, I am not sure that they are better but they do have much more work into them, many more features (maybe some you do not even need but they have them if you want), and in my mind looks a lot better except for that ugly *EDIT* Do not circumvent the cuss filters. Army grip. There are just so many features WDP has put into the IR3, and I just wonder why AGD is not as advanced. I do not think AGD and Shocktech made this gun as good as it could of been.

I guess just more bang for your buck. What I have heard on these boards really does not make me want to drop my gun and go and buy one.

04-05-2002, 08:43 PM
As of late, there has been a lot of posts with negative things to say about the SFL. How many satisfied SFL owners are out there? :D

04-05-2002, 09:03 PM
Well I can tell you right now the electronics in the gripframes of angels wouldent be concidered advanced by 80's standards. There are more powerful functions in a standard scientific calculator.

The electronics make the gun "cool" but not advanced.

The reason that AGD does not put "26 modes of fire" in their guns is simply because it is not needed.

IF you want to talk about being advanced ask Tom how badly the E-mag spanked the angel in terms of consistency, recharge times, and rate of fire.

The fact still remains that it is the ONLY gun that can feed and fire 20 balls per second on command with no shootdown.

Even if you had super fast feeding on the angel you would never be able to do 20bps. Of course you would be able to cycle that fast but never feed that fast.

The open bolt times arent short enough.

The fact remains that E-mag is nearly twice as fast.

Load SM5
04-05-2002, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Croix71
As of late, there has been a lot of posts with negative things to say about the SFL. How many satisfied SFL owners are out there? :D

I am extremelly happy with my SFL. It's preformed great. Last time I was out I shot 3/4 of a case with no chops or breaks. And they all flew like darts. I love this gun. It seems like everytime I go out to the field some angel owner is sitting out, going home early or cussing over their gun. I like the simple design of the SFL. Less gadgets means less to go wrong. If I wanted all the angel features I'd go buy a gigapet and save myself $1350.

04-05-2002, 09:20 PM
Hmmm... The emag seems to be more advanced than the angel... The angel doesn't have manual mode does it?

04-05-2002, 09:25 PM
i dunno whether to stick up for the angel or agree with everyone...

Load SM5
04-05-2002, 09:28 PM
I'm not saying that the angel is a bad gun. I like them and would like to own one some day. But I really love the feel of my SFL. It works reliably and since this is my 5th mag I know how to fix it blindfolded. You can't argue that they are'nt a simpler design.

04-05-2002, 09:30 PM
I thuroughly enjoyed.. cussing.. Watch the language.. and even throwing my angel..

04-05-2002, 09:32 PM
I might as well be bias so I just like the idea of having a manual mode to fall back onto when the electronics get wet or when the board gets damaged.

04-05-2002, 09:33 PM
My angel board fried for no freaking reason.. So mechanical is good :)

04-05-2002, 09:34 PM
To me it sounds like SFL's are best used with a warp or halo.

04-05-2002, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5

If I wanted all the angel features I'd go buy a gigapet and save myself $1350.

HAHA! That's Great!

I think that might end up in my sig...

I totally agree!

Load SM5
04-05-2002, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by stooks
My angel board fried for no freaking reason.. So mechanical is good :)

That why I have'nt seem you at the field recently?

04-05-2002, 09:39 PM
And as far as the reliability of SFL's it seems to be pretty good since I've never seen Load's down..

04-05-2002, 09:41 PM
Well I was out of town last week and Played at Lauderdale Paintball the week before.. I dont even have that angel anymore.. I have a Cocker (Pearl ECX Warped Monkey 1 of 4)
And a Turbo Shocker.. I might be out there sometime.. I dunno.. So, Whats been up with you..

Load SM5
04-05-2002, 09:44 PM
Not a whole lot. You feel like going to B'ham tomorrow morning? Heck, E-mail me so we don't hog up the thread with a conversation. [email protected]

04-05-2002, 09:46 PM
Wish I could but I have to work.. Do you have AIM or something.. It would end up being a lot easier to talk that way :)

04-05-2002, 09:47 PM
IMO manual mode is totally over-rated. With a zero memory battery that is good for about 20,000 shots, people should be able to keep the battery charged enough to play any time they want.

