View Full Version : Team AO Socal >>>>XII<<<<

04-07-2002, 11:34 PM
I know we decided jungle Island but I am changing it to a different field! So...
****New Location****
If this is a huge problem for any we can change it back to Jungle.
We are going to practice at XPARK in Van Nuys on 4-21-02. I don't want to drive 100 miles to jungle.

The website for Urban Quest is:

Check the site for directions and all that... Remember to check in so we know who is going. Thanks, see you there!!!

Edit: Location.

04-07-2002, 11:53 PM
I'll try and go but no promises.

04-08-2002, 05:28 AM

04-08-2002, 10:36 AM
Hey what do you guys think of practice at the Jungles new sister feild Adrenaline? looks cool it's only 10$ bucks right now, and it is closer than Jungle white paint only man that sucks. SUPER AIR BALL Oh Yea. Or we can do SC Village practice what do ya guys think? Urban Quest does not look so hot, Sorry man.:confused:

04-08-2002, 01:02 PM
hey mark

urban quest sounds good but the benz seriously wont make it up and down that hill going into ventura county, and these other idots that usually ride with me dont drive. i say we go to dirty park, i mean x park.

04-08-2002, 01:37 PM
Ok guys no Urban Quest.

We will make it XPARK.

I think Bob will like it there.

Mark, is XPARK ok with you? I really do not like driving 200 miles in one day every other weekend for a field that is not really close to any of us. We originally went to jungle because we thought it was a good spot in between San Diego and "The Valley". All of us live in or around the LA area so I don't like going down there all the time. Besides XPark is pretty close to you. LMK what you think.

I believe next practice I will have my warp back and heads are gonna roll. The only thing that went wrong with my gun last time was that my plastic nubbin wore down and began double feeding and when I replaced it with the wire nubbin after 3 games that nubbin broke,other than these slight setbacks all went well and I was happy with my performance. By the way we are developing a reputation of being a really good set of players?!?!?!?!? not bad fellas!!! Anyway.... i will try to get those pictures from last practice up so you guys can see.

04-08-2002, 02:15 PM
DANG-IT!! My timing is way off. I'll be down in Mexico that weekend for a 50 mile bike ride. But if any of homies wanna meet at the park before then, let me know. I'd be glad to meet up with you all!

Good to hear you're all making a little name for yourselves. :)


04-08-2002, 02:21 PM
Rey Do Not Exclude yourself!!! The people talking about us were reffering to what they saw at SC Village. You are part of that. Do not disassociate yourself. I annoucedthis one 2 weeks early so I could hopefully get everyone there!!! oh well. have fun in mexico. I would go this weekend but I am going to Vegas from Thurs-Sun.

I will have pics of last practice up tomorrow in the afternoon time.

04-08-2002, 02:28 PM
There is a league starting at XPARK. We may want to look into. Read about it on there site and tell me what you guys think!!!

04-08-2002, 02:29 PM
Rey, I wish you could make it!!! Good luck with your bike ride!!! If I must, then X park it is (can you sense my enthusiasm)!!! Also let me emphasize how important it is for everyone to make it to this one!! We'll discuss team jerseys, tourney schedule, etc.. after this practice, so please make plans accordingly!!! Rey, we'll keep in touch and keep you posted!! Later!!!

04-08-2002, 03:26 PM
AWW!! You guys are too much! Now if there was a way to combine bike riding and paintball...hrm...??? I'll try playing at the park one of these days and find out more info on their league.

Also, did you guys know that they have monthly membership at the park? I believe it's like 89 bux for the month and you get to play as many times as you want. I think all you pay for is ammo(if you bring your own) and air. Actually, I think even air is included in the deal. I'll ask. So if you plan on playing more than 4 times in one month, it should be a pretty good deal.

04-08-2002, 03:38 PM
we will have to get more details about that.

Bob, Xpark isn't all that bad. You'll probably enjoy it.

Dave can you hook up the paint again. I hope it is not too much trouble. Thanks.

04-08-2002, 05:55 PM
I know, I'm just whining!!! Yes dave, I would also like a case!!!

04-09-2002, 04:35 AM
whats up guys,

x park sounds cool. hey rey, youre going to ride your bike all the way to mexico? thats pretty crazy. i get tired riding my bike to 7-11 down the street. btw mark, who is it thats saying we are a good team? or where did you hear this? im curious.

as for the paint, its absolutely no problem for me to get it. theres only one catch. in order for me to get diablo at $36 plus tax ($40) a case, i have to purchase at least 6 cases. 3 cases would be $43 plus tax ($47). i get my case free so, i need to purchase 6 additional cases. this past week, general joe let me slide on 3 cases, but from now on, those are the prices. so the cost of paint would all depend on how many cases we buy.

oh, check out general joes website that i did.


ok guys, have fun on your trips.


