View Full Version : Silencer Project

04-08-2002, 03:45 PM
I want to build a silencer. I have gotten a stock mag barrel and it looks like a 14' but i could be wrong. Anyhow I want to hack it down so about 4' is left exposed out of the main body. Then build a nice fat pvc like silencer. My question is this.

Should I hack it down so short? I have a felon barrel that is short and wildly ported and it is pretty quiet.

What would be a ideal dimention to go with for optimal hush with the silencer?


04-08-2002, 05:45 PM
Don't hack it so short. TK said a while back that you need about 10" for tha ball to accelerate over (at least for it to be efficient).

For silencer - You need a second portion of tubing (PVC works fine) of a wider diameter. At the core you have to have open space for the ball to travel through. Between the corridor for the ball to travel and the outside tube you need some material to insulate the noise.

04-08-2002, 05:57 PM
Making a "silencer" for any gun, including paintball, is illegal according to the legal division at the BATF.

Besides, P-ball guns don't make a lot of noise anyway.

04-08-2002, 06:25 PM
4in should work, i believe AGD did it with a 3in a while back. I would leave it around 6 at the shortest though, any shorter and its going to be a mega gas hog.
As for silencers, yes they are illigle, but I don't think anyone is going to bother you for having one on your paintball gun. I wouldn't do it though, aside from the fact that it is illigle a silencer is pretty pointless.
"Hmm the balls are comming from my left, but since I don't here the guy shooting very loudly, ill look to my right"/ <-- That doesn't happend :)
Make it loud, intimidate people.

04-08-2002, 07:11 PM
I got some pretty funny looks from some people at Ace Hardware today. But I live in a small town so I'm not worried about it. I didn't know they were totaly illegal. However the project still stands. I figure the length of the hushcan will be about 8 inches long and the outer tube will be 3 inches in diametor. It will be a real fatty.

Back in 93 when i started this virus in myself called "paintball". A friend of mine and I were crazed with it and were on a frenzy making different silencers. I remember making out out of a 2 liter pop bottle using the tops of them inverted in the cylinder of the pop bottle. Also using a pvc pipe through the center that fit the barrel of the gun, then packed with old socks or cotton. It was huge and ugly..lol. But man it was so quiet.

I guess I'm just rekindling my adolecence. That or I want my mag to look like a nasty biatch!

I'll be sure to post my pictures of it when I'm done.

Thanks folks!

04-09-2002, 11:37 AM
Make it loud, intimidate people.

Hee hee hee. As for this i always play my first couple of rounds with the freak tip removed. The sound of a six inch non-ported barrel is equivalent to that of a rifle. Scares the bajesus out of everyone :D...God i'm horrible :D

04-09-2002, 01:07 PM
You could also try carboard disks for the "packing" material. I read somewhere that it works well for paintball.

04-09-2002, 01:33 PM
Better watch out, Chris Raehl will come in here and tell you that you should be arrested. :rolleyes:

04-09-2002, 01:40 PM
What is this guy a cop? BAAAH! Don't get me started on the legal system!

What are cardboard packing disks...i don't believe I've ever seen them.


04-09-2002, 01:45 PM
just cut cardboard in circles to jam into your pvc tube. cut em like donuts and stack em.

04-09-2002, 01:51 PM
I'm not, I think he is though. lol
BTW, I saw some really nice looking silencers on ebay. Might be worth a look.

04-09-2002, 06:27 PM
PyRo it's "illegal". Say it with me..."illegal".

Lol just kidding around with you, why would you want a silencer? The other team is still going to hear it.

04-09-2002, 07:22 PM
Silencers are fun to play scenario games with. Unless done correctly, they will hurt your accuracy though. I once had a silencer on my mag that rendered it so quiet that all you could here from about 10 ft away was the ping from the bolt spring. It was amazing.

The best way to make a good silencer is to start with a long barrel, say 16". Starting at about 1" from the muzzle end, drill large diameter porting holes in the barrel for about 6" towards the barrel back. Make sure the spacing of the holes is even on all sides and that it maintains structural integrity of the barrel. After the holes are drilled, hone the inside of the barrel at the muzzel end. This will get rid of burrs and rough edges. In fact, if you can take the internal diameter of the barrel out to .695" at the porting it will be quite accurate. Now make a tube to fit over the barrel. Two inch ABS works nicely. Make ends for the tube and a way to secure it on the barrel so that it doesn't move. Fill the tube with matterial that is good for muffling sound. Cotton batten works nicely, just make sure it can't get out the holes into the barrel. Presto, a silenced barrel that maintains accuracy, assuming it was accurate before you started.

04-09-2002, 07:23 PM
It's like a grand adventure paintball. A never ending journey through the unknown.

Mr. Cheeze

04-09-2002, 07:47 PM
yes silencers are illegal, but only if you call them that. if anyone asks, its a noise reducer!:D

04-09-2002, 09:15 PM
call it a barrel extension. and it absorbs the gas to give it more accuracy. if anyone asks that is.

Kaiser Bob
04-10-2002, 05:43 AM
First off, you never know who you are going to run into at a walk-on game, so I would be careful in taking that to your local field. Second, a silencer wont render the gun as silent as you may be hoping for. Noise comes out the feed tube as well, unless you want to put a pillow over your power feed. :)

04-10-2002, 07:02 AM
nooo call it a paper weight!! I mean they call brass nuckles and stuff like that a paper weight.. soo why not a silencer aka paper weight

04-10-2002, 09:26 AM
I was bent on making a silencer once.. I diddnt do it though.
Grab a PVC tube that fits over your barrel.
Drill holes in it.
Grab ABS tube that is bigger in diamater than the PVC.
Wrap the small PVC in Wire Mesh, and wrap anything soft, like soft foam, something that is sound absorbant, around the PVC, on top of the Wire mesh (the wire keeps the soft stuff from getting in the porting) Then slip the ABS on top.
Get some end caps and drill a hole in each cap, so the hole lines up with the PVC opening. Slip the caps on top of the ABS, and your done.
I guess its not the best way, but of well.