View Full Version : Paintball advertising question

04-09-2002, 11:48 PM
I was on vaccation last week and got a couple of PB2Xtreme mags from Stalker PB in Wisconsin while I was there. I noticed that 50% of the Mags are adds and that the E-mag got lots of free advertising for the SFL but the only AGD adds where for the Flatline tank.
It got me thinking... what is the best way to reach the paintball comsumer. I know I don't read many mags and I don't go to many big tourneys with trade shows. Where is PB advertizing money best spent in you the consumers opinion.

04-10-2002, 12:14 PM
The best advertising has always been and will always be word of mouth. The one that I find to be the best outside of that is demo opportunities. Mountain biking and snowboarding both use it a lot. Reading about a product in a mag isn't the same as getting your grubby little hands on it.
AGD should put together some merchandise, a truck and a tent and start visiting fields.

04-10-2002, 12:28 PM
We all advertize everytime we go out to the field. I sure do. I always try to make sure my Marker is in full form before I go. Worst thing you can do is show up with a Marker that needs work and gives a bad impression. Yes, traveling and showing is the best way. hands on. I agree with you on that one Quiet. But some advertizing in non traditional Magazines is good. Like Playboy or Maxim and such as that. I rarely read Paintball Magazines myself.

Oh and I first bought a Mag because FatMan told me to. Word of mouth.

04-10-2002, 01:19 PM
See I'm not as dumb as I look.
Point about keeping your marker in top shape is well taken. I've had a couple people interested in mags over cockers after watching me play problem free all day and the cocker owners fiddling with theirs and chopping all day.

04-10-2002, 04:23 PM
Word os mouth is the most effective form of advertising as far as purchase ratio goes, it is howerver, extremely limited, there are only so many people one person gets to talk to!!! And advertising in non paitball magazines is also a great idea!! On top of both, however, I think AGD needs to advertise in paintball magazines also!!! Think about it, if they (potential customers) don't know a marker exists, they will not ask to see it on the shelf!!!

04-10-2002, 09:59 PM
One interesting note is that the E-mags are not making the shelves. I have been asking around including at Stalker in Wis and what I am being told is because the main customization in color they just order them for peopl and have none on the shelf. Can anyone say consignment (Tom). Cockers and Angels on the other hand have lots of versions people are looking for ie I want a Dark Cocker or an Adrenelin Angel.
Just another point in advertising. If people don't see the Modular E-mag or any E-mag on the shelf they will buy the Angel that is hanging there.