View Full Version : rusty mag???

04-09-2002, 06:14 AM
i have yet to see it, but on other forums i have heard people's mags have begun to rust around the breach from like ball breaks and such...has this happened to anyone here??? pic..!?

Creative Mayhem
04-09-2002, 07:46 AM
Ive owned a MINIMAG since 1994 and I've had it in all kinds of situations, tourneys, rec-ball, big vats of mud, and the occasional blood bath(mine after a good fall) After all of these situations I've done what AGD has said from the start, keep it gassed up and soak it in a pail of water. After 8 years there is no rust, what you may be seeing is just the discoloration of the welded area as the can do that after time. Like I said, I've had this for a while and I see no rust. I don't know how old yours is, so it is possible the welding materials have changed between the different years and production lines. Hope that helped.

Creative Mayhem

04-09-2002, 01:20 PM
I think i can see a little rust in my mag's body. Not sure what is is though.

But it could be what Mayhem said, i haven't taken a flashlight or a pick to it yet. Next time i tear it down, i'll take a good look.

04-09-2002, 03:06 PM
ive had a minimag for 4 years now. i notice some orange color around the brazed area where the power tube is attached, but i recall it being that way from day one. i think its just the brazing. rust propagates too fast for there to be any question, a little turns to alot quick. the only part ive ever seen rust is the screw that holds the grip to the body, and just that screw, none transfered to the surrounding area(stainless and aluminum, thats why), and this was on my friend al's mag(his marker hygene leaves alot to be desired).

04-10-2002, 05:24 PM
Ah, I dont think stainless oxidizes well, if at all. So, rust would be extrememly rare, if it were to occur. Maybe at the weld...other than that, I dont think it is capable of rusting.

04-11-2002, 12:22 PM
The rust comes from the glassbeading process that give the mags their finish. At some time someone used the bead blaster to blast some steel. The fine pieces of steel that was removed was then pressure blasted into the stainless.

04-11-2002, 09:18 PM
I agree with KayleAGD. It's probably dissimilar metal corrosion. Although aluminum and steel are very resistant to corrosion they are not corrosion proof! When removing a surface treatment (like paint!) avoid using unlike materials. Example: Use an aluminum brush to remove paint from an aluminum part. Use steel brush to remove paint from a steel part. If you don't what happens is small pieces of the foreign material imbed themselves into the host metal. Thus forming a galvanic cell and starting corrosion. Like KayleAGD said somebody probably used a bead/sand blaster on the gun and "infected" it with a dissimilar metal.