View Full Version : how was the AL AO meet?

04-09-2002, 02:27 PM
sorry, do to family problems i wasn't able to make it. so how was it? did anyone take pics?

Load SM5
04-09-2002, 04:44 PM
It was non-existant. Only 3 of us made it. EP Terry, Pedal faster and myself. Ep had to play with his buddies (new players) and I had to go play with Pedal and the tourney guys. Apparently my SFL scared people. We had some fun on the Airball field but it was not any kind of AO get together. Maybe we can try again in the future.

04-09-2002, 06:35 PM
sorry i didn't make it, but a 5 hour drive their and then another 5 back just seemed to much for me. maybe next time.