04-09-2002, 12:23 PM
They're saying we're a good team beacause they "borrow" all our stuff!!! Now do you recognize them?? And count me in for 2 cases!!! I think I'll have the nephew with me!!!

04-09-2002, 04:59 PM
By the way, if anyone with a color printer can hit the PJ website and download and print pics of their jerseys, it'll make life a lot easierfor us!!! Keep me posted!!! Here's the link: www.paintballjunkies.com

04-09-2002, 07:58 PM
I printed the jerseys out for us. Not that great for a presentation but good enough to make a decision.

04-09-2002, 08:38 PM
LOL! Sup Dave! Me ride all the way down to Mexico? HA! No, it'll be a single day event where we ride from Ensenada to Rosarito. It'll be approximately 50 miles if I can survive. Heck, I can barely run from one end to the other on the speedball field without running short of breath...LOL! But I'm trying to train myself! Maybe next time I play with you peeps, I'll be able to run both ends before running short of breath! ;)

But after the ride that Saturday, there's going to be a big party that will last till Sunday morning! The rest of Sunday will be spent recouperating...I think I'll need it.

But have fun guys! :)

04-10-2002, 11:35 AM
Gentle men I want to discuss our team name at the meeting also. I would like something a little smoother than Team AO.

I was thinking:
Men of Steel
Sonic Boom

etc... what do you guys think... With our enterance into a tourny soon (hopefully) I think we should come up with an intimidating/competitive name. Should we change our name? If so, what should we change it to?

LMK what you guys think.

04-10-2002, 01:06 PM
Interesting names....
Question: Can I wear cleats at X-Park??? I'd like to start practicing with cleat, since I'll be wearing them for tournies!!!

04-10-2002, 01:13 PM
Okay, I know the perfect name to strike fear to our opposition...drum roll please...


Hehe...okay, maybe not. Hrm...I'll have to give it more thought. :)

04-10-2002, 04:41 PM
The Llama Herders...... I'm shaking in my bbots already!!!! LOL!!!! That is hilarious!!!!

04-10-2002, 06:06 PM
Thats a really cool name rey.

I agree though, what we need is an intimidating name with distiction.
Heres my suggestion:

Transparent Mango Manhandlers

.... dont worry, my friend owns a screen printing machine, so we dont have to pay much for all those letters on the jerseys .

i know how lame the name is, but my background is in marketing. if you want to be known, theres got to be something about your team that makes you really stand out. the more marketable you are, the more perks come with it.

04-10-2002, 06:46 PM
How about ...

Defenders of the Unseen Beast
The Unholy Penguins

Dave and Rey, I could not stop laughing when I read your posts.
Bob, cleats are allowed.

Keep them coming.

04-10-2002, 11:39 PM
Hehe...glad you guys got a little giggle from it. But I've got a few suggestions. I basically got them from a few online gaming clans that I used to play with/against with. Here are a few of my suggestions, some of which I suggested for Team AGD:

Zero Tolerance
Money Shot
Run and Hide
Death Row
No Mercy

Or we could always go the humerous route:

Gummi Bears
Paint Chuckers
Tap Dat ***
Ooga Booga
G.I. Hoes

Okay, I'm thinking too much and now my head hurts! :)

04-11-2002, 12:04 AM
GI Hoes! But to keep it clean....Ooga Booga....How about EMR...Eat My Retro?

04-11-2002, 02:04 AM
Bad_Knees can you make it to the next practice? We would love to get more players out there. LMK.

EMR is good but it does not apply to all of us.

if we all got warps that would be phat. I know dave is getting one. I will have mine soon again and Bob has his. We are going to be crazy.

Dave, I wont be able to shoot you anymore, without your speedcollar popping out the top of the bunker.;) Well I scanned the pics so here they come.

04-11-2002, 02:05 AM
I feel sorry for modem useres...

04-11-2002, 02:07 AM
Go Bob!!!

04-11-2002, 02:08 AM
Last one of Bob...the one with you bunkering the guy didn't come out.sorry.

04-11-2002, 02:09 AM
Daves turn...

04-11-2002, 02:10 AM
Dave and I putting the Smack Down!!!

04-11-2002, 02:11 AM
Dave again...

04-11-2002, 02:12 AM
Who's this guy???

04-11-2002, 02:13 AM
Laying down on the job...

04-11-2002, 02:14 AM
Scott holding down the fort!!!

