View Full Version : Centerflag problems

04-07-2002, 03:30 PM
What a way to start my first tourney. Out of the close to 10 or so games my team played I got to play in 3 with a working gun. It all started like this. I aired the gun up and went to chrono and she was shooting all over the board, from 222 to 285. I thought it might be my reg. After I played with my reg for a bit with no luck, I went back inside to get to find a friend who might be able to help me in someway I didn't think of yet. While I was holding my gun in my hands the macro blew on me. The fitting that holds the macro in just blew apart, needless to say after the ringin in my ears stopped and everyone stopped looking at me :) I went to go fix it. I found a guy who was selling some extra fittings and bought one from him. I put it on and was ready to go, I screwed in my tank and after like 2 seconds she started to leak from like the asa adapter. I was perplexed. I unscrewed it and then put it back on same thing. I did it a third time and she stopped leaking. About 30 seconds later my new macro blew again. Same spot, right by my reg. After talking to some guys they thought it was my new Bob Long Torpedo reg. So I switched my drop to my friends Angel and was goin to use that. After I screwed my tank in and after about 30 seconds the side of my macro blew!!!! I'm not talking fittings anymore, I'm talking about a hole blowing out the side of my macro line. After this happened I knew it had to be my tank. My guess is she is creepin up after being screwed in and then when the pressure gets to high she blows. I have a 68 4500 psi centerflag hyperflow tank. I don't know what to do cause I bought it off of someone and that voids the warranty they have. I also believe that this messed up my new reg, so as soon as I can get a working tank I'm goin to check that out. I could use any help you guys can give me, I have no clue what to do. Should I just replace the reg on the tank, if so how much do those cost. Should I forget it and just get the new tank I have been thinking about getting for a while now. Or should I try and talk to centerflag and see what they can do? Thanks for your help.

Load SM5
04-07-2002, 03:39 PM
Talk to the guys at Centerflag. They have really good customer service. They replaced a gauge on my tank, that broke when I was playing, for free. They're also pretty good about answering e-mails quickly. Here's their tech's e-mail address. [email protected]