Also, what is the point of shooting 20bps? You sure can not do it in semi, and most field won't let you use full auto, so what is the point of 20bps full auto, besides showing it off?

04-05-2002, 09:49 PM
The SFL E-Mag is a great marker when it works. Is it perfect. No it's not. I think the posts on this forum point that out. However, given the right amount of time AGD will work out the kinks that I believe exist with this marker and make it into one of the great products we expect. If you're considering buying one I would suggest waiting until the design and product are more mature. Based on what we're hearing as far as the upcoming design changes, it sounds like it will be a great product eventually. In my opinion, it's just not one right now.

Load SM5
04-05-2002, 09:50 PM
Dude- Manual is not too overrated. My electronics went down in midgame when a driving rain feel on us. I flipped to manual and played on. Later when the board dried everything was fine and I switched back.

Stooks- I do but I'm going to turn in in a few minutes so I can get up early and drive for an hour or so.

04-05-2002, 10:06 PM
The SFL unfortunately doesn't have any of the new anti-ball breakage and ACE upgrades. These will all come on the new Xtremes once they are released.

I don't think the SFL should have ever been released until they got everything fixed in terms of ball breakage. There was just such a high demand for the new style E-Mag that SFL got some to mill and sell as SFL's.

I do know that the new design for the Xtreme is unbelievable. Once the standard Xtreme gets released, it will be easier on paint than any other gun.

Load SM5
04-05-2002, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
The SFL unfortunately doesn't have any of the new anti-ball breakage and ACE upgrades.

Well, not yet;) But as long as it's an upgrade I'm fine with it.

I agree though they should've worked all the bugs out first. Although mine has been fairly bugless.

04-05-2002, 10:31 PM
$1400 is too much to pay for any gun and the SFL is hardly better than the AGD E-Mag. I'll stick with my ReTro MiniMag for a long time.

04-05-2002, 10:36 PM
IMHO the only thing better is that it looks prettier and is lighter. Donggie probably will agree with me. He sold his SFL and stuck with his black stainless E-mag.

Nothing like good old beat over the head steel body durablity. Im not afraid of throwing my e-mag around worrying about scratching it while I play.

The only time I chopped paint in this gun was during full auto testing for the e-magnum at 20 BPS with a warp and revy.

Ive broke a total of 4 balls in the barrel with my e-mag ever since I had it.

Id say wait till the extremes come out or find yourself a good deal on a SS model. I can tell you with a warp ACE is NOT needed.

04-05-2002, 11:49 PM
From what I have heard SFLs arent worth the $1500, nothing special at all, oooo, it has an eye, well so does a $500 intimidator or impulse. So umm ya. It has an aluminum body, what other gun dosent? I know that its probably a nice gun and all but, just dosent seem worth the $1500 If I was rich and had money to waste then I would probably would buy one but scince I dont, Im not...

04-06-2002, 12:45 AM
If i had to pick an IR3, or an SFL. I'd probably pick the IR3, just barely. If i had to pick between an IR3 or a Extreme Emag, Extreme every single time. Warp body, interchangeable breech. ACE, Lighter than older emags, the trigger on the emag is like none other.

On this forum i doubt anyone hasn't at least shot an emag, but on other forums alot of people say stuff, then you ask if they've ever seen/used the gun and they haven't.

Overall its apples and oranges. I Currently own a Custom Cocker, and a Bonebrake LED (Angel). I like them both very much, but when the extremes come out i think the angel will get the axe.


04-06-2002, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by Oregon_pb_
If i had to pick an IR3, or an SFL. I'd probably pick the IR3, just barely. If i had to pick between an IR3 or a Extreme Emag, Extreme every single time. Warp body, interchangeable breech. ACE, Lighter than older emags, the trigger on the emag is like none other.

On this forum i doubt anyone hasn't at least shot an emag, but on other forums alot of people say stuff, then you ask if they've ever seen/used the gun and they haven't.

Overall its apples and oranges. I Currently own a Custom Cocker, and a Bonebrake LED (Angel). I like them both very much, but when the extremes come out i think the angel will get the axe.


You forgot the anti-chop parts in the extreme... stuff like the new bolt/spacer/spring setup.

04-06-2002, 08:54 AM
Until, AGD really solves the chopping problem, I will never ever buy a 1400-1500 dollar gun from them. I do not care if your gun doesn't chop or if ONE time you went out and your gun did not chop because most likely a MAG is going to chop more than any other because it is high pressure. I have owned an RT and EMAG. If I am spending that kind of dough on a paintball gun it has to everything that a paintball gun can offer and be close to perfect as possible. Just because you do not need those features does not mean they should not be an option. It would just be really cool to have them. I know the IR3, correct me if I am wrong because I think I am but on a full battery charge it is something crazy like 500,000 now do you really think you battery is going to die out in a middle of a game. Maybe the board might explode or something like that but the battery will certainly not die in a game.

The fact of the matter is in tournaments and professional teams, what markers are they using? Cockers and Angels mostly. You very very rarely see an E-MAG, and until AGD fixes the bugs in a 1400 dollar marker, no one is going to buy it. That is the BOTTOMLINE!

04-06-2002, 09:27 AM
Until AGD completely finishes one that comes right out of AGD's assembly room I am waiting.

04-06-2002, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
I am extremelly happy with my SFL. It's preformed great. Last time I was out I shot 3/4 of a case with no chops or breaks. And they all flew like darts. I love this gun.

I Guess I was right, the # of disatisfied SFL owners outnumber the satisfied owners.

04-06-2002, 11:07 AM
High pressure? Bolt force and poor feeding has to do with chopping, it completely unrelated to pressure as the market may want you to think.

If you consider 375 psi chamber high pressure I would dissuade you from an angel because it also has a 375 psi chamber pressure. Because high pressure has to do with "chopping".

04-06-2002, 11:48 AM
Really the only two people I know of who have had great success with their SFLs were Kila and Load. Kila has done an extrodinary amount of mods, some himself and some by AGD. I think load is playing it stock, I'm not sure. But it sounds like too much of a gamble. What I hear about is alot of problems and unhappy SFL owners. I was also going to get an SFL, but I think I will get the IR3 now and wait till the extreme is released.

I will predict at least a year until they work out all the bugs, if they ever do. They'll probably end up redesigning the whole darn thing and calling it something else. At least a year till release, that is my guess.

04-08-2002, 03:38 PM
"High pressure? Bolt force and poor feeding has to do with chopping, "

"Because high pressure has to do with "chopping"."

I DONT GET IT? :confused:

04-08-2002, 03:47 PM
What he's saying is that if you think high pressure is related to chopping, then you don't want to get an Angel because it operates at the same pressure as a Mag.

04-08-2002, 03:54 PM
Yeah I understood that but what I didn't understand was about the whether high pressure relates to chopping. Because butterfingers totally contradicted himself.


04-08-2002, 03:59 PM
Ive broke a total of 4 balls in the barrel with my e-mag ever since I had it.

Which bolt are you using in your E-Mag? Superbolt???

04-08-2002, 04:04 PM
ok, this whole thing about how the manual is pointless because the angel gets 45,000,000,000 shots or whatever to a battery is silly. Sure i buy it that the angel gets an insane amount of shots or whatever but is has been specifically stated that thats not why the mode is good. Its good for in case you board goes down or some other electronic device. The manual mode is perfectly practical and a good idea.

04-08-2002, 04:49 PM
No, I didn’t contradict myself….

Read Black VCG’s post.

Notice the “chopping” is in quotes. It was sarcasm.

What I am trying to say is that if you think chopping was related to operating pressure then why are you expecting different results from an angel, which runs at the same pressure.


SS Foamie, recently changed to a superbolt for e-magnum testing.

What I have found out that the barrel and thus the breach has A LOT to do with breakages. Find a properly manufactured Automag Barrel and you will NEVER break again. Breach design seems to be a VERY important factor.

My classic mag used to break 1 in 10 balls with a SP progressive. When I found a properly manufactured barrel I rarely broke.