04-11-2002, 02:16 AM
I am sorry I could not get more action pics but they didn't come out due to lighting conditions. These should suffice until I take our photographer with us to Jungle Island. She might come to XPark to take pictures but we all know how good the lighting conditions are there. Anyway hope you guys like the pics.

04-11-2002, 05:51 AM
I have already attended one of your practices with Gibby one time ( I had the lame Red Shutter:o )

04-11-2002, 09:11 AM
DOn't matter. John still uses his tl plus. he has gotten pretty good with it too. Well just remember that our practices are open to all of you guys.

04-11-2002, 09:39 AM
I joined the club...I have a Micro Retro Mag now ;) Soon to have another Micromag built with the standard 68 valve.

04-11-2002, 01:03 PM
Bonx, those are some sweet pics, specially since I'm the subject!!! I want copies!!!! For everyone who wanted pics of Warp in action!!!

04-11-2002, 02:27 PM
whats up guys

guess what, i hooked up john with a job at kingman. thats right, the people who make spyders. now we can call him kingman john. at least now we have a foot in the door with a big company. i know they have some pretty good barrel plugs, im sure he'll hook us up.

as for our name, i favor strongly toward the silly route.

04-12-2002, 12:44 PM
That's funny!!!

04-14-2002, 12:33 AM
Just a reminder, and an invitation to AO people in the area to come out and play!!!!

04-14-2002, 12:46 AM
Nice pics! :D

04-14-2002, 09:02 AM

04-14-2002, 09:51 PM
Hey Bonx, is our official photographer going to be there??? Or is she going to be playing???

04-15-2002, 12:04 AM
Sorry I've been out of touch and basically non-existent. Once I get done with some of the things my friends and I have been planning out of the way, I look forward to playing more again.

So for now, take care and have fun! ;)

Btw, what time on Sunday will you be playing at the park? Who knows, maybe if my legs aren't too sore and I come back on time Sunday, I can drop by and maybe try playing.

04-15-2002, 02:06 AM
Wow..this all makes me so proud how far we've come...

04-15-2002, 10:47 AM
Well guys X-Park sounds ok but I have been getting great deals on paint 41$ a case for Performance Plus Zap, the stuff shoots darts. So one of my freinds who just bought an IR3 and myself will be going to SC Village on Sunday, man I wish you were all going to practice over there. So we could rip some teams apart man I am so pumped up! The paint will fly! we will be meeting in front of the restrooms in the main parking lot
at 8:00 am we will be getting there at 7:00 am. So if any one wants to join please do so and bring plenty of paint! Outherwise I will see you all at next practice. And I will have a team set up to practice against all day they are called team Switch.:D

04-15-2002, 12:12 PM
Sorry guys I was out of town for 4 days but I am back!!!

I now have a functioning warp feed and I am intelli linking that bad boy today.

Kingman John!!!Lol what a trip!!! Who would have thought he would get a job there. I can only imagine what he talk about in his interview.

Dave, make sure you tell john congratulations for me. What exactly is he doing at kingman???computer hardware???
A funny name is fine with me but lets get alot of them so we can take a vote at practice.

Mark, Sorry I was out of town for your get together or else I would have been there to help terrorize those fields again. Also, if you will be at XPARK tell Dave to get a case of paint for you we get it at that same price roughly. However we need six cases to be bought.

Bob, thats right you heard me right I have my warp back. Death to all who oppose the rear wall of Bob and Mark. Muhahaha!!!! As far as our photographer goes... I will ask. If she can't make it I will try to have my cousin come and get some shots of every body. BTW what is going on with the equation kit. I want one!!! I think I am done with long barrels for good. Once I get that kit I will put my freak up for sale.

Our official photographer had fun at our last practice. She told me to say hi to all of you guys.

Rey, I knew you were as hardcore as your friends say you were. Hope to see you there. no pressure though.


Croix71, THanks!!!

Bad_Knees, Congrats on the new marker!!!you should come out and test it on all of us.


04-15-2002, 12:30 PM
semantics..i always get tangled up in semantics...i'll be out there once i get all my personal stuff dealt with...

04-15-2002, 12:49 PM
The stuff I posted is for this coming Sunday the 21st. Not this past Sunday. So you still have a chance.:)

04-15-2002, 01:00 PM
Dirtybunny, aight. I thought you were getting out of paintball???

Mark, I already planned this practice and there will be quite a few people there. I am getting e-mails from new people wanting to join so I should probably be there. Sorry bro :( . How are you doing? How is your gun doing?
I got your messege that you called but I thought it was about the SC Village thing. Talk to ya later!

04-15-2002, 02:31 PM
Bonx with a warp..... Paint shall flow and bunkers shall be cleared!!!!
Markskee, why don't you and your friend come to X-park and play with us???? It's easier for 2 people to change their plans than it is for... I don't know how many!!!
See everyone there!!!!

04-15-2002, 02:49 PM
does anyone know if you can use any outher color paint at x park and how to do so? is there an extra charge:mad:

04-15-2002, 02:56 PM
only white paint. sorry.

04-15-2002, 03:05 PM

04-15-2002, 03:06 PM
Heads are gonna roll!!!

04-15-2002, 03:49 PM
Yeah I'll get out your guys way eventually! It'll be fun to play with y'all again. It was fun the one time I came out to play with you guys at the jungle.

04-15-2002, 05:16 PM
WHOAH!! Mark has a head? From the other end of the field I thought it was just a deformity that he looked like a viewloader hopper! He be back in bizness! :)

04-15-2002, 05:37 PM
whats up guys

I need to take a count of how many cases of paint i need to get. so please, everyone let me know ASAP how many cases of white paint anyone needs for sunday. if we get a total of 6 or more cases, its $40 a case. 5 or less cases, its $47 a case for diablo midnight.

i ordered my warp last week, it should be in any day now. now i can look cool like mark and bob. btw, i take no prisoners, i even shoot my own team. j/k

i played at jungle yesterday with general joes team "plague." They were the overall points champion for last season in beginner. I tore it up, even with my big *** hopper. but it was way too hot. i thought i was going to die, literally. so i may not play anymore outdoor day games, until the end of the summer.

thanks for the pics mark, (and natalie).


04-16-2002, 12:39 AM
I cant imagine how hot it must have been since you usually wear shorts!!! I wear pants and long sleeves. I will trim that down next time we play outside. We should bring a pop up if we plan on playing outside anytime soon.

Dave, you can put me down for a case. Wish I could buy more but I am in an eternity of an empty wallet. You know how it is. Anyways....

Come on guys buy up this paint so we only have to pay 40.

You guys will never guess what happened!!! I intelli linked my warp to my intelli frame and it worked perfectly. Not one problem!!! OMG I think I just jynxed it. :eek:

04-16-2002, 08:02 AM
What time are you guys meeting up again on Sunday? I'm not sure but I might actually be back at a decent time to maybe join up with you guys. Let me know! =)

04-16-2002, 10:15 AM
hey rey,

me, scottie, kingman john/spyderman (whatever you want to call him) will be there around 10-10:30.

Bob, do you still need 2 cases of paint? please let me know.


04-16-2002, 10:39 AM
Thanks Dave...if I get back in time, I'll definitely try and hook up with you folks! If I can barely run, I'll probably just end up checking you out and bring my video camera with me. Get you guys in action! :)

04-16-2002, 11:12 AM
Thats funny that he is Spyderman because I have a Venom sticker on my tank ooooo...team name possiblity not very funny though

Team Venom

Rey, I will be there at 9:30am or so I will play till I run out of 2500 rounds.

04-16-2002, 12:14 PM
Count me in for 2 cases, all to myself!!!! I'll be generouse with my paint (to the opposing team)!!!! Dave: why do you think we put you up fron??!!?!?!? Rey, quit crying and get on the field, we miss you man!!! 9:30 it is!!!

04-16-2002, 03:34 PM

04-17-2002, 10:26 AM
hey guys

i have some bad news.

scottie has to quit paintball because he has some major issues that he needs to deal with. so he wont be coming sunday. with scottie not coming, it looks like paint is going to be $47, unless anybody knows anyone else that needs paint.

i found out some interesting info concerning tourneys. NPPL tourneys allow unlimited paint per game. Panam circuit limits paint to 500 balls per player per game. if one player only needs like 300 balls, he can give the other 200 balls to another teammate. i never knew that, and i just found that interesting.

bob, can you give me exact details on that pantball junkies deal with the pants/jersey/mask? i have 2 teams that are interested and would like to do it asap. thanks

04-17-2002, 12:36 PM
No scottie???? That sucks!!! Is he ok??? If the paint is $47 a case, Don't worry about it, I'll pick some up myself!! And for the PJ deal, just call them up and talk to Steve or John, they'll take care of you!!! What they said was $500/team, includes head gear, jersey, gloves and pants, anything else, you only pay distributor prices!!

04-17-2002, 06:38 PM
Scottie will be missed make sure you tell him good luck in his troubles. I hope he is ok. Dave 47 is fine go ahead and bring my case thanks.

04-17-2002, 10:44 PM
Bob what the heck is going on with the Equation Barrel kits? I want one. :confused:

04-18-2002, 08:39 PM
hey mark and bob,

i got my warp today and i have it all hooked up to my gun. the only problem is that the hole on the warp to stick your loader in is way too big. how do you guys get the loader to stay snug in there on your guns? my loader being as big as it is falls right out. please let me know if its the same with yours, and give me some suggestions.



04-18-2002, 09:54 PM
Dave, I had the same problem. I got one layer of really shinny scotch tape wrapped around the neck of the loader. It made it snug enough. Also, make sure you tighten all the screws on the warp in order to possible close up the hole slightly. Does your cocker produce a big enough vibration in order for the warp to work? Remember after the first day of play or so it may seem that your warp is not feeding right anymore, this is due to the carbon brushes being worn in. All you have to do is turn up the sensitivity a tad and it will be fine for the rest of the time you own it. I don't have to do it with mine because I intelli linked it to my trigger so it feeds every time I pull the trigger. I wiould love to see your gun with a warp on it. How much does that thing weigh now??? I am sure you like not having all those hopper hits anymore.Bob and I can help you tune it if you ever have troubles with it.

04-18-2002, 09:57 PM
News Flash
I will be recieving a new gun within a few weeks.
And yes it is an EMAG!!!! Uh Oh!!!! I am getting it so I can upgrade it to an extreem when they come out.
Right now it is going to AGD to get overhauled. When I get it it will be like new. Muhahahaha
I cant wait to buy one of those green LED displays.

04-19-2002, 12:10 AM
check this out

i havent shot it yet. no paint, no air. i'll wait until xpark till i shoot it.

04-19-2002, 12:11 AM

04-19-2002, 12:16 AM
last one

and yes.... that is me behind the gun, oh wait, just like on the field, im invisible.... j/k.

04-19-2002, 07:19 AM
Nice Dave! Wow...Mark with an E-Mag?! UGH! You guys are moving fast! One of these days I'll have to try playing a round with your guns so I can see whether or not I'd want one. My question to Bob or Mark, seeing how the warp feed forces you to play the gun on your favorite side, how does that affect the other side?

Say if I favor shooting on my right, having the warp set up for that will eliminate my abilities to switch hands and shoot left because the warp will be in the way. Any comments?

Also, Mark, now that you've intellifed the warp, your hopper isn't hooked up anymore is it? Or wait, did you ever intellifeed your hopper? It's been so long since I've seen you guys. =(

Oh, as for Sunday, I won't be able to make it since I found out that we won't be back till later in the evening. ='(

However, Bad_Knees and I have been talking about playing sometime next weekend somewhere. I'll keep you guys posted if any of you are interested.

Wow, now that I think about it, the warp count now brings us to 3! Like you said Mark, "heads are gonna roll!"

04-19-2002, 09:36 AM
First off! Dear God Dave that thing is a monster!!! Did you have to put the elbow on so that the 90* adapter to fit?
This should be an interesting practice!!! Dave as if you didn't have enough things to worry about with your cocker!!! J/k congrats with the warp!!!
PS:Dave remember, you will have to adapt to a new style of play with that warp but after the first few games of no hopper hits and a completely viewable target area with no hopper obstructing your view you will love it. Also Dave be sure you hold your gun alot between now and when You play next so you get used to the weight and location of where the gun should sit while you play that way not everything is new to you when you play this weekend.Dave, I don't know how I am going to be able to shoot you anymore without you hopper looking like the statue of liberty out of your bunker.J/k

3 warps rocking the field will be awesome I can't wait.

Rey, Yes, the warp makes you shoot with your preferred side all the time however it does provide zero gravity loading so you can roll the gun to its side and you can shoot your unpreferred side and shoot fine!!! I shoot with my right side awesome and I roll to shoot left. I will show you the technique when I see you again. One definatly needs to learn to play with it. Once you do You never want to go back to hopper on top. Oh yeah, I intell linked me trigger to my warp feed. The hopper has been unaltered I did it this way because I have never really had any issues with my hopper feeding poorly.

04-19-2002, 10:11 AM

i actually dont need the elbow at all, but when i chop balls, a lot of times paint will blow back up into the elbow. if i had the warp thing connected to my gun without the elbow and i chopped a ball, paint would get all in the 90 degree adapter and maybe into the tubing, and that would be crazy to clean. i dont think the warp will affect my shooting style because i puposely set it up crooked so that when i hold my gun, my arms are in the natural position they'd be without the warp normally.

04-19-2002, 10:14 AM

04-20-2002, 12:54 AM
The warp should help with your chopping problem also!!!

04-20-2002, 11:29 AM
See everyone tomorrow at xpark tomorrow!!!