View Full Version : cuting down a powerfeed

04-10-2002, 08:44 AM
I´m thinking of cutting down my powerfeed a little bit (like 1cm); my aim is to get a lower profile and a little bit centered hopper (to get the weight of the paint in the middle).
Will it have big dissadvantages or are they not so important (I think, i can only shoot 7-8bps with my Mini, so will my hopper be able to feed 8bps with the lower feed?).

Thanks a lot!

04-10-2002, 12:09 PM
when i get a powerfeed body for my mag, i am going to cut down moer than a cm. i will cut mine down until the elbows is touching the main body. it will fedd the same, my standard feed is less than an inch long. i say if anyones stupid enough to stick ther fingers inside of a feed tube, they deserve to get there fingers pinched.

04-10-2002, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Manuel_FZR
(I think, i can only shoot 7-8bps with my Mini, so will my hopper be able to feed 8bps with the lower feed?).

I don't think cutting your power feed will help. Get a warp. :D

04-10-2002, 03:50 PM
I cut mine down, so did cphillip. It does lower your profile alot and it centers it making it feel better. Use a hacksaw and make sure not to cut off too much. And make sure to make the cut clean and straight. If you have a dremel or access to one that's even better.

04-10-2002, 06:00 PM
What's the best way to clean off the edges after you cut it? I haven't really cut anything off of my markers before.

04-10-2002, 06:17 PM
well for the inside of the tube, i would use a coning bit if you have one, but dont do it alot, just enoguh to get all the burs out. if you dont have access to one, use the little cone shaped thing for the dremmel. if you cant get that, get a half round file. after your done getting all the burs off with whatever you used, sand it smooth w/ some sandpaper. heres my classic.....

04-11-2002, 07:41 AM
Ok, thanks guys ... I will cut it down 1,3cm ... I have a sightrail, so I can not cut more.
But it´s really hard to cut this SS ... I used my Dremel, but not with the right metal cutting tool; so I will look tomorrow for the right tool (hacksaw or something for my Dremel).

04-11-2002, 08:10 AM
Actualy the one I had was done by the previous owner. And very well done as a matter of fact. You couldn't even tell it had been done if you didn't know what the length was originaly. He must have taken off 3/4 of an inch or so. But I have no idea what he used to do it. It was a standard feed.

Now the Warp Feed body is basicaly a cut down PF as it is but cut down so much you have difficulty putting an elbow onto that side of it.

04-11-2002, 09:12 AM
you should have a little cookie wheel for the dremel. i dont know if thats the right word, but that what i call it. its like rough on both sides & break REALLY REALLY easy, so be careful with them. you get a nice clean cut w/ em though.

04-11-2002, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by iisp0tii
you should have a little cookie wheel for the dremel. i dont know if thats the right word, but that what i call it. its like rough on both sides & break REALLY REALLY easy, so be careful with them. you get a nice clean cut w/ em though.

... and how long does it take to cut this off? It seemed for me to take really long to cut this SS. Is the tool like a small, thin whetstone?

04-11-2002, 10:12 AM
it should only take about 5minutes if you marked off where your going to cut. but thats if its on high. i have a grinder & that thing hauls butt so it only took me about a minute with that.

04-11-2002, 10:27 AM
Manuel, it's like a thin brown stone disc. They are called 'cutting discs' when you buy them and you can get cutting compound to help also (not sure it makes much difference).

It should cut it fairly easily but take your time and patience and a high speed setting. I've cut quite a few SS mag bodies up with one before.

I recommend using a hoseclamp on the body at the side you want to keep so you can cut up against the hose clamp with the dremel disc. Make sure the clamp covers the bit you want so if you slip you only mess up the waste bit :)


04-11-2002, 10:46 AM
Good idea with the hose clamp ... I will use it! And yes, it´s a "cutting disc" ... thanks!

04-12-2002, 04:57 AM
manike, Thanks! It works great with this cutting discs and the hoseclamp (really a great tip)! Perfect work ... here the result:


The lower profile is really great (nearly a centerfeed ;) )! the marker is really better balanced, especially with a full hopper. No feed problems at the moment ...

04-12-2002, 01:01 PM
it looks good!

04-13-2002, 08:47 AM
warp body

04-13-2002, 09:24 AM
Wow looks good man! I think the guy before me just hacked it off with a hacksaw! Lol thank god the elbow cover up the uglyness.

Speedballbanks what did you do it with!!?? It's so